Posted by Unknown On Friday, June 19, 2009 8 comments
As some of you might know, music is a very integral part of my life. I love different genres of music including jazz, R & B, rock, 60's etc. Yet, a very important part of my childhood revolved round some lovely Malaysian/Indonesian tunes by groups such as The Thunderbirds, Naomi and the Boys, Anneke Gronloh so for tonight, I am featuring a couple of my old favorites here...

The first Malay song I learnt how to sing as a four year old kid was Burung Kakatua and this version by Anneke Gronloh is one of my favorites. Some of you might think I am quite mad but this is such a signature tune of the 60's that was a 'must-learn' song in the kindergarten programs of that era. Please CLICK HERE for the original version of Burung Kakatua by Anneke Gronloh.

Anneke Gronloh was born in Celebes (Indonesia). She moved to The Netherlands at an early age. Her first four singles (Brandend Zand, Paradiso, Soerabaja and Cimeroni) all became No. 1 in the Netherlands in 1962 and 1963. She represented and sang the Dutch entry for the 1964 Eurovision Song Contest, Jij Bent Mijn Leven (The Netherlands was the first country to send a singer of non-European ancestry). Anneke toured Indonesia and SE-Asia region regularly and recorded Oh Malaysia! (a remake of Brandend Zand in celebration of the newly formed Federation of Malaysia) and other popular Malay songs like Boeroeng kaka, Nina bobo, O Papa Oja, Bengawan solo and Buka Pintu.

For Anneke Gronloh's powerful rendition of Bengawan Solo, please CLICK HERE.

Another of my childhood favorites is "SUKIYAKI" and here's a very unusual DUTCH version of the song by the Blue Diamonds. The harmony arrangement is most unusual and brings out the essence of the song...Please CLICK HERE to enjoy this beautiful version of Sukiyaki.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a great time karaoking with Angela via Skype - she was belting "HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY" by Naomi and the Boys and MY LONELY HEART (1966) by the Thunderbirds.

This is one of the most popular original local compositions in the history of Singapore Pop Music. Features the vocals of Harvey Fitzgerald, who also co-wrote this song with Gerry Pasqual.

Lead guitarist Derrick Fitzgerald provides the distinctive slide guitar riffs by using a metal bar, the riffs so iconic that all subsequent covers by other recording artistes have duplicated them note for note.

Finally, enjoy Broery's version of WIDURI at THIS LINK. May you have a lovely time listening to these lovely oldies but goodies. Good night!

8 comments to OLDIES BUT GOODIES

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Masterwordsmith, you made my Mama sing tonight! It was in a language I don't understand. She was singing Sukiyaki in Japanese!!! Reminds her of her student exchange days, she said. hmmm....purrr purrr

  1. says:

    Donplaypuks® Alamak. You make me feel depressed.

    Here I am trying to bs my kids I'm all hip and hop and you bring on Aneka Gronloh! Groan!

    But wasn't it 'burong' until Anwar screwed it up? I hate it when they Indon and hanyupinyinized everything, like Quay Teow became Kwei Diu and Kong Hee Fatt Choy became Gong Si Fa Chai and Mao Tse Tung, Mao Zedong? Lol

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Cat-in-Sydney,

    Hahaha! Aiyo You have a great sense of humor...Your mama loves you very much to serenade u in Japanese :-)...


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi DPP,

    You are such a riot LOL! I did not know you have such a wicked sense of humor haha! Thanks for making me laugh so much even though it is like 2.41am :-).

    Thanks for being such an interesting commenter...

    Take care and happy singing haha

  1. says:

    jonno1951 Paula

    Haven't visited for awhile due to workload and the first post I read brings back so much fond memories. Sigh. Those good old care free days.

    Love to the family

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Uncle John

    True true - I was reveling in the memories of my childhood while listening to those oldies. Have a great weekend!

    Hugs and love to you from all of us

  1. says:

    Chahya Aiyoh...
    You karaoke without inviting me...?
    I havent thought of karaokeing online hehehe... So far only two person have mentioned about karaoke online, one is my blogger fren nightwing and another one is you.

    I think you love Keroncong as well...
    I can almost imagine you wearing a batik pario, with flower garlands around your neck, having cocktail drinks decorated with a pink orchid at a beach resort, while listening to melodious Keroncong...* :D

    I love oldies too!!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi dear Chahya

    I LOVE keronchong!!! Even as a little girl, I remember watching those black and white RTM music series that showcased keronchong hits of the 1960's.

    One day we must krk online together. Do you have skype? If you do, add me. Then we can sing together!!! How cool! Otherwise, goodness knows when we will ever meet but one day we must..

    Take care and have a lovely weekend...


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