Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, February 23, 2010 16 comments
For a change, I thought I'd post an inspirational poem to breathe some hope and courage into our hearts as we start a new day. I hope the following poem can touch you in unexpected ways. At this point of time when the going seem to get tougher, we need so much hope and solidarity lest we grow weary and weighed down by the cares of this world. Take heart - we can do it, together!



The world offers everyone a golden opportunity,
In making life more meaningful and with tranquility,

Roses planted in each garden enhances its beauty,
Tendered with care, it continues to grow in prosperity.

Love makes the world go around in peace and harmony,
In places where man had fought with bitterness and hate,

A path of ugly destruction uproots its serenity,
That leads us to find answers to its morbid state.

A fallen world leaves us with many deep uncertainties,
As we investigate its torn threads and gather lost strength,

To build a bright future, in exploration of the humanities,
Thus, conquers our fears, as we celebrate in great length.

Man's knowledge and discovery of his inner and outer world,
Creates a playground for changes in the environment,

Be it a simple task that can alleviate human suffering,
In extending life its daily dose of peace and contentment.

Making a difference is a potential desire to be instilled,
As a personal trait to be fulfilled in each and every aspect,

Of the human race, in its vast culture and religion,
A solidarity given to all minds, open with love and respect.

-Author Unknown-


Let's really make a difference today - not just to others, but also to ourselves. God bless you and yours! Have a great day!


  1. says:

    ahoo Thank God for the new day! In fact every day is a new day and what we do with it counts.

    What we leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.

    Tuesday is significant for me and friends as we take this day to visit those in old folks home, sick relatives or members of friend's families. Whether in hospital or homes in and around Selangor.

    God never promised that everyday will be a rosy day but He does promised that He will not leave us nor forsake us if we are in His will. We make our living by what we work for, but we make a life by what we give.

    May you be bless beyond what you can comprehend for each satire or poem or essay that you give out daily. Cheers !

  1. says:

    QQ None of us can exist in isolation. Our lives and existence are supported by others in seen and unseen ways, be it by parents, friends or society at large.
    To be aware of these connections, to feel appreciation for them, and to strive to give something back to society in a spirit of gratitude is the proper way for human beings to live.

  1. says:

    Anonymous What an inspirational poem!
    It has indeed given us a sign of hope!

  1. says:

    Great Hope and courage are what humankind requires today in order to develop "a new path of change".

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahoo

    What a beautiful message you have shared here. I am speechless and very touched by the sincerity of your words. Thank you so much for making my day!

    I receive the blessing that you have given me..

    Thanks for reminding me about the lovingkindness and steadfastness of the Lord which is new every morning.

    May God bless you in your visitation ministry and may you continue to breath inspiration into the lives of others (including me and my blog).

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    My appreciation to you for a very beautiful reminder about the way our lives are intricately woven with that of others.

    God bless your kind and sensitive heart!

    I am so blessed to have you as a reader and friend and appreciate the connection forged via my blog.

    You have taught me many things via your comments each day and for that, I am always grateful.

    Take care and God bless!

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.13 am

    Indeed this is such an inspirational poem. As long as we have breath left in us, there is always hope.

    God bless you! Do keep in touch, ya?

    Have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Great

    Exactly! During such challenging times that we face, hope and courage will help us sail through the adversities of life.

    May God bless you with a double portion of blessings.

    Take care and God bless you and yours.


  1. says:

    Anonymous "As long as we have breath left in us, there is always hope."

    Well said. I can't agree more than that!

    Have a nice day

  1. says:

    Boleh Man The important thing is to keep challenging ourselves, again and again. To keep advancing and to continue moving forward, is essential!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Some poets say love makes the world go round, turns a bad man into a good person and that love is a great inspiration.

    How true!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.08 pm

    Thanks! May your life be always filled with hope that spills over to others :-).

    God bless and have a nice day!

  1. says:

    Kenneth Courage - the key to creating a bright and shining future!

  1. says:

    Village Boy Those who are always striving towards a cause, towards an ideal, are ever young. Their minds are alert and they are full of vitality.

    Dear Sis, you are one of them, aren't you?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kenneth

    Definitely! Without courage, there does not seem to be any future as the outlook would seem bleak and dismal. With courage, we look at life through special lenses that are powered from the energy that rises from our hearts! These are my own words that came in response to your comment.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    God bless you, Kenneth, with a double portion of courage to face today and everyday!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    That is indeed a very validating and encouraging comment and I have to agree with you! Haha! While I may be old in years, in many ways, my mind is still agile although my eyesight may not be as sharp :-).

    Thanks for the inspiration, Village Boy. God bless your warm and caring heart.

    Have a great day!

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