![Hills Road Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z257/robertsloan2/HillsRoad.jpg)
My family used to hike up Strawberry Hill every Sunday evening until I got distracted by my Qiqong classes but I have resolved to hike again w.e.f this Sunday. One of the things I remember about those trips was how to move forward and up the hill, especially when we used the rope ladder. I had a choice. I could either remember the challenging parts of the route and get prepared the next time I came to it in order to move forward and upwards or remain stuck at the same place or worse still, move at a slower pace. Life is like that. Sometimes, we pick up precious lessons along the way and we may have noticed the lesson but unconsciously, we choose not to remember it but when we encounter it again, we realize its worth and then learn it again. However, if we had done so right from the start, we would have saved ourselves a lot of trouble, pain or frustration.
![colbalt blue collage Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i217.photobucket.com/albums/cc214/NewtsNook/collages%20and%20bg/2537146119_d942399b77.jpg)
Another example is how we ask for help. When young, the wonder of exploring surpasses the ordeal of asking for help from others. Then we go through a lot of challenges when we have to cross the hurdles in life when in fact, if we had only opened our mouths to ask for help, all those inconveniences might have been avoided.
Many of us could have lost countless opportunities in our lives with the neglect of that learned life experience. If we are strong enough to recognize it, then we can call it stubbornness, stupidity or blindness. The truth is, it doesn't matter what you call it. If we do not learn from our experiences, we would probably suffer setbacks, and may even slide backwards instead of moving forwards.....until we finally listen to what the world and what life is trying to tell/teach us once again, sometimes, for the umpteenth time!
![Blues Pictures, Images and Photos](http://i706.photobucket.com/albums/ww69/yoursmileygl/random/Blue-Eyes-Flowers.jpg)
Sometimes, it can get so bad that we go on a self-bashing spree, condemning ourselves and say "Oh why didn't I do this or that or remember this or that" upon realization that it would have been much simpler, easier, and less painful if we had retained the first lesson we had learnt. But tough luck. Many times, I had no other choice but to relearn it from the start. Much as it was sometimes a painful journey, in many ways, my life has been enriched along the way, too.
So what on earth am I trying to say? Ah - elementary. I learned to ask for help whenever I needed it from those who are able to help me, not just anyone at random. I learned that just because someone loves you doesn't mean they can help you. The uncanny truth is that just because someone is experienced in a particular field doesn't mean they are the best points of reference. At the same time, I also learned that just because someone couldn't help you, that doesn't mean that I should stop asking or looking for help. Sometimes, most ironically, the only one who can help me is staring at me in the mirror.
So right now, as the winds of change are blowing so hard....we have to wise up and not get stuck in a rut. It is easy to wallow in depression or to be overwhelmed but it is better to take stock of the situation than to react emotionally, although I still do sometimes have an emo spree. :-). I am choosing to learn from my experiences and to develop myself from those learned lessons in order to make a difference for myself, my loved ones and friends and to leave my mark in this world. Ultimately, I have learned to believe in myself and most of all, to love myself and not to bash myself when things go wrong. I am sure you have done it too and you will continue to do it. God bless you!!!
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