Posted by Unknown On Saturday, December 5, 2009 71 comments

Confidently, he walked into the hall at his own pace without the rhythmic beat of kompangs that befits the status and stature of the Menteri Besar of Perak. No ordinary man, he exuded a calmness and demeanor of a godly person who knew and accepted his place on earth in the greater scheme of things as determined by the Almighty. A sudden hush filled the hall when he walked down the aisle with his aides. And as he neared the stage, the crowd clapped as they rose in awe and respect of this great man, YB Dato' Nizar Jamaluddin (Menteri Besar Perak,) who spoke on "Perak Crisis: The lessons for Two-Party System in Malaysia" at Kompleks Penyayang last night.

In the welcoming address, Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Dr.Mansor Othman emphasized that Pakatan Rakyat wants to establish a system of government based on needs, not race. YB Sim Tze Tzin then gave a brief rundown of the tragic Perak Constitutional Crisis before YB Dato' Nizar Jamaluddin began his speech.

With a deep and authoritative voice, Dato' Nizar recited a Quranic verse followed by translations in Bahasa Malaysia and English, purposeful reminders to all that we are the Almighty's creation and we should not emphasize differences but instead, remember our roots:

O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them has spread a multitude of men and women.

*taken from THIS LINK

I was awestruck by the charisma and powerful presentation skills of Dato' Nizar. Fluent in Arabic, English, Mandarin and even a smattering of Tamil words, he certainly bedazzled the audience with his powerful oratory skills. With much mastery, he displayed the correct intonation, nuances and lilts in vocal quality required for each language in his deep baritone voice. Splendid! The only other leader I can think of who has such abilities is Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Dato' Nizar defused some tension that filled the air by thanking 'the police from the nearest police station' for ensuring the security of the event by their presence. Laughter filled the air and soon everyone was at ease. After setting the mood for the evening, the Menteri Besar shared the lessons learnt from the Perak Constitutional Crisis.

He started with a historical perspective of our political scenario by reminding us of how for 52 years, Malaysians have been living in a climate of fear because the three component parties of the ruling party played on ethnic differences in the way they reminded members and Malaysians that they had to maintain status quo to prevent social upheaval, messages sent out with the support of media which echoed such racial overtones leaving many suppressed and oppressed. In many ways, Perak is a microcosm of Malaysia. Interestingly, many leaders actually come from Perak!

Next, Dato' Nizar opened a window for us to take a peek at what actually happened after it was announced that they had won the right to rule in Perak. His riveting account left many with eyes wide open and mouths agape as he recounted in great detail, the sequence of events that followed with so much sincerity, openness in a no holds barred approach. Awesome!

Layer by layer, Dato' Nizar peeled the circumstances of that historical event to reveal the true heart of Pakatan Rakyat. The lesson learnt was a plain and simple one - The PR leaders put aside all differences to work together for the well-being of Perakians and are sincere in their effort and dream to achieve a two-party system.

* The PR leaders who assembled to deliberate on the next step to take after victory decided to abide by the Perak Constitution and unanimously agreed to give the position of MB to PAS.

* PAS leaders met to decide which of the PAS elected leaders would be the MB. The five winners, including Dato' Nizar, declined the position of MB. YB had the crowd in stitches when he said that there they were - each with the golden opportunity to become the Menteri Besar of Perak and NO ONE wanted to accept the position whereas in another party, one would pay millions for a meagre position in a division!!! His revelation of the reasons why each candidate declined was such a riot that I could not believe the resounding laughter that came from the crowd. It is really so funny that I dare not post the rationale given by each candidate so candidly. :-)

* Finally, the PAS heads decided who would be the leader - Dato' Nizar.

From this point, Dato' Nizar gave a very detailed explanation of the events that transpired and the plot to topple the PR government. He revealed two names that were primarily responsible and reiterated that these two would go down in history. He also gave an explanation of the Constitutional Crisis and what transpired in the Istana.

