Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, September 30, 2009 2 comments
The old adage reminds us that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. But is it that easy to persevere in the face of obstacles, to keep on trying, to keep on climbing that uphill path and never to give up if we believe in ourselves?

In my opinion, one should not simply surge ahead blindly without a second thought to consequences. Neither does it mean that we disregard good sense and/or the advice of those around us.

One thing is for sure - we have to stop and do a reality check and see if we are just going through the motion of perseverance without knowing if we are heading in the right direction. If not, it is a sure way of ascertaining that we are on the road to disaster!

I believe that we have to persevere with wisdom and to continuously keep on checking whether we are on the right track to achieving our goals or if we are moving further and further away.

At the same time, I believe some of us may feel that doing a stock check by stepping back now and then to assess our bearings can be quite intimidating indeed. And why so? Well, I reckon it is because it requires strength and honesty to do deep soul searching and strength to come to terms with whatever we discover about ourselves or about others.

Sometimes, it may be necessary to navigate in a new direction to ensure that we do not go to the land of nowhere.

So dear reader, wherever you are now, whatever circumstance you may be facing, may you persevere with wisdom and have the understanding to know what is the right and the next step to take.

Have a lovely day and may there be an enlightened path for you to take today!!!


  1. says:

    walla I am starting to discover the wisdom of this blog! Before this day ends for you to turn to a new page tomorrow - "Thanks, masterwordsmith."

    Talking about wisdom, it seems strange that each new generation has to re-learn the lessons so painfully learned by its predecessor.

    One would expect that if learning curves are always in place, people will learn from all those before them so that presumably there will come a time any new wisdom will be only acquired incrementally.

    That such a plateau has not been reached after so many centuries of human existence seems to signify that each new generation tends to ignore past lessons if only to maintain its exploratory and experimental tendencies within a setting that it identifies as separate and differentiated from those before it. While indeed this may be so, the very notion of wisdom itself signifies some permanence that should transcend time and settings. And that's the puzzling aspect.

    Perhaps it has to do with generational adaptation to the challenges of their own times which in turn are perceived to be shaped by their own environments.

    Coincidentally i was trying to figure out the root of hedonic adaptation while searching for Lyubomirsky's How of Happiness...but i shall have to defer to smart and wise sociologists (;P).

    ps: what a dear personality you have!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walla,

    Thanks a million for this wonderful and heartfelt, sincere comment that oozes with so much wisdom. I am really touched that my simple, humble and brief post has received a response from one as erudite as you. You are most welcome...and the pleasure is indeed mine.

    Honestly, this is the shortest post that I have ever written in my life but I wrote it because I have been wondering about this quality - why some have it whilst others don't.

    You are right in saying that each generation does not seem to have learnt from the mistakes of their elders. Perhaps they do not want to...perhaps they feel that with development, technology and improvements in standards of living, they regard themselves as better than the previous generation...only to meet their folly when the same blunders are repeated.

    A lot has to do with socialization patterns and the responsibility of the agents of socialization, the extent of which they are effective would probably determine their course of destiny.

    Lyubomirsky's How of Happiness - That is amazing - a young and pretty girl like you reading such profound ideas. Ah - I wish you had been in my classes for "What is Happiness to you?" was always Essay topic no 3 in all my classes...thereafter the kids would debate from various angles and some surprised me with their nuggets of wisdom!

    An interesting discovery I made when I was expecting = babies who suck their thumbs have an inherent need for happiness....babies who hardly cry or fret are usually the contented souls in life.

    My older boy was in the former category and the younger one in the latter group.

    Believe me, this finding is true!!! One's environment, not necessarily familial, even that of one's imagination and perception plays a vital role in how one deals with life. How true even in the politial arena.

    *Blush* Me a dear personality???? *floating on cloud nine*...actually I made many blunders in my life and what I wrote is from mu deep experiences of disappointment, failure and fears.

    Takes a lot to learn from the university of life, my dear.

    Thanks so much for leaving a very stimulating comment. My apologies for this late response as my internet connection is utterly retarded!

    Anyway, have a lovely evening!


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