Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, November 25, 2009 15 comments

Do you find it difficult to remember things? I do. Recently, I have reached a stage in my life where I carry a memo pad with me to make notes lest I forget what I am supposed to do. Allow me to share with you some real life hilarious situations that I experienced recently. I know memory faileth me because:

* Lately, I have been absent-mindedly using the remote control for my gate when I reach my aunt's home and when the gate does not open :-), I wonder if my remote is faulty.
* On many occasions at shopping malls, I have to ask my son to remember where I parked my car.
* There have been times when I forgot to switch on the rice cooker and only realized when my munchkin cried "Mom, you forgot again!!!".
* Sometimes I miss an important junction and only realize much too late that I am going in the wrong direction.
* There have been many occasions when I forgot many other things/errands/appointments.
* I answered my German teacher in a garbled sentence filled with both German and French words!
* In fact, it has been quite difficult for me to memorize lyrics of songs!

Imagine my delight when my dear friend Angela sent me the following article "Curry, the new weapon in the war on Alzheimer's" by JENNY HOPE which first appeared in Daily Mail on4th June 2009.

I would love to hear from readers who eat curries everyday to see if indeed eating curries on a regular basis gives them such benefits. It is most unfortunate that I have gastric problems and am most wary of spicy dishes; otherwise, I might not be as forgetful as I am today. Still, this article is worth a read. Do leave a comment if you like. Thanks and have a great day!!!


"Curry, the new weapon in the war on Alzheimer's" written by Jenny Hope
It probably won't be our main priority when deciding what takeaway to order.

But curries - so often criticised by advocates of healthy eating - may protect against Alzheimer's disease.

Eating a curry two or three times a week could help prevent the onset of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, an expert said yesterday.

According to Professor Murali Doraiswamy, the magic ingredient is curcumin, a component of the spice turmeric.

Curcumin prevents the spread of harmful amyloid plaques found in the brain of Alzheimer's sufferers, he said.

These plaques are thought to play a key role in symptoms such as memory loss and mental impairment.

Professor Doraiswamy, who grew up in the southern Indian city of Madras , which is famous for its fiery curries, said: 'There is very solid evidence that curcumin binds to plaques, and basic research on animals engineered to produce human amyloid plaques has shown benefits.

'Turmeric has been studied not just in Alzheimer's research but for a variety of conditions, such as cancer and arthritis.

Turmeric is often referred to as the spice of life in ancient Indian medical lore.' A trial is under way at the University of California , Los Angeles , to test curcumin's effects in Alzheimer's patients and specifically on amyloid plaque proteins.

Scientists say the spices in curry, including curcumin, a component of the spice turmeric, can help memory

Similar research is about to start at Southampton University, although some British experts suggested that large amounts of curry would have to be eaten to counteract some of the brain changes that are characteristic of Alzheimer's.

Professor Doraiswamy, of the Department of Psychiatry, at Duke University Medical Centre, in Durham , North Carolina , said human studies will build on laboratory research.

He told delegates at the Royal College of Psychiatrists' annual meeting in Liverpool : 'You can modify a mouse so that at about 12 months its brain is riddled with plaques. If you feed the rodent a curcuminrich diet it dissolves these plaques.'

He added: 'Studies looking at populations show that people who eat a curry meal two or three times a week seem to have a lower risk for dementia.' Turmeric is also found in mustard and Professor Doraiswamy predicted a day when those unable, or unwilling, to eat curries might be advised to take a daily 'curry pill'.


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Darling Aunty Paula,
    1) You need ginko!
    2) Do not eat fish head (esp the brain part)
    3) If you have problems with curry, since it's actually curcumin/turmeric we're looking after, try masak lemak kuning, or the plain ikan goreng marinated with salt and turmeric.
    4) Mama's grandma's concoction for post natal treatment: grate fresh turmeric, mix a bit of water, squeeze the juice out, add in a bit of garam jantan, DRINK!!!
    5) Post natal jamu also contains turmeric but other herbs used in them may have high steroid contents.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hello there, I am no housewife, just a little girl trying to survive in New York City, where all the diamonds are.

    Someone recommend me to this blog and I join the fray.

    Too early for me to be an housewife and I don't fancy it as yet.

    Your writing mirrors the haggardness of a housewife and you seem to take in stride.

    How did you keep log in such details of your daily life?

    Thank you and keep writing.

  1. says:

    nick Phew... You had me for a sec there Sis. I thought you're being targeted by a new weapon, for yesterday's posting and allowing all of us to blast the "Big result fast" website to smithereens!

    Hmm..curry as weapon against Alzheimer's disease. Makes you wonder? How about curry to cure senility? Nah..It won't work! That old mahageezer always talk crap, even when he's young. The crap Malay dilemma is a good example. We'll just have to tread carefully when we encounter his crap polluting Malaysia's airwaves and print presses. It'll be 22 years bad luck if we step in one of his crap. Yuckk!!!!

    Good day Sis and tread carefully!

    God bless.

  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot If you want to wait for the official press and the medical establishment to promote such news, you will have a long wait. The Europeans did not come here from the other side of the world for nothing. Almost every spice has truly amazing potency in various illnesses. This includes larger spice condiments like onion and lemon grass. E.g Tamiflu contains the compound from star anise. The Internet will tell you some of this, though with the danger of inaccuracy. Knowledge is power and health is wealth. Free yourself from parasites! No, I don't mean the tiny varieties.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Cat-in-Sydney

    GOlly! I am so touched by your kind and caring response. I do apologize for thislate response as I was out shopping and as could be predicted, I remembered my car was parked at Level 5 but went to Level 4. Then my 75yr old aunt who was with me said, "This is the second time this week you made the same mistake!"