After that, Dato' Nizar shared some statistics that impressed us deeply:

* The Auditor-General's Report gave the PR govt a score of 4 (excellent) which is much higher than the general acceptance level. In 52 years of BN rule, the maximum that the BN government of Perak ever collected was RM530 million and zakat collection was RM 40 million.

Contrastingly, in 10.5 months, despite the spanners thrown in the works, the PR government in Perak succeeded in collecting RM633 million and zakat collection was RM 58 million.

* As for the V6 issue, Dato' Nizar explained that the reports against PR failed to mention that the figure was cumulative expenditure for four years.

* He emphasized that all steps taken by PR in Perak was to show respect to the decision of the rakyat to vote them into power. The PR government believes in upholding five principles in governance namely:

* justice
* trustworthiness
* transparency
* integrity
* welfare

He also shared the stark differences in the amount of investments brought into the state by BN compared to PR.(I cannot cite the exact amount as I cannot decipher my handwriting in my notes!!!) YB also shocked us with the revelation that the Perak budget was passed by the BN state government in 20 minutes!!!

With much vehemence, Dato' Nizar emphasized that any racist tendencies will be sand mined by PR government and he lamented how "racist tendencies are deeply ingrained in the hearts" of many due to the ploys of certain parties and reiterated that PR will work together to bury UMNO.

The Q & A session was very vibrant and saw questions being asked by guys from different age groups and races. YB Dato' Nizar tackled each question sincerely, earnestly and in great detail too! In response to one question from an ex-commando, YB urged each and every one of us to raise our prayers and supplications to God that truth and justice be restored in this land and emphasized the need for unity, cohesiveness and togetherness in our mission to build a better Malaysia. With much vehemence and conviction, YB reiterated that PAS is NOT RACIST and will reject all any racist sentiments. He did not mince his words when he identified racist parties/leaders who had dented the psyche of Malaysians to the extent that we have so much emotional baggage to carry in our journey to build the nation.

The hall was full last night and I was certainly pleased that this time, many youths were there. PAS supporters gave a resounding roar and 'yell' of support after YB ended the forum with a very meaningful Quranic verse. The audience clapped furiously as we gave him a standing ovation.

As I walked out of the hall, I was overcome with much emotion after coming face to face with YB Dato' Nizar - truly a great Malaysian leader with so much in his heart, so much to give to our nation. He had spoken very sincerely and elegantly and what we saw of him last night without any airs was his natural self, no holds barred with no masks on his face. Here is 1Malaysian Leader - all real,untainted.

Will you walk with him and other leaders to build a better Malaysia for us all?

1Rakyat for Malaysia!


This forum was organized by Biro Komunikasi, Parti KeADILan Pulau Pinang under the leadership of YB Sim Tze Tzin, Penang State Assemblyman for Pantai Jerejak.


Some blogs have copied this post without acknowledging me as the rightful author of this post. I have duly requested them to acknowledge and to link back to my blog. Anyone is welcome to copy this post as long as you acknowledge my authorship and link back to my blog post- basic blogging ethics. Thanks and have a good day.

71 comments to NATURALLY NIZAR

  1. says:

    1. A Arthur Dear MWS,

    This is a very well written article as the events of that night unfolded clearly, succinctly, filled with pride and teary emotions before the deft fingers on a computer keyboard of a master word smith with eloquent words and mesmerizing sentences. Reading your article, it transported me momentarily, like I was on an ethereal astral journey, to witness that event as a participant. Powerful..

    Nizar is PM material. Nizar, as a bumiputra, has come home to lead Malaysians and the crisis of Perak has put him into the limelight for all Malaysians and the world to see and appreciate what a charismatic and capable leader he is.

    A standing ovation for Nizar and this well written article.

  1. says:

    2. SH Tan Paula:
    Very detailed report written from the heart. You have captured the exact emotions and feelings of the 800+ crowd last night. As always, another great go get some sleep!


  1. says:

    3. Anonymous Dear Nizar, you are just great.YOU ARE JUST GREAT. We respect you. You will one day become the PM of Malaysia. Don't worry, ALL Malaysians will support you and vote for you. Innallaha maa sobirin (Allah is with those who are patient).

