Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, October 14, 2009 2 comments
Did you know that friends can have a healing effect on us? Two days ago, Angela sent me a set of slides on friendship. I do not have the time to upload the slides and have typed out the beautiful message instead. May you read it and remember those friends in your life who have touched, healed and blessed you in more ways than one. Thanks Angela for sending me this beautiful message. Have a nice day!


A recent study by the University of California (UCLA)implies that friendship amongst women is really very special.The research has identified that female friends contribute to strengthening identity and protect our future. They constitute a heaven in the middle of our real world full of storms and obstacles.

Female friends help us to fill in the emotional gaps in our relationships with men and help us remember who we actually are. After 50 years of research, the study points out that there are chemical substances produced by the brain that help create and maintain friendship bonds among women.

The scientists involved in the research were mainly men. They were all surprised to find the following results. When a hormone called OXITOCIN is liberated as a result of stress, women have a need to protect their children and group with other women. WHen this happens, large quantities of this hormone are produced and even the most profound stress is reduced provoking a calming down effect.

These reactions do not appear in males because the testosterone has a tendency to neutralize the effects of oxitocin; while female estrogens increase the production of this hormone.

After repetitive analysis, it was proven that existing emotional ties amongst females, who have true and loyal friends, reduce the risk of illness related to high blood pressure and cholesterol. This might be the reason why women live longer than men. Women who do not establish friendship relations with other women do not show the same health results.

So having female friends not only helps us to live longer but also to live better. This study also suggests that the more female friends a woman has, the higher the probability that she reaches an advance age without physical problems besides living a healthy happy life.

In the same study, it was also observed how women can cope with critical moments (such as the passing of a spouse or a parent) as it was perceived that those women who can trust their friends react without major illnesses and recuperate faster than those who do not have a person to trust by their side. The study concludes that friendship amongst women is a source of strength, wellness, happiness and health.

So dear friends and blog readers, for this and for being who you are, may God always bless you. Take care and may you remember how your friends have blessed you and vice versa.

2 comments to BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS!

  1. says:

    walla for someone special:

  1. says:

    Unknown Gracias a la hermosa canción. Yo vi Sarah Brightman realizar en Londres y que tiene una voz mágico. El mensaje de la canción está en movimiento y junto con los dos voces celestiales, uno sólo puede inhalar, gracias a Dios por sus regalos y el don de amistad.


    Thanks for sharing the link with us for the beautiful song. I saw Sarah Brightman perform in London and she has a magical voice. The message in the song is moving and coupled with the two heavenly voices, one can only inhale, thank God for their gifts and the gift of friendship.

    Blessings to you and yours

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