Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 2, 2009 2 comments
In my twenty odd years of work, I realize that many people have this problem; procrastination - not acting when the time is right. I can write a booklet about the number of excuses that students have given me for not meeting deadlines. Indeed, procrastination is a self-defeating behavior. I should know because I was a terrible procrastinator when I was in school but somehow reformed myself during my varsity days.

What does procrastination do?

It produces anxiety, guilt, disharmony and a nagging awareness that it is time to do the task but yet we do not want to do it but still we have to do it even though we do not want to do so.

When we put off doing something, we are not always procrastinating. Sometimes doing something too early before the time is right can as self-defeating as waiting too long. I used to be a great worrier, especially with regards to my studies. In my final year, I finished my thesis 5 months ahead of schedule and was the first to hand it up. I did very well but was it worth it? While I played squash and swam everyday in the last semester of my final year, the months before that were spent in endless worry, sleepless nights...and draft after draft of my thesis. If I could do it again, I would do it in a saner time frame and enjoy the process of learning!!!

Sometimes, procrastination can destroy a relationship if both parties in a relationship procrastinate about declaring their love or mending the relationship - all because each was waiting for the other to make a move. Delay not! Seize the day!

Even in our daily lives - we should not procrastinate because in doing so, we may be depriving ourselves from grabbing that golden opportunity staring right at us!

I believe we need to listen to ourselves. What needs to be done? Why aren’t we doing it? Are we avoiding it because we do not want to face up to something? Is there a built-up in anxiety because we are putting it off? Are we wallowing in self-pity or grief? I have long given up hosting pity parties but am learning to face problem squarely and to take the bull by its horns.

Sadly, procrastination is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE until it becomes a habitual act. I actually know of one friend who thrives and enjoys procrastinating, declaring how he gets the thrill from the adrenalin rush from rushing to meet deadlines! But at the end of the day, his quality of life is drastically affected.

The bottom line is being responsible, loving ourselves, learning to be in harmony with our own schedules and not to push ourselves to limits of last minute work which only spells mediocrity and indifference to utilizing and maximizing our talents and potential.

So, if there's something that needs to be done, let’s just do what we have to do and enjoy it!

Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Starmandala Perhaps I'll leave a proper comment later....

  1. says:

    Unknown LOL!!! What a riot! Haha! Good one, Antares...Thanks..


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