  1. says:

    4. noora "Will you walk with him and other leaders to build a better Malaysia for us all?"

    I will, inshallah.

  1. says:

    5. dekCerdas well written article...

  1. says:

    6. baltan1 Dear M,

    I am a Penangnite and I feel dissapointed that I missed the opportunity to meet this Great Man. Why was there no publicity about this event? Any chance to publish his speech?

    He is indeed a GEM in Malaysia. May he be blessed to have sufficient patience and determination to walk through the betrayal by his comrades. He will shine one day. I have the utmost respect for him for he has joined the rank of great man Ghandi, Mandela and its likes.

  1. says:

    7. Unknown Dear Arthur,

    My apologies for this late response. I appreciate your sensitive, encouraging and kind comments which have certainly touched me deeply.

    You are definitely spot on re YB Dato' Nizar and I pray that the Almighty will guide and protect him as he strides forward fearlessly to vindicate himself and to reclaim what is rightfully his and his alone!

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    8. Unknown Dear SH,

    I was truly overwhelmed by emotions when beholding this great man. This post is my humble tribute to his greatness. Thanks for your encouraging comments and advice to sleep haha!

    Take care and have a great weekend!


  1. says:

    9. Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 8.37 p.m.

    I share the same hope that one day, YB Dato' Nizar will become PM. May the Almighty prepare the way for him.

    He is the epitome of greatness, virtue and many godly traits.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  1. says:

    10. Unknown Thanks Noora for walking with him and the rest of us who believe in him.

    Take care and best wishes to you.


  1. says:

    11. Unknown Dear dekcerdas,

    My sincere thanks for your encouraging comment. Take care and have a good weekend.


  1. says:

    12. Unknown Dear baltan2

    What a pity you did not see the announcements around cyberspace (including here in my blog), facebook, twitter and an advert in Malaysiakini about this event.

    I do not think he wrote any speech as it looked as though he was speaking off-the-cuff from the depths of his heart and personal experience. I made my own notes and this post is my personal response to an awesome forum and this great man called YB Dato' Nizar. Indeed, he can walk amongst those other great men you mentioned.

    Do leave your email here (it will not be published as comment moderation is activated) and I will email you whenever there are such events.

    Take care and best wishes to you.

  1. says:

    13. backStreetGluttons We missed a few heartbeats , realising that you are indeed thankfully a pristine woman usually hugging manly ant-ares ever so passionately ! Like Nizar you are probably not much known , yet .

    Maybe like him , the time is near

  1. says:

    14. CL Yeap Agree with you because I have heard him spoke at a ceramah. Very capable, sincere and consistent. I will definitely bank my trust on him as our leader than other dubious BN politicians.

  1. says:

    15. Unknown Nizar has the aura of a great person, and with his, without a doubt, deep religious conviction, he will, as God willing, be the one man to lead our country into greatness. I believe, with your very well written description of him, Nizar seeks wisdom and guidance in all his undertakings.

    May God always be with Nizar!

  1. says:

    16. Sim Tze Tzin Paula,
    Awesome Speech by Nizar, Awesome writing by Paula. I am truly motivated by the overwhelming turnout and that is the energy that keep me going.
    I am sure the you feel the same!

    Last night, I see hope for Malaysia. Have you?

  1. says:

    17. Unknown Dear MWS,

    What a great narration and article!So positive and full of hope. It has put back much faith in me that change in our country is truly possible.

    Justice, trustworthiness,transparency,
    integrity and welfare - words that mean so much yet so little in our country. Isn't it wonderful to see these core values incorporated into our everyday life and government policies? If PR embodies such principles then we know we are in good hands when they form the next government.

    The admiration for Nizar from the multiracial audience shows clearly that race is never a criteria in the evaluation of a true leader. A leader who is fair, honest, humble and committed to the people is such a rare find and richly deserve the admiration from everyone. I hope that more of such leaders will emerge and put a stop to all the wrong things happening in our country. I will certainly walk with him to build a better Malaysia for us all, no doubt whatsoever.

    Best wishes.

