Posted by Unknown On Friday, February 5, 2010 17 comments
Having worked with teenagers and young adults for over two decades, I have come to the conclusion that falling in love is one of the hottest topics for discussions when they meet. There is distinct difference in the focus of the topic for men and women which even varies according to age. The older one gets, the more disillusioned people seem to be - such a saddening trend indeed as it implies that not many are that lucky in love.

Falling in love and being in love are two quite different feelings. Falling in love can be either a flash of emotions or a first step towards love. It can be a strong instinctive attraction to another or a crazy and very physical feeling where knees become weaker, face gets flushed while for others, love is a calm, comfortable and warm-hearted emotional experience.

Often times, falling in love demonstrates the power of love on mortals, especially if it goes against our senses when we understand that we can’t expect nothing good from these relationships, especially if it’s the wrong person but yet, can do nothing about ourselves.

The more two persons get to know each other, the more comfortable they get with each other but through time, feelings may become less sharp and not as bright and exciting when other factors such as career, kids or health issues come into the picture. No wonder some middle-aged couples become subdued in their marital relationship where communication is reduced and meals become quiet affairs. With predicable patterns, boredom sets in which can undermine the stability of the marital relationship - all the more both parties have to work harder to light that spark of love, romance and passion again if these were somehow lost along the way!

To me, falling in love involves emotional, cognitive, behavioral and erotic components. The functions of romantic love is not just for marriage or procreation but also for a stable emotional, physical and social environment.

Heart Pictures, Images and Photos

I can still remember the first time I fell in love - it was on a blind date. Then, my best friend wanted to go for a movie with her boyfriend but needed a chaperon so I was roped in to be her alibi. I protested quite vehemently as I was appalled at the thought of being a lamp-post so her boyfriend arranged for his best friend to come along. I was not keen at all but loyalty and love for my friend weakened my resistance and I went along most grudgingly, believing that I would be bored to death by whoever it was that had the misfortune of being my blind date!

I know you will shake your head and say there's no hope for this sentimental lady but more than thirty years down the road, I can still remember how I fell in love with him at that moment when I saw him standing there, head cocked to the side, wavy locks of hair cascading from his head. As he turned his head in my direction and our eyes met, all was lost.

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Believe it or not, there are tears in my eyes as I type this. Falling in love is such a beautiful feeling that must be treasured, cherished and nurtured.

Somehow, the die-hard romantic in me who has read almost all of the world's most famous love stories of the 19th and 20th century, I opine that falling in love is indeed a subjective experience characterized by intense focused attention on a special person. Subsequently, one may indulge in obsessive thinking about him or her coupled with an emotional dependency and craving for emotional union with this beloved and then one can be completely swept away by euphoria and increased energy.

Undeniably, love has inspired countless works of art, from immortal plays such as Romeo and Juliet, to architectural masterpieces such as the Taj Mahal, to literature such as "Gone with the Wind" and even classic pop songs, like Queen's “Love of My Life”. All this proves that love is such a stimulating emotion that spurs of creative productivity.

One possibility is that when we’re in love we actually think differently. I believe love triggers brain processing patterns, which in turn promotes creative thinking and interferes with analytical thinking. Sex, however, has the opposite effect - it triggers local processing, which in turn promotes analytical thinking as to how the hunter can zero in the prey and interferes with creativity. I know this postulation will probably elicit responses so I await your comments which I am sure will be interesting.

So how did you feel when you fell in love? Do you believe in love in this cruel world? I have a few friends who have been hurt so often that they are now cynical about love. Take heart - when you fall in love - it WILL be forever and you will know, just as I did.

Here are two of my favorite love songs - Natalie Cole's Unforgettable and Celine Dion's WHEN I FALL IN LOVE to help you remember that moment....

Have a great day and may your life be filled with melting moments with your loved ones.

17 comments to FALLING IN LOVE

  1. says:

    Anonymous Fall...fall....fall in love, fall in love , fall in love with you !

    sung by cliff NOT me in the 50s when i was in form 1 or 2 .... wow....umpteen years ago, wish i could fall again .... sigh !! (iwc)

  1. says:

    Unknown Wow! You are much older than me!! I was not even born yet in the 1950's. Are you sure got the right years???

    Of course you can still fall in love again...Look deep into your wife's eyes and then fall in love all over again!

    Have a great day, IWC!!

  1. says:

    Nameless Fool I must say I'm one of your pals who became cynical towards love, although I must agree that it can make me cry no matter how much I didn't want to.
    Or is it too early to become cynical? To despise how dating sites advertise those ridiculous things to me?

    Every guy that I liked didn't like me back. The two guys that know I had crushes on them (in different eras of my education) rejected me. The second was more painful and still fresh in my memories because he was a fellow metalhead and a reader. We were still friends (and on Facebook) after I told him about my feelings, but I don't talk to him anymore.

    You won't be surprised if I tell you that I go to counselors to talk about these things and emerge with training wheels that aid my way to 'being single and loving it'.

    The voices in my head drive me crazy as one side craves companionship while the other demands that I continue to be an Undesirable.

