Posted by Unknown On Friday, June 19, 2009 2 comments
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2 comments to IF GOD HAD STARTED ADVERTISING...(ppt)

  1. says:

    uncle james Dear MWS,

    What a cool post ! I love the.... " look at my masterpiece. In the mirror."

    Ain't we all GOD's greatest creations of masterpieces?

    We should teach our youngsters to look into the mirror and say "You are GOD's masterpiece".

    Then we will have more successful students who will become tomorrow's leaders becos they believe that they are GOD's masterpieces.

    I always believe that i am one of GOD's masterpiece....and i believe that you are one too !

    CHEERS, fellow masterpiece.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi brother James,

    Lovely to see you again, brother James :-).

    Yes, that is the quote that I like too...And if we were to teach kids that quote, I am sure many of them would grow up with high self-esteem.

    Take care, dear Masterpiece of God and please keep in touch!

    Blessings to you and yours.

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