Posted by Unknown On Sunday, June 21, 2009 8 comments
He walks into the room and everybody looks his way,
He is a handsome older man, with just a touch of gray.
He carries himself perfect, with an air of elegance,
Not proud or arrogant like some, that makes the difference.

The restaurant we are meeting at, is lit so very dim,
But I can see the other ladies, staring straight at him.
He is so neat and well dressed, looking like a movie star,
And all the ladies watch him as he stops there by the bar.

I see the other ladies watching as he stops to linger,
And watch them poke their lady friends, and gesture with their finger.
I am so proud as I sit here, and watch their little show,
I'm the one he's asking for, but right now they don't know.

I know he'll make me feel so proud, when they know he's with me,
What they don't know, is he's much more than just what they can see.
Oh, yes he is a handsome man, as all the ladies know,
But, he is so much more to me, than what appearance shows.

He is the greatest man I've known, and treats me tenderly,
But sometimes in the past he felt he had to punish me.
I understand his methods now, and all has turned out well,
These ladies, who are watching him, should hear what I could tell.

And now he's meeting me today and it will be my treat,
The ladies are still whispering and wonder whom you'll meet.
You start walking to the table as you wave at me,
And as I smile, I also feel their eyes full of envy.

The whispers increase now as toward me you begin to walk,
I smile because you're twice my age, and now I know they'll talk.
She is so lucky they will say, I've heard it all before,
But what they don't know is this handsome man is so much more.

He's everything a man could be and he is my hero,
And as you reach the table I let everybody know.
How proud I am that you're with me and you're a total winner,
I proudly say, "It's Father's Day, Hi Dad, I'm buying dinner!"

-written by Poppy-



  1. says:

    mamasita Happy Father's Day dear Paula!
    Was busy window-shopping in 1-Utama and the Curve today.
    Got Dato' a Father's Day present!Davidoff's latest perfume!
    Koyak my pocket!! hahaha

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Datin Mamasita

    Aiyo - ku cemburu lah. I love to shop at the Curve and 1-Utama...and I also love Davidoff perfume but I have not tried the latest one..My pocket also koyak cos I got my hero a HTC pda phone he is using a very very old phone..

    I am sure you had a lovely celebration with Dato' and the kids. Have a safe trip back home.

    Take care and salam to you and yours.

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney We could only send Dad an e-card that he can retrieve via his iPhone. We cats can't go shopping as most shopping malls have a "No Pets" signs pasted on the unfair! Wish we could morph into humans when we want to...meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Cat-in-Sydney,

    Awww that is so sweet of your mama...Do you ever get to go out? I was hiking yesterday evening and saw many poodles and shih-tzus strolling with their masters but no cats...

    At noon yesterday, I found a dead pup in my garden. Eeeeww? Still cannot get over it. How did it get there? I think the kitties in my garden must have fought with it. I have a cat that lives in my garden...My younger boy washed the place and chloroxed the area...

    You take care and have a good week ya?


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Luckily there are many pet friendly hotels and resorts in this country. So, not too bad for cats. We love our outings to the farms and the countryside.
    Ooh...that poor puppy! Did you give it a proper burial? I hope you did.

  1. says:

    Unknown My oh my you are one lucky cat being pampered with all these luxurious get-aways! Your mama loves you and the others very much. Am sure you had loads of fun there.

    Hubby carried out the rituals. I stayed far far away as I was in a state of shock. Even now, I still shudder at the memory of the gruesome sight.

    *sigh* Poor thing...

    Anyway, you will be off for your holiday soon...Take care and enjoy yourself and don't forget me pppuuurrrrleeeez...:-)


  1. says:

    Anonymous This is such a sweet poem. I hope you and yours had a great Father's Day weekend.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Andrea,

    Am glad you like it too. Yes, we had a great time exercising as hubby is an exercise buff - the lean and mean type of guy LOL!

    I hope you had a lovely time with your dad and/or dadsy too...

    Take care and may this be another fantastic week for you.


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