  1. says:

    18. Anonymous i've been to most parts of the world and whatever,whoever and wherever u are,there is this one teaching that once we really hold to our innerself then we shall take things clear and wise!i.e to really know who we are,who's our OWNER,what's our nizar is one of those who understand this wise and clear!

  1. says:

    19. romerz Paula,

    Wrote a piece about Nizar and his democratic ideals with a back-link to you.

    Hope you don't mind.

  1. says:

    20. Unknown Dear Yeap Cheng Liang,

    I feel the same way as you do. YB Dato' Nizar is definitely THE MAN to watch and to look up to in our hope for a better nation. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    21. Unknown Dear Encik Rahman

    I fully agree with you about YB Dato Nizar. Thanks also for your kind comments. Together with you and other Malaysians, I pray the Almighty will guide and bless YB Dato' Nizar with a seat in the highest place in our country to steer us to greater heights.


  1. says:

    22. Unknown Dear YB Sim

    Thanks for organizing this forum, for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. Definitely, I felt very positive energy last night and even the presence and aura of God, especially when YB Nizar recited the Quranic verses.

    Indeed,I believe YB Dato' Nizar spells and embodies the full meaning of hope for Malaysia.

    Thanks for your kind comments and encouragement. Take care.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    23. Unknown Dear golden

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment.I believe PR has in the pipeline a framework for the nation that does embody these principles. I heard it from Datuk Zaid at a recent forum. Now it is up to our rakyat to vote for change.

    Truly, the composition of the audience that night is testimony to the fact that the rakyat from different backgrounds DEFINITELY want change.

    Thanks for walking with YB Dato' Nizar and the rest of us who believe in him.

    Take care.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    24. Unknown Dear Anonymous

    I hear you loud and clear and share your view. Definitely YB Dato' Nizar is a man of principles and great faith in God - the type of leader that Malaysia needs.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    25. Unknown Dear Romerz,

    No problem. Thanks for the link too. We are on the same side and share the same ideals and aspirations. Take care and see you again.


  1. says:

    26. Unknown Dear BackStreetGluttons,

    *Blush* Thanks for visiting my blog and for taking the time to comment. Haha! Ya lah - Antares is my hero cos I love the way he writes and at one point when I almost gave up blogging, he gave me a tiny push to let me have another take-off in my writing and here I am, largely due to his shining example and encouragement. Take care and have a good weekend. My apologies for this late publication of your comment as I slept very early and just woke up.

  1. says:

    27. Anonymous Well , we surely aspire to have malaysians just like ds nizar and yourself , m , truly malaysians , we can be proud of and honored for.

  1. says:

    28. Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 4.38 a.m.

    Thanks for your kind comment. I am but a tiny drop in the ocean of Malaysians doing my part to stir Malaysians to greater awareness for the need to change.

    YB Dato Nizar is the stuff that great men are made of - with substance, integrity, godliness and a God-fearing value system who is THE ONE, hopefully, to lead Malaysia one day.

    I hope that hand-in-hand, Malaysians like you and other concerned readers/Malaysians, we can stride purposefully to give PR the support needed to effect the much needed change.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Take care.

  1. says:

    29. nick Dear Sis,

    An exceptional article about an exceptional leader. About the only few times I feel great being a Malaysian (Malaysia IS capable of producing leaders par excellence who is great in presence yet humble in demeanor and ever conscious of the great responsibility they are entrusted with).

    YB Nizar is the epitome of integrity and trustworthiness (of PR leaders). And to be sure, PR have ample supply of these capable leaders, ever ready to lead Malaysian out of our dark and disastrous predicament that is UMNO leaders and government.

    Thanks Sis for a spirit and hope lifting article. I pray that Malaysian will get these great leaders to govern them very soon in the near future. And hopefully after nearly 4 decades of mediocre and "excretious" leaders, Malaysian will be long put off of UMNO's type of politician and "leaders".

    Have a great weekend and GOD bless us all.

    The internet connection is simply atrocious and feeling a wee bit under the weather.

