Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2 comments
If you have been married for any length of time you know full well the amount of work that has already taken place. Yet, there is still more work looming.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were some short cuts to experiencing more blessings in a marriage?

While there are no easy tricks or short cuts that will lead to success in marriage (there is simply no way around the fact that marriage takes work) there are some different hacks you can try that may bring about another level of passion and adventure.

Some of these my wife and I have tried with success, a few others we are attempting along with you.

1. Block out time for each other. While this may seem like a no-brainer, many times it goes undone. It is too easy to get caught up in the routine of the week and only see each other in passing. No relationship worth having can survive for long without time dedicated to its development. Go to dinner together, shop for groceries, go for a walk. Whatever, just do it together.

2. Plan the week together ahead of time. Each Sunday my wife and I have a quick discussion regarding the coming week and each other’s schedule. That way, if there is anything to be reminded of or worked around, there is time to adjust.

3. Do it on Monday’s. Not to discourage doing it on other days of the week as well, but if you regularly begin the week with an encounter with your spouse, it sets a positive tone for the rest of the week. Many couples seem to work up to doing it later in the week, this allowing for schedules, workloads, weekend plans with the kids, you name it to get in the way. Start off the week together and see if the rest of the week is different between you.

4. Email your spouse throughout the week. Anytime we can make contact with the people important in our lives, the relationships are better. Due to the busy nature of people and their unavailability at times during the day, send a quick email. Seeing a note from my wife in the inbox brightens the moment.

5. Keep a clean and organized bedroom. When your surroundings are chaotic and cluttered, your life is as well. It is inevitable that we will be impacted by our surroundings. If you want to experience a romantic and passionate marriage, create the environment for it. Nothing can spoil the beginnings of a spark like clutter and messiness. Put everything in its place in the bedroom, clear off the dressers and nightstands. Clean the floor. Make the bed each morning. It will be much more inviting to go in to later in the day.

6. Go for a walk. Not only will you and your spouse benefit from the time spent together during the walk, you will also notice the difference in your own metal and emotional well-being. When you go walking regularly with your spouse, you will also notice better physical health. It’s a win, win, win.

7. Unclutter your to do list. There are many things that compete for our time, and sadly, the most important things usually get pushed aside for the little to do’s. Focus on the most important things each day. Get those things done then reward yourself with quiet time at home with your spouse.

Extracted from Simple Marriage


  1. says:

    Anonymous Wow, what a great advice list for busy couples! This could really help a lot. :)
    I always agree on spending times with your partner while walking. And yes, it's a win, win, win. And also about the cleanliness thing.. I agree that how your house looks may reflect on your relationship. If your house (not only room) is clean and organized.. your relationship with your partner as well might be healthy and organized.

    Thank you for helping saving a marriage. And happy blogging! :)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hello

    Thanks so much for popping by and leaving your insightful comment.

    Thanks also for sharing the link.

    Have a good day and may you be blessed and happy in your blogging too! :-)


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