    I will try out your traditional recommendation. Thanks so much dearie. Am really touched by your concern and advice.

    hugs and meowwws

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Ah - Cheeky me wanted to scare ppl to think otherwise with the blog title hehehe...good to get the adrenalin flowing with some excitement haha...

    Actually, I love curry if not for my gastric problem.

    You are right. We have to tread on eggshells...

    Take care and look where you go:-). Stay safe!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear NYBling

    Thanks for your kind and encouraging comment. Please convey my deepest appreciation to your friend for recommending my blog to you. Am very pleased to meet you and you know what? I love to make friends with people from all age groups :-). Some of my friends are as young as a 7 year old girl whom I adore and an elderly gentleman in his seventies! Life is for living and for knowing the diversity of personalities.

    Honestly, it can be very tiring to be a housewife but heck - I LOVE IT and I can think of no better place than this. I gave up a lot to be where I am and have no regrets whatsoever.

    Have to rush to drop my boy at violin class...Take care and have a lovely evening.

    Please keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Semuanya OK kot

    Thanks for swinging by to share your comment. I am so sorry for this late response as I had chores to settle and errands to run in between.

    Love your comment abt the parasites....

    Take care and thanks for sharing your advice.

    Please keep in touch and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    edward Dear Paula,

    I think I have an explanation for your recent absent mindedness. You just have too many things on your mind! You constantly worry about your children, their school work, piano/violin lesson/performance, your blog topics, replies to your commentators etc etc. Your mind is not focused on the action at hand!

    You see, the brain is just like a camera. If there is inadequate light or your shutter speed is too quick you get an underexposed picture. The brain needs time to register an imprint on it. The more repetition and longer the imprint the better the chance of memory recovery. That's how the Japanese KUMON system works....repeat and repeat until you (the brain rather) cannot forget.

    Humbly I suggest you do a little experiment the next time you park your car. As you enter the car park look at the floor level. B1/B2/B3 and not think about how your son's piano exam result will turn out. Then after parking your car observe the zone - zone A etc. As you are walking to the lift repeat zone A a few times. As you enter the lift and press the lift button the floor you are on will come on display. Stare at it for a few seconds. That's your 2nd imprint. On reaching your floor as you come out from the lift observe the floor level sign and the shop next to the lift e.g MotherCare. Repeat this name a few times. When you are ready to leave the complex retrace your steps and voila you can find your car! Try it haha.

    Gingko helps in blood circulation and will bring about better nourishment and oxygen supply to the brain. Turmeric is anti tumour along with green tea and Shiitake mushroom. These are some of nature's answer to cancer. They are natural, inexpensive and often recommended by oncologists.

    Hope my suggestion helps. Don't ever think you are getting old haha.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward,

    Thanks so much for your wonderful and detailed advice. You sound so calm, cool and steady! Gosh - I am just the opposite - always in a hurry and flustered with so much to do. My spouse thinks I am hyperactive cos I am always on the go, never with a dull moment.

    Seriously, I do not worry about my boys' school work but I do worry about their musical abilities and whether these are being honed properly. To me, musical talent must be developed at an early age and they both play three instruments so you can imagine the stress I have haha...They are relaxed cos they enjoy the lessons and the music....:-)

    Thanks for the tips re gingko, green tea and shitake mushroom. I must check it out soon.

    Er as for getting old, the mirror does not lie :-) haha.

    Take care and thanks for hsaring your comment.

    Have a restful evening and may God bless you and yours.


  1. says:

    Anonymous 'Gozilla' on tv2 at 10pm ....but i cant find my glasses so have to sit
    very close to the box .
    Biniku out from her bath points to my head : why put your spects there !?
    i'm 64 .

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 1.20a.m.

    Haha!! That is funny :-). Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    stephen You know you've stumbled on to middle age when:-
    1)Your broad mind changes place with your narrow waist.
    2)The term "old fart" becomes a nightmarish reality for your family and friends.
    3)You take all night to do it when you used to do it all night long.
    4)You body appendages and skin point towards the direction of gravity.
    5)You can't remember if you've taken the supplements thats supposed to enhance your mind.
    6)You need directions to drive out of your driveway.

    You have a prodigious amount of stuff to write everyday!! I am amazed, and not less than 200words for each!Always looking forward to the jokes.Thanks for sharing, i enjoy reading your blog.You've changed your pic in the avatar again-seems like you're getting younger?!!

  1. says:

    stephen And finally (2nd entry as I just had a senior moment!)
    6)You keep looking at the obituaries, just in case someone died without telling you ( or in the midst of your forgetfulness,you died without you knowing)
    7)You finally realise that it might not be a worthwhile risk taking a liberal view of religion and God.
    and finally,
    8)You need a mirror to see whats south of your belly.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    Good morning to you! Thanks for your elegant humor which brought much laughter to my kitchen when I was reading your comment. :-)

    # 1 has happened. In fact, both my weight and waistline measurement are at an all-time high!

    # 2 A painful reality indeed!

    # 3 is true in relation to sleep!

    # 4 Not yet, thank goodness hahaha!

    # 5 Exactly. Sometimes, I end up taking my supplements twice and then worry whether I will die from overdose :-).

    # 6 Has not happened yet :-).

    # 7 is one of the reasons why I still buy the Star on Sat and Sunday.

    # 8 Being a non-religious person, I do worry about who will conduct my funeral rites (not joking) and have actually done the program for my wake service and the type of flowers, coffin and songs I would like to be played during my fineral.

    # 9 = Another painful reality.

    Thanks so much for your witty comments.

    Actually, these days I do not write as much as I used to cos readers tell me that they miss my posts as they have too much to read so I am almost normal now LOL.

    Take care and it is lovely to know that you enjoy my blog.

    Have a wonderful day!


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