  1. says:

    30. Pak Zawi Paula,
    He has risen from the abyss of obscurity and went through the whole grind to emerge as the right leader accepatble to all to lead this nation in the future. Let us ensure that this leader with great potential will not go to waste. He is one of the best around to be the PM of Malaysia.

  1. says:

    31. Anonymous Ma'am, reading your article makes me goosebump. I almost cry. sobs.

  1. says:

    32. Unknown Dear Nick

    I always believe that as long as there is breath in us, there IS hope. No matter how dismal the situation, we must do our part to train the young to be better leaders than what we have, and to look up to real leaders such as Nizar for inspiration.

    I truly pray that PR will look out for and groom others to walk in the footsteps of this great man.

    Cheer up, is the conviction of things hoped for and we must pray and unite to have the faith that somehow, things will get better. At the same time, we have to step up our effort to raise awareness to prepare for the next polls.

    Thanks for your heartfelt comment. Take care and may the Almighty bless you and yours...all of us. Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. says:

    33. Unknown Dear Pak Zawi

    You have shared with us wise words of wisdom. I always believe that one who has gone through the 'fire' of trials and tests will be a man of substance, character and fortitude. YB Dato' Nizar is definitely one who has the makings of a great statesman and we all have to unite and learn from him, and to support him lest he is crushed to become PM, a position that befits one like him.

    Take care and thanks for visiting and taking the trouble to share your thoughts.


  1. says:

    34. Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 7.34 a.m.

    Honestly, I felt very awed and so inspired when I was at the forum. I was sitting in the third row and could see very clearly YB Dato Nizar's facial expressions and body language. I can assure you that throughout the forum, I am 100% sure that he was 100% sincere and earnest in all that he said. Seldom have I seen such godliness and steadfastness in a human being. When he recited the Quranic verses, it was with such authority and reverence to the Almighty that it almost seemed as if the presence of God was in our midst. Such is the charismatic impact of a great leader like YB Dato' Nizar.

    Thanks for your kind comment..We will be crying together when he is vindicated and given his rightful position, and hopefully to lead us all one day. Yes, he spells and represents hope for us.

    Take care and have a lovely Sunday.


  1. says:

    35. Dalbinder Singh Gill Indeed, a well written article by Paula.

    Pakatan Rakyat gave Perakians land titles. Barisan Nasional gave Perakians more racism for 52 years. Perak will be an international city, give Nizar a chance, he can do it in 10 years.

  1. says:

    36. Unknown Dear Dalbinder

    Lovely to see you in my blog and it was nice to bump into you at the forum. Thanks for your kind comment.

    I share your faith in YB Dato' Nizar and I am sure you were also bowled over that night, ya?

    Take care and keep up the good fight! Stay in touch...Have a great day.


  1. says:

    37. Unknown I was there that night.

    Actually Nizar was not a great speaker, certainly not in the same league as Anwar Ibrahim. He spoke too fast and made the bad mistake of answering in English to questions in Bahasa Malaysia, filled by young Chinese Malaysians

    However, he compensated his inadequacies well with his admirable passion, zeal and candor.

    I can trust him.

  1. says:

    38. Unknown Dear Micheal

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views.

    I believe he answered in English out of empathy in that perhaps he thought that:

    a) The person who asked the question might not be that fluent in BM but asked the question anyway out of respect for him so he responded in English

    b) the Non-Malay audience that night may not be fluent enough to follow his trend of thought. Of course, one could argue otherwise.

    As for his presentation skills, despite the fact that he only recently came up, the lack of exposure has not been a debilitating factor. One who has gone through such trying times could have been either crushed or arrogant but he was neither.

    I believe his tone, facial expression and body language plus the many revelations that he shared with us that night demonstrate his sincerity, and this is very precious because he has no baggage to carry with him. Indeed you have rightly highlighted his passion, zeal and candor.

    I am with you in that I put my trust in this man and will walk with him for sure.

    Have a nice day.


  1. says:

    39. QQ A person's true worth is measured by the extent to which they live in the present while giving thought to the distant future.

    We must strive undauntedly to ensure the triumph of justice!

