Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 17, 2009 0 comments
You’ve probably heard of arachnophobia, thanks in part to the movie with the same name, and claustrophobia, but what about gamophobia or phobophobia? Here’s a brief introduction to phobias, from the familiar to the more obscure.

*This post was first posted on November 14th 2008 and am reposting it today :-).

Acrophobia: Fear of heights

Agoraphobia: Fear of being in a public place

Ailurophobia: Fear of cats

Androphobia: Fear of men

Anthropophobia: Fear of human companionship

Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders

Bathophobia: Fear of deep places

Claustrophobia: Fear of enclosed spaces

Cynophobia: Fear of dogs

Entomophobia: Fear of insects

Ereuthophobia: Fear of blushing

Gamophobia: Fear of marriage

Gephyrophobia: Fear of crossing a bridge

Gymnophobia: Fear of seeing a naked person

Gynephobia: Fear of women

Hedonophobia: Fear of pleasure

Hypengyophobia: Fear of responsibility

Hypnophobia: Fear of sleep

Ichthyophobia: Fear of fish

Mysophobia: Fear of dirt

Nostophobia: Fear of going home

Nyctophobia: Fear of night or darkness

Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes

Pathophobia: Fear of disease

Pediophobia: Fear of children or dolls

Phobophobia: Fear of phobias

Psychrophobia: Fear of the cold

Scopophobia: Fear of being stared at

Spectrophobia: Fear of mirrors

Tocophobia: Fear of childbirth

Theophobia: Fear of God

Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of the number thirteen

Zoophobia: Fear of animals

The following were comments left by Antares and Danielykl.

Malaysian phobias by Antares

- Agiphobia (fear of being prosecuted by Abdul Gani Patail)

- Anwarphobia (fear of becoming the parliamentary opposition)

- Bumiphobia (fear of company going bankrupt)

- Petraphobia (fear of being exposed on Malaysia Today)

- Salmonolabraphobia (fear of lips turning pink)

- Tyrannophobia (fear of being oppressed)

- Toyophobia (fear of being attacked through Utusan Malaysia by rabid dentist)

- Sinophobia (irrational fear of Slant Eyes)

- Umnophobia (fear of absolutely no change)

- Velluphobia (fear of traveling on toll highways)

And this one is from danielykl:

-Albarphobia (fear of getting bald and despised)

* Please feel free to add on to the list. Thanks. Have a nice day!

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