Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, June 23, 2009 8 comments
Today, I received an interesting mail from a blogger who asked me how one can tell if he or she has fallen in love.

My answer was a simple one. I told him that he will know when he falls in love. Actually, he asked the wrong person. I have not fallen in love that often to be able to give a comprehensive answer. In fact, I have only truly fallen in love TWICE in my life. However, I have been able to relate to some guys very very well - nothing romantic. I call them soul mates where we can click, and talk for hours on end about anything under the sun, feel completely at home with each other and comfortable enough without any romantic entanglement. I cannot explain the kind of connection but there is a connection, a beautiful one indeed. Sometimes, these friends disappear and then reappear but whatever the case, they brought beauty and meaning into my life and for that I am thankful. So far, I have only been able to relate to one woman in this way - and that is dear Angela whom I love and respect deeply.

One of those guys married my varsity mate and they have three daughters. We last met at Penang Swimming Club for karaoke with the other old friends during Chinese New Year in 2007. We were in the same church and he, as head prefect in SXI in my cohort, was very popular among the girls. Think at one point there were two of my friends who liked him. For me, he was like a brother to me and we could chit chat, go for makan, movies etc and never felt any romantic attraction but a special bond. One of the greatest gifts he gave me, besides his friendship, was a piece of paper on which he wrote (in his most beautiful handwriting) "SPECTRUM OF LOVE".

Tonight, I would like to share those thoughts with you....The paper is yellowed now, creased because I read it so many times and kept it in a special box of memento from the past...but the depth of meaning is still there and resounds through the years...and I am very moved even when reading it again, let alone typing it... Can't believe we had just completed our MCE when he gave this to me. We used to exchange prose and poetry and I have to dig the other stuff which others have given me. Sigh. We did not have computers in the 1970's!

This message from him came at a very important time when hubby and I were courting and I appreciate his advice and the times we sat under the huge raintree in the church grounds and talked and talked about our deepest fears and concerns.

Thanks, L.E.T. for this beautiful gift which I have treasured for over 33 years!!!...And I dug it out specially for Dr. Murali...Hope it answers your questions...and may you find the girl of your dreams...


Spectrum of Love

"I love you."

There is a much greater motivation
than simply my spoken words.

For me to love is to commit myself,
freely and without reservation.

I am sincerely interested
in your happiness and well being.

Whatever your needs are,
I will try to fulfill them
and will bend in my values
depending on the importance
of your needs.

If you are lonely and need me,
I will be there.
If in that loneliness
you need to talk,
I will listen.
If you need to listen,
I will talk.
If you need the strength
of human touch,
I will touch you.

If you need to be held,
I will hold you.
I will lie naked in body with you
if that be your need.
If you need fulfillment of the flesh,
I will give you that also,
but only through my love.

I will try to be constant with you
so that you will understand
the core of my personality
and from that understanding
you can gain strength and security
that I am acting as me.
I may falter with my moods.
I may project, at times,
a strangeness that is alien to you,
which may bewilder or frighten you.
There will be times
when you question my motives.

But because people are never constant
and are as changeable as the seasons,
I will try to build up within you
a faith in my fundamental attitude
and show you that my inconsistency
is only for the moment
and not a lasting part of me.

I will show you love now.
Each and every day,
for each day is a lifetime.

Every day we live,
we learn more how to love.
I will not defer my love
nor neglect it,
for if I wait until tomorrow,
tomorrow never comes.

It is a cloud in the sky,
passing by.
They always do, you know!

If I give you kindness and understanding,
then I will receive your faith.

If I give hate and dishonesty,
I will receive your distrust.

If I give fear and am afraid,
you will become afraid and fear me.

I will give to you
what I need to receive.

To what degree (amount) I give love
is determined by my own capability.

My capability is determined
by the environment of my past experience
and my understanding
of love, truth, and God.

My understanding is determined
by my parents, friends,
places I have lived and been.
All experiences that
have been fed into my mind from living.

I will give you
as much love as I can.

If you will show me
how to give more,
then I will give more.

I can only give you
as much as you need to receive
or allow me to give.

If you receive all I can give,
then my love is endless and fulfilled.

If you receive a portion (part)
of my love,
then I will give others
the balance I am capable of giving.

I must give all that I have,
being what I am.

I have loved a boy, a girl,
my parents, art, nature, children
and myself -
only to the depth that I know myself.

All feelings in life
I find beautiful.

No human being or society
has the right to condemn
any kind of love I feel
or my way of expressing it,
if I am sincere,
sincerity being the honest realization
of myself,
and there is no hurt or pain
intentionally involved in my life
or any life my life touches.

I want to become a truly loving spirit,

Let my words, if I must speak,
become a restoration of your soul.

But when speech is silent,
does one project the great
depth of their sensitivity.

When I touch you,
or kiss you,
or hold you,
I am saying
a thousand words.

~ Walter Rinder ~

Dear blog reader, if you have found your true love....love her or him always...If the one whom you have is not your true love, love him or her anyway because you chose to be with him or her...There could be someone else out there whom you love and cannot be with or maybe you have not found him or her yet......remember love...for when one loves, one cannot stop loving the person...not one day, not even in a year or many decades...

For when one loves, it should be forever....

May you have a lifetime of love, happiness, fulfilment, completeness and good health always.

8 comments to SPECTRUM OF LOVE

  1. says:

    Murali Simply beautiful Paula..Thank you :~)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Murali,

    You are most welcome...It is very beautiful ya?

    Take care and cheers!

  1. says:

    Crankster Funny you should mention it but I wondering the same thing - how to tell if you've fallen in love.

    Guess you gave me some sort of direction. :)

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Crankster

    ;-) Aha - that is brilliant news ;-)...catch up when you are back ok?

    Have a god flight home and bring back lots of chocs :-)

    Blessings to you...

  1. says:

    Crankster Nah, I'm fickle. And probably too wrapped up in myself.

    But yes, let me know when you're next down in KL and we'll meet - or attend a political function together! ;-)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Crankster,

    :-) Sure thing, dear Crankster..Think I should be there again in July or August...Similarly, let me know if you come up to Penang.

    Take care and keep in touch.

    Blessings to you...

  1. says:

    ndhaniya I loved this,it's absolutely beautiful. (May just use this as a checklist in future! :)
    Hope all's good with you Ms Khoo, xo

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Nisha,

    Strangely, I was thinking of you when posting this because I thought you would be capable of writing something like this!!!

    Am glad you like it. I'm doing well, deaar Nisha. Thanks for asking. Met up with Huey Sian last week and she is well too.

    Take care and please keep in touch.

    hugs and lots of love

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