    Mushy conflicts aside, I've got... three and a half chapters left to write until I type'em in. That means I'm getting through the second half of the climax aka suspense part. :D

    Till next time, MWS.
    ~ Fishfoot

  1. says:

    Unknown My dear Nerdcore

    You are such a sweet girl that I wish I could make you my god-daughter and spoil you with chocolates and sweets on this cloudy Friday just so I can drive the melancholy away!

    Ah my dear, it is way too early to become cynical.

    Of course I am not surprised by what you have so openly shared and you are doing the right thing sharing with counselors :-). My former students used to do that with me so often and some still do!

    We seem to share some similarities. The guys who liked me - I didn't like! Those I liked did not know I liked them LOL!!!

    But then again, fret not, dearie...I ended up with a wonderful man and I am sure you will too!!!

    Can't wait to read your book...

    In the mean time, please drift away on cotton candy clouds and dream of Mr. Right regardless of whether he is a metalhead of a jazz fan hehee...Valentine's Day is round the corner....:-)

    It is always so delightful to hear from you!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Hugs and salam

  1. says:

    Anonymous din u get my mail telling u to call me uncle , dear niece !?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Uncle Anon @ 6.21 pm

    No, I did not get the mail...Which email address did you use?


  1. says:

    Anonymous " I'll never fall in love again ! "
    sang frustrated Tom Jones.

    Bobbie Gentry said too :
    Wat do u get when u fall in love, a guy with a pin to burst your bubble,
    that's wat u get for all your trouble,
    I'll never fall in love again ...
    i'll never fall in love again.
    (uncle c )

  1. says:

    stephen What is Love? A complex conundrum with many answers in different phases of life and as many different conditions.
    There's puppy love which is true love for those smitten with the opposite sex and an imagination in overdrive.
    Then there's sexual love where the opposite sex is only an object of desire with the other qualities sidelined.
    There's practical love where the attraction is in the power and financial security of the opposite sex.
    Then, finally "true" love (or is it?)where words like companionship and sacrifice comes in the picture, the realization of which comes on too late sometimes when a life partner has been chosen.

    I think there's no such thing as love at first sight as it is physical attraction nothing more.Some people are attracted,then compromise or overlook the bad stuff in other crucial areas which will create problems later on.

    Nature made humans attractive during the height of their sexual prowess which is during the teens to late twenties so as to aid procreation.This is why old fogeys tend to go for sweet young things who look to them for financial security.Both call it love but is it really?

    What is love? Never having to say "wrong choice" ?

    A cynical look!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Uncle C (IWC???)

    Ah - I loved that song when I was in primary school and I think unconsciously, it helped me NOT to fall in love that easily haha!

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    The sage has emerged in you tonight :-). Very wise words indeed and a most accurate take on love.

    How true that we go through different phases and types of love as we age.

    Allow me to add to your already brilliant comment.

    There is agape - Greek for God's love...

    Eros - the love between a man and a woman

    Filia - the love between members of a family

    Koinonia Brotherly love..

    Your wise thoughts on practical love and true love must be very seasoned with experience for it takes one who has found true love to be able to express it as such! You and your wife are blessed!

    :-) Thanks for bursting the bubble of teenage relationships :-) but I still believe it is possible to fall in love at first sight - er at a young age, definitely not for old fogeys like me haha...

    What is love? Hmmm I believe it is loving in spite of, despite...that we see all the faults in the person and look beyond that and love him/her for who he/she is to us...

    May your life be filled with many melting moments of love that will be cherished always.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  1. says:

    stephen My favourite when I am in the mood.I play it in the late evenings with my better half.Enjoy!


    and this for all the loves lost but not forgotten....


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    Thanks for sharing those lovely songs! Both are my favorites! But I prefer the slow version of The Way you look tonight"hehe..Die hard romantic at heart. Yet, the upbeat version is brighter and not as moody...

    Have a great weekend and many romantic evenings with your wife!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Wise men say only fools rush in BUT i can't help falling in love ......!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Elvis' version of that song is very melancholic...There is an article in the Sun today about how we are never too old to fall in love!!! And a firm reminder to fall in love with our spouses over and over ...


  1. says:

    Anonymous : ............,
    So if u see my girl
    pls send her home to me
    tell her about my heart
    that's slowly dying
    say i can't stop myself
    from crying !

  1. says:

    Anonymous u dun know the little dutch girl !!!!!??????

    Far across the sea in the land of windmills
    i met a girl her eyes were sparkling blue
    her hair was the color of the golden sunset
    and upon her feet she wore wooden shoes
    we walked through the fields of red & yellow tulips
    and when i kissed her sweet lips
    it set my heart a whirl
    but the time came to leave her
    now my heart is grieving
    cause it holds the mem'ry of the little dutch girl !! (iwc)

  1. says:

    Unknown I know - u mentioned it before...but I don't really like the song...

    I am a Beatles, Hollies, Cliff Richard, Chicago (and others as listed in my profile) fan...

    Slow to respond cos I am writing a post. Take care!

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