    We really salute the courage and self-sacrifice of DS Nizar!

  1. says:

    40. Multi Racial It is time the judges bring back integrity and dignity to the judiciary.

    Do what is right for the country. Return power to Nizar and his Pakatan team who were elected by Perakians. Let Nizar go back to Perakians for a new mandate. There is no other option but to do this.

  1. says:

    41. awestone As I walked out of the hall, I was overcome with much emotion after coming face to face with YB Dato' Nizar - truly a great Malaysian leader with so much in his heart, so much to give to our nation. He had spoken very sincerely and elegantly and what we saw of him last night without any airs was his natural self, no holds barred with no masks on his face. Here is 1Malaysian Leader - all real,untainted.

    wow!the paragraph is a poetry. it is very well written and make my hai stands..

  1. says:

    42. Unknown Dear QQ

    Thanks for sharing the meaningful quote. Indeed we have to press on to restore justice in our land. YB Dato' Nizar has certainly sacrificed much for us...We have to rally behind him with our support and prayers. Take care and have a good day!

  1. says:

    43. Unknown Dear Multi Racial

    I am sure majority of Perakians and other Malaysians feel the same way as you and I do. All that we can do now is to pray for the outcome of the hearing and to ensure that this time, PR wins with a huge majority that leaves no room for frogs to jump! Take care and thanks for sharing your view. Have a good day!

  1. says:

    44. Unknown Dear Awestone

    *blushes* Thanks for your warm and encouraging comment. What I wrote was a natural response after encountering greatness in YB Dato' Nizar. Take care and do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    45. Unknown Great piece of reportage..! Great piece of any kind of writing..! I wish I could write with such clarity, commitment and clarity of commitment..

  1. says:

    46. Anonymous It is very rare indeed to find a politician with vision and democratic moral principles who practices them when she or he acquires power. Nizar exemplifies the enlightened political leaders that Malaysia urgently needs to become a mature democracy.

    If the FC rules in favour of Nizar (and it is a big if), then justice prevails and the people of Perak can exercise their democratic right to choose the government they want rather than have it chosen for them by fiat.

    The other outcome will set a dangerous precedent which will resonate nationally and effectively bypass this democratic right of the people of Malaysia.

    Reciprocity is crucial for acceptance of social norms in all human societies:

    "In social psychology, reciprocity refers to responding to a positive action with another positive action, and responding to a negative action with another negative one."

    "Reciprocal actions are important to social psychology as they can help explain the maintenance of social norms. If a sufficient proportion of the population interprets the breaking of a social norm by another as a hostile action and if these people are willing to take (potentially costly) action to punish the rule-breaker then this can maintain the norm in the absence of formal sanctions. The punishing action may range from negative words to complete social ostracism."

  1. says:

    47. Unknown Dear Zyglos,

    Many thanks for your very encouraging comments. Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    48. Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 3.57 p.m.,

    Many thanks for your fine and politically mature comment. I believe many wish, hope and pray that justice will prevail and a lot depends on those five judges.

    Honestly, I dread to think of what might happen if the opposite happens.

    *sighs* Without sounding pessimistic, in Malaysia, anything can happen - from the expected to the unexpected. I guess we will really have to pray for divine intervention.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    Have a good day!

  1. says:

    49. profit Will you walk with him and other leaders to build a better Malaysia for us all?
    Yes I will walk with him but not with Anwar at the helm.

  1. says:

    50. baltan1 Dear M,
    Thank you for your personal response, never expected it. This is the first time I visited into your blog. Of course it was through MT. My e-mail is You may leave it published as we need not hide behind walls of insecurity if we are truthful.
    While admiring the greatness of Dato' YB Nizar lets not forget his faithful team mate speaker YB Siva who has stood up to the worst humilations of the BN atrocities. My only prayer everyday is that those who partook in that evil doings to Dato Nizar and his team would be justly punished when judgement day comes.
    And I pray that day should come soon.

  1. says:

    51. MCA Bagan Division Dear YB NIZAR,

    I used to help out in the GE under the BN banner until the last few years when I saw BN Leaders getting arrogant and enriching themselves with corruptions.

