by Keith Sonnenberg
The study of many subjects can be achieved through reading books. The coordination of mind and body can be achieved through athletics and sports. Compared to martial arts training, both of these pursuits have limitations, however. In this article, I will explain how an individual can learn coordination of mind and body and gain knowledge of how one's own body moves. In addition, movement can be made more efficient through training in Wing Tsun kung-fu! One's confidence can improve as well as the ability to concentrate. In addition, a good bit of basic geometry and basic physics is taught in the bargain, relative to the self defense of one's own body.
The beginner is shown the opening sequences of the basic Wing Tsun form called Siu Nim Tau. Siu Nim Tau has all the elements of Wing Tsun's movements contained within it. It's sheer subtlety and slow movement encourages the student to think simpley and to forget life's concerns. Concepts like "the shortest distance between two points," and "relaxing and breathing low in the abdomen" help in the pursuit of learning to quiet the mind and teach the concepts.
A class, by necessity, is taught in groups but students are guided individually. The principals of the Siu Nim Tau guide the student in future training.
Misconceptions about how to deal with force are addressed. People are different from one another. Some do not have the physical body strength of others. For this reason, superior strength is not dealt with head on. The opposite method from what we are ac- customed to is often used in a self defense encounter. A different mind set is required for this. This mindset is not "standard equip- ment" in today's world. This must be taught. This change in the mind set allows for a different outlook and the "permission" to look at things differently.
This kind of training takes a person out of the mundane world and into a world of principals, concepts and health-enhancing changes, both in the exercise it gives and the different kind of mental exercise it imparts.
For a person whose life is one of over-wrought emotions and confusing choices, Wing Tsun offers unimpeachable logic and intelligence. Wing Tsun is straight forward and unambiguous in its intent - to protect you from harm in an assault. Through this kind of training, one develops courage and self confidence, solutions through logic and a fitness regimen that supports the mental side.
Wing Tsun does not train one to be violent but, instead, train one to be peaceful. Violence arises out of fear and Wing Tsun reduces fear. Once the basics are under control, a student moves on the practice a drill called "chi sau." Chi sau is a superior mind - body exercise. It involves the contacting of two sets of arms, not in a random fashion like I have seen performed by some imitators but based on the arm positions learned earlier. In order to learn self confidense against a real attacker, it is important to face one's attacker. This training takes place in the secure confines of the traing facility and with a friendly partner. Each partner learns to use a subtle forward energy to "cling arms." In a rolling motion based on three of Wing Tsun's deflecting arm positions, the students learn to deflect, dissolve or evade an attacker's energy. After sufficient training in each level of chi sau, the student learns to put into practice what they have learned in a more realistic way. Chi sau principals are applied in a drill call "lat sau" which separates the combatants so a student gest to experience the different possible ranges that can occur in a real encounter. Highly accurate straight line strikes, punches and low kicks are used in the most efficient manner possible in mock fights. Applying Wing Tsun's concepts exemplified in its 3 forms and chi sau practice is the highest physical and mental test of skill. Competition does not exist in Wing Tsun except with onesself.
To reach the first of 12 student grades usually takes about 5 months. To reach the first full instructor lvel (Primary Level Technician)can take 5 years. Once a person experinces Wing Tsun's learning environment and its valuable life principals, the time it takes is not the most important thing anymore.
Author's Bio
Mr. Keith Sonnenberg has been teaching and studying martial arts for over 33 years. He began the practice and study of Wing Tsun in 1980 under the tutelage of the Grand Master, Professor Leung Ting. At this time, he became the first American student of the Grand Master and appears in his book, "Dynamic Wing Tsun Kung-Fu." Currently he teaches Wing Tsun at the Scottsdale Martial Arts Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Web site: He can be reached at the e-mail address:
This is the fourth post I am posting in my blog in Wing Chun. The articles are over here.
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