Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, June 16, 2009 4 comments
Please note that to understand this joke, you must realize that there is a "Camel" brand cigarette....

Jane and Arlene are outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it starts to rain.

Jane pulls out a condom, cuts off the end, puts it over her cigarette, and continues smoking.

Arlene: What in the hell is that?

Jane: A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet.

Arlene: Where did you get it?

Jane: You can get them at any pharmacy.

The next day, Arlene hobbles herself into the local pharmacy and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms.

The pharmacist, embarrassed, looks at her kind of strangely (she is after all, over 80 years of age), but very delicately asks what brand of condom she prefers.

'Doesn't matter Sonny, as long as it fits on a Camel.'

The pharmacist fainted.

Have a nice day! :-)

4 comments to TWO OLD LADIES AND THE CAMEL (humor)

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Errr...this is PG rated? hehehe...this cat is still underaged. Grr...

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Cat-in-Sydney,

    I thought that you are above 18 LOL!!! I am so sorry if I offended you...My deepest apologies...


    My intention was tp provide some quirky humor ...

    Take care...:-)

    How's my darling Brad doing???? I might be swinging down to Sydney in a couple of months time :-). I could bring him some goodies then :-).


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Roar! Roar! Brad! Brad! Brad! Why are you so obsessed with him? I'm soooooooo jealous!

    You coming here? We'll be away mid-July until early Sept though. Come in Nov/Dec, we'll take you cherry picking! purrr purrr...

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Cat-in-Sydney,

    Tentatively, it should be either in November or December. Will let you know :-).

    Aiyo - don't be jealous...Brad is so adorable...getting to be quite a professional poser LOL!

    Take care and cheers.

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