    I left the country during the last GE and this coming GE, I will used all my skills to help out PR!

    My whole family with my children walk beside YB and help you out!
    We will be with you for this GE.

  1. says:

    52. Unknown Dear profit

    I know how you feel...there is a debate going on in MT re this can find it in my post there...Sighs...

    Take care and thanks for your vote of confidence in Nizar. I am not surprised that so many have stepped forward to express their support for YB Dato' Nizar...

    Have a good evening.


  1. says:

    53. Unknown Dear baltan2,

    Thanks for your contact details. I will surely keep you informed...There is a Human Rights thingy coming up in mid December and I will keep you in the loop. Take care and God be with you and yours.


  1. says:

    54. Unknown Dear MCA Bagan Division,

    You made the right decision and you are now on the right side :-). Thanks for your offer of support. We need as much help as possible for the next polls and we had better start preparing NOW....time is running out and the ammunition and machinery on the other side is very well-oiled indeed. Take care and thanks for stopping by.


  1. says:

    55. MCA BAGAN DIVISION I used to lead my loyal Team of voluntary workers under BN, taking charge of the Transport & Logistics and does coordination during the most critical time.

    My tactical moves (learned from BN) this time guiding PR to beat the shit out BN.

    We know the game well enough!
    BN is sure goner when I deploy my team players.


  1. says:

    56. Unknown Dear MCA BAGAN DIVISION

    Your commitment to help PR win the battle this time is heartening news! Please also lobby for more to help out, in particular the rural areas in every area, including east coast of the peninsular and also East Malaysia. Take care and I hope to meet you one day to shake your hand. We need more volunteers, especially those like you who are experienced to train and deploy foot soldiers. I just hope the fence sitters who are reading this will be persuaded to vote the right side this time. Take care and have a good week.


  1. says:

    57. Unknown I have been walked with PAS for GE 11 & 12 where I voted for PAS in Perak. Malaysia need leader like him to take care of all malaysians, regardless of race. And, I will continue walking with Nizar, a great leader.

  1. says:

    58. Unknown Dear Chong

    Good morning! I am glad to hear that there are Malaysians like you who have stepped forward to see beyond race, creed or color. For too long, we have been manipulated to their advantage. I have met and spoken to many PAS members and they do not strike me at all as fanatics. Gentle, godly, kind and respectful, I believe many of them are godly Muslims. It is the same for many of their leaders and the prime example is YB Dato' Nizar.

    Keep up the good work, Chong. May God guide and bless you as you endeavor to be part of the nation-building process. Together, we will walk with YB Dato' Nizar and the others who believe in truth, justice, integrity and a value system/governance that is based on needs, NOT race.


  1. says:

    59. Anonymous I was at the High Court when Nizar's case against Zambry was heard. I was introduced to him by an old friend who was part of his legal team. When I shook his hand, I commented that for a first term ADUN he has alot of guts in him to be fighting against UMNO and Zambry and his reply was "Of course, of course, we have to stand up for the truth and fight for what is right for the people". I agree he has the charisma and the qualities to be our leader.My only prayer is that the Almighty shall bless those who walk in the corridors of power in the manner as expected of Him, the Almighty and those evil doers shall be cast aside.

  1. says:

    60. Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 10.49 a.m.

    Good morning! Thanks for sharing such an inspiring encounter with a godly man such as YB Dato' Nizar. I am with you in praying along those lines and hope as many Malaysians will stand in the gap to heed YB Dato' Nizar's call for us to seek divine intervention to restore truth and justice to this nation. Take care and keep up the good fight.


  1. says:

    61. Catherine Indubitably, the truth will always attract followers, and the day will always come when sincerity bears fruit.

    A leader of integrity and principle will never lie, even if it means dying for the truth.

    Let's live in a world of truth, and never allow ourselves to be deceived by lies!

  1. says:

    62. Unknown Dear Catherine,

    Thanks for such a profound comment! Take care and let us uphold truth and justice and continue to live wisely with the ability to discern truth from lies. Take care and have a great day.


