Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 3, 2009 0 comments
For many months now, I had been contemplating the snip snip routine for the short short and sassy hair style which I sported in my younger days. Ever since the time I went for a cropped look and sported a short style in the late 1980's to early 1900's, my better half forbade me to have short hair ever again. Women are seldom satisfied. When we have short hair, we want long hair. And when we have long hair, we yearn for a short style. *sigh*

I still remember his reaction when he saw me. His face went pale and then livid with horror as he stood rooted to the ground. In the thirty odd years that we have been together, I have only seen him angry on two occasions- that was one of them and the other had nothing to do with me :-) haha!

"If it were possible for you to glue back every single strand of your hair, I would ask you to do it. But since it is not, remember that you must never ever cut your hair THAT short again!!" he said calmly and firmly. I vaguely remember seeing smoke coming out of his nostrils and his ears!!! Just kidding. Of course not. But - he was quite angry. That's me in the centre with my girlfriends, Ivy and Vicky. And that was about a month after the bushfire I mean hair blaze I mean haircut ;). Well it was different in those days as I used to spend every evening doing twenty laps in about 30 minutes whereas now, I swim in cyberspace visiting twenty sites in about the same time frame!

Anyway, it is my mother-in-law's birthday tomorrow. I thought I'd better do something to my hair before the waiter thinks I am the maid of the family with my dowdy hairstyle. Happily, I called my hairstylist Reo whose saloon is at Island Plaza. He was my gym buddy at Clark Hatch Heritage Club and we used to do our weights together thrice a week in the mornings before he moved back to Fitness First. That was when I started to get lazy with no partner to spur me on. Those of you who know Reo can vouch that his body fat is below 15%!!! Mine - haiz...no need to mention already ever since I started blogging!!! My fat calipers would probably snap and my body fat manager would probably be short circuited ;).

Sadly, Reo said, "I am not in Penang, Paula." Ok. Then I went to another hairstylist near my home. I had instructed my boy to pack at least three hours worth of work :-) because I thought I'd straighten my hair etc...While I was parking my car, my boy said, "Mom, the salon is closed."

"April Fool's Day is over, son," was my reply as I reversed my car.

"Really! It is closed, mom! Take a look for yourself," he said gleefully.

"It's only closed on Wednesdays," was my stubborn response. And then I turned my head to look. Horrors! It was closed. Then the realization hit me. Qing Ming. They must have all gone for Qing Ming today.

Immediately, I called my other hairstylist. (Moral of the story: Always have three hairsylists!!!) To my relief, he was open and I said ,"I'm on my way!"

Upon arrival, he gasped when he saw the Medusa and the my-hair-is-going and growing-all-over-the-place style I was sporting.

"I know. Knock off ten years please. I don't care what you do as long as you don't cut it short," was my response.

While he recommended a complete layered look, I hesitated as I know from past experience that I cannot take a layered cut because I will look as though I am wearing a hairy crash helmet on my head and everything will blossom if you get my drift.

Anyway, I reckon he did a good job with a layered look although my heart broke as he took off at least FOUR INCHES of my precious hair booohoooohooooo :(. Now, I can breathe with much relief and go for the dinner without fear and trepidation because er...at least I look decent enough now ....and it could be Stage 1 to get a short and sassy look again....*wink* It is better that I do it in stages lest hubby gets a cardiac arrest from the sudden transition...

So much for my hairy tale - here's moi wishing you and yours a lovely weekend!

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