Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 17, 2009 4 comments
His dizzy aunt - Verti Gogh
The brother who ate prunes - Gotta Gogh
The grandfather from Yugoslavia - U Gogh
The cousin from Illinois - Chica Gogh
His magician uncle - Where-diddy Gogh
His Mexican cousin - A Mee Gogh
The brother who worked at a convenience store - Stop N Gogh
The Mexican cousin’s American half-brother - Gring Gogh
The nephew who drove a stage coach - Wells-far Gogh
An aunt who taught positive thinking - Way-to Gogh
The constipated uncle - Cant Gogh
The ballroom dancing aunt - Tang Gogh
The bird lover uncle - Flamin Gogh
His nephew psychoanalyst - E Gogh
The fruit loving cousin- Man Gogh
The little bouncy nephew - Poe Gogh
A sister who loved disco - Go Gogh
And his niece who travels the country in a van - Winnie Bay Gogh

And there ya Gogh!

-Author Unknown-

*This post is specially dedicated to Madeng with whom I had countless and endless moments of joyous laughter. I hope she survives reading this post. HUGS!!!


  1. says:

    Starmandala Overheard at the starting line during the annual painters' marathon: "On your marks... get set... GOGH!" (sorry! ;-)

  1. says:

    Unknown LOL! Good one, Antares...Thanks!

    Love your part 4 post!

    Take care and have a lovely weekend, dear Antares.


  1. says:

    Walski69 Through some forensic investigation, I managed to find a few more relatives:

    *Very distant relative from Johor - Par Gogh
    *Latchkey nephew - Noweh Tu Gogh
    *Aunt with a compulsive gambling habit - Bing Gogh
    *Second cousin, twice removed, now living in Florida - Keylar Gogh
    *Maternal uncle, who specializes in niche languages - Lin Gogh

    And I better stop, before the deep end I GOGH... :p

    Have a lovely weekend!

  1. says:

    Unknown WOW! Walski, that is simply BRILLIANT!!!!

    Thanks for sharing before you Gogh :-)...

    Salam to you and yours and wishes too for a lovely weekend.

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