Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, June 17, 2009 6 comments
Life as a lady of leisure is not an easy as one might think. Time seems to pass by so quickly that there is hardly enough time for me to do what I plan to do. When I still had a few job assignments, it seemed like clockwork. Wake up, work, then do the housework, blog, spend time with my son, do some cleaning, work a bit then hubby comes home and then family time and blogging time again but I find that lately, as I grow older, I am also slower in my chores and as such, need more time to accomplish tasks to the extent that I have been procrastinating in many areas of my life.

Frankly, I am sure you would have guessed by now that I cannot sit still at home except when I am blogging. I am usually doing something or cleaning something. To ensure that I maximize my free time, I have decided to get out of my inertia-based procrastination and have planned a few projects to be accomplished in the next few months.

Project #1 Refurnish my older boy's room

My older boy has always been a simple guy. The only demands he made when he was a kid was toys toys toys and he never bothered me about fancy branded clothes or trips to expensive hair saloons or expensive hand phones. Now that he is in KL and comes back once in a few months, his room is under-utilized.

I am going to get him new bedroom furniture cos he is using my old bedroom set and this time, there will be a proper workstation for Nick to do his projects and also book cabinets :-) so that I can reorganize my books systematically.

Project #2 Reorganize my workout equipment

When I used to be a gym freak, slimmer and fitter, my older boy wanted to join a gym as well but I bought gym equipment so that both of us could workout together and in this way, build better relationships and save money. Fat hope. :-)

The treadmill was used for clothes that had to be ironed, exercise bike was used to block one door, dumb-bells were dismantled. bar bells put aside, exercise bench was used for laundry and oh the white elephants are too many to be listed. Each time, my dear husband would ask me when I would ever use the equipment again. Well, this time I am not going to give up on myself or the equipment and watch both rot away :-). I will, in time, rearrange all the equipment and keep them all in ONE room instead of all over the house and make sure I am disciplined to wake up and then work out each day to ensure I am in tip top health condition.

When rearranging the furniture and equipment, I am not going to say that I don't like change a but I am going to be brave to bring about positive change in my life and in my house even if it means a lot of work.

Project #3 Organize the garden

I must throw away old pots and plants that are not doing well and buy a few new ones and getting a good benches both for the garden and balcony.

Project #4 Catalogue my books

I have reached the stage where I have bought double or triple the number of copies of the same book because there are many in my collection which I have yet to read. Just a few days ago, when I was clearing my dining table of the new books I bought in the last three book fairs, I realized that I bought two copies of Paul Auster's "Oracle Night", two copies of "A Spot of Bother" and two copies of one of Neil Gaiman's books :-(. I have had to stack my books on my shelves one on top of another and I cannot see the book spines to review what I have or do not have so the double purchase is one indirect consequence of this space problem and forgetfulness.

Project #5 Give away old clothes, toys and other stuff

I normally give away our clothes every few months as my boy is outgrowing his clothes and shoes. Being one who believes in having very little, I have reached a stage in my life where I believe that less is better than more (except for books!!!) so must give away the things that I do not need to either a charitable home, recycling center or to the SPCA.

Project #6 Continue writing my book

Discipline is needed to write anything - even this post. Now, I can appreciate why John Steinbeck wanted a place he could call he own, on top of a hill, where he could write in peace without being disturbed by anyone. I think Nick is more disciplined than I am in this area ...I cannot imagine how I wrote five books in two years in my first job as a writer for an organization. I would need ten years to do the same now :-).

Project #7 Be more disciplined in my Spanish and German lessons and to do my homework and practises :-(.

Project #8 Remove all clutter in the house by either throwing away or giving away stuff that I do not need and have as much empty space as I can at home to facilitate cleaning.

Project #9 Read and finish two books a week.

Project #10 Attend an IT and an art course within the next three months if I can clear #1 to #9.

Project #11 Get back my fitness level in the next three months in order to be ready for my next full medical check-up.

Project #12 I must do a self-assessment within the next six months and identify areas of weakness and strengths and the ways in which I can achieve self-growth.

There is always so much to do in the house and without proper planning, it is easy to waste our lives away. What do you think, dear reader? Please feel free to share your experiences or opinion and leave a comment if you so desire.

May you live your life to the fullest and maximize your time fully to achieve growth, contentment, long lasting happiness and good health.

Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous I think you have about completed my "Things To Do Before the End of the Year" list for me!!! haha! Maybe not the Spanish or German lessons but definitely polish up on my Bahasa Malaysia lessons (so that I can read interesting blog posts!!!)

    Hey, go slow and steady on the moving and carrying and shifting things. We dun want your back to give way.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Andrea

    :-) I am a terrible procrastinator and I figure if I did not document this, I would probably waste my time during all kinds of frivolous pursuits.

    Thanks so much for the reminder re my back. That is so caring and kind of you.

    Take care and have a good week, dear Andrea.

  1. says:

    SFGEMS I can help you with No. 7.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Lita

    That is wonderful. Muchas gracias..

    I am not sure if the following is correct...Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks :-) dear Lita.

    Gracias mi amigo. Español es más fácil que alemán. ¿Quizás podemos escribir uno al otro en español? Tome cuidado y Dios le bendice.


  1. says:

    mamasita Paula..all your projects are so..many? I know you can achieve half if not all! hehe
    Gooood Luck dearie!!
    p.s. sounds like a list of mid-year resolutions! haha

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Datin Mamasita,

    Actually, you are right. It is mid-year resolutions to deal with mid-year crisis!!! :-)

    Aiyo - I don't know if I can achieve even half...I thought I'd better list more than less cos it would be easier to veto the list when I am lazy haha!

    Take care and thanks for dropping by.


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