Jailing DSAI could possibly:
- reinforce the notion that DSAI is being demonized because he is perceived as a serious threat to the status quo
- help PR to gain more support - most vital at this stage as its prestige has been affected by the poor publicity caused by the resignation of Datuk Zahrain and the bad blood between the Kulim MP Zulkifli Nordin and PKR
- create a backlash against the status quo in the next GE as more outraged voters could possibly vote PR in protest
- affirm the notion that the status quo need damage control because possibly some of the accusations and recent damning revelations might have dented BN's prestige and credibility
- convince the rakyat that the status quo have no wish for any form of reform whatsoever - be it politically, socially, economically etc. and are ready to stem out any source of dissension or attempt to unseat the status quo thereby causing some to conclude that the alleged rot could have truly gone to the core in a irreversible manner
- raise DSAI's political prestige which augurs well for PR. We all know no one is perfect, including DSAI. Most are aware of his limitations and strengths. While some may focus on his strengths, others capitalize on his weaknesses and play these up to the max for their own advancement. Any move to jail him would possibly raise protests on an international scale and of course, locally. Such negative publicity would affect our country's reputation negatively while that of DSAI would be elevated to that of a martyr.
So are the forces that be ready to take the risk of such challenges and more?
Not jailing DSAI could possibly:
- exterminate the DSAI threat and possibly dent PR but at what cost?
- reinforce the notion of some that he was scapegoated for some to achieve their agenda
- lead to many questions about the credibility of certain institutions or characters etc - you know what I mean and I am sure you understand that I cannot discuss this due to the ongoing case
- etc etc etc
As such, either way, BN will lose out - at least that is what I feel, although I could be wrong.
So is it worth it to martyr the man? Is BN ready to face the consequences of martyring DSAI? Consider what happened when Che Guevara was martyred. If you are unfamiliar with the circumstances, allow me to refer you to an excellent article which has been widely reposted all over the net called The Martyring of Che Guevara by Robert Scheer.
Excerpt from the article:
It also turned out that killing Che was a big mistake, as his message was spread more effectively by his execution than by his guerrilla activities, which were, after he left Cuba, quite pathetic. This is the case in Latin America, where political leaders he helped inspire are faring better than those coddled by the CIA. Daniel Ortega, whom the CIA worked so doggedly to overthrow, is the elected president of Nicaragua. Almost all of Latin America's leaders are leftists, some more moderate (as in Brazil), and others as fiery as Che (in Venezuela), but all determinedly independent of yanqui control. Fortunately, they differ from