  1. says:

    63. Anonymous Dear Paula,

    I really enjoyed your article on YB Nizar. I am from Ipoh but unfortunately have been away for the past 11 years working abroad. My wish is to just shake this man's hands and tell him what a great "people person " he is, able to understand the everyday problems of the rakyat.

    I must share this incident with all your readers about this great person, YB Nizar. My youngest brother who was a journalist and perfectly healthy, passed away last year suddenly at the age of 40 due to a heart attack. He had served in Ipoh long time ago before YB Nizar was even the MB. We were really all in grief when suddenly unannounced YB Nizar appeared at my home, spent a good 40 minutes with my mum(a report, plus a photo of him consoling my mum was published only in the vernacular press). This small gesture on his part went a long way for all of us.

    YB Nizar , may god bless you and your family and give you great health and courage to carry on your fine work as the rakyat's champion. I still harbour to shake hands with this great man,when i am back home in Ipoh next.

  1. says:

    64. Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 3.28p.m.

    Thanks for your kind and encouraging comment. I must confess that I really enjoyed writing this post because YB Dato' Nizar is such an awe-inspiring leader!

    I am to sorry to hear of the sudden demise of your younger brother. May his soul and spirit rest in peace.

    Thank you very much for sharing about the benevolent and compassionate nature of YB Dato' Nizar. One like him who cares and walks the talk is rare and hard to find in this cruel world. It appears that whilst he has tremendous ground support, he has an uphill battle to regain what was tragically prised from his hands.

    May we all join our hearts and pray for God's divine intervention in his case and protection for this good man.

    May God bless and keep you and yours as well. Take care and please keep in touch.


  1. says:

    65. Ting No matter where you are or who you are with, it is crucial to speak out vocally against error and injustice. We must never lose the spirit to refute the erroneous and reveal the truth. We must never let justice be defeated!

  1. says:

    66. Unknown Dear Ting,

    My apologies for this late publication of your comment as I was out with relatives.

    Thanks for your very passionate response! The time has come for Malaysians to arise and speak out, stand up and make all the right moves against injustice, corruption etc.

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    Have a restful evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    67. Kenneth Marie Curie declared : "When something is right, it has to be done, even if there are a thousand reasons to prevent you from doing it."

    Great and just people are often envied and criticized. Navertheless, those who are able to endure and surmount such onslaughts will enjoy indestructible victory and glory.

    May God always be with YB Dato' Seri Nizar.

  1. says:

    68. Unknown Dear Kenneth

    Thanks for sharing such powerful and inspiring words. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and gesture to propel us forward in our faith and hope for truth and justice.

    Take care and have a great evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    69. cpy The Perak imbroglio has thrown up many issues. The three political “frogs” that caused the fall of the Pakatan Rakyat government lack moral fibre. No matter how good-natured they are or impressive on the surface, ultimately they have no principles and convictions. They have no real character, either. They are devious and self-serving individuals.

    More sadly, they are going about their daily lives merrily, without a guilty conscience. Undeniably, it was through their shameless, despicable and corruptible actions that have broken Perak and held its rakyat to ransom.

    God willing, Pakatan Rakyat is poised to win bigger in a state re-election, if any, and in the 13th general elections. The Perakians have had enough.

  1. says:

    70. Unknown Dear CPY

    Thanks for your passionate and hard-hitting response. I am sure you are from Perak :-). I come from a northern state and am just as enraged as you are abt this issue. What you said is very true and life is indeed unfair!!!

    How do the other Perakians treat them? They should be ostracized completely! I join you in hoping and praying for a clean sweep for PR in the next elections to leave no room whatsoever of a repeat of such a deplorable episode!!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    71. Gemini A single courageous person of impassioned commitment can create a new history!

    To YB Dato' Seri Nizar :

    However difficult the challenges you may be facing, we hope you will freely exercise the kind of wise and charismatic leadership by which you impart hope and joy to all, leaving everyone feeling buoyant and enveloped in immense delight.

    A true victor is one who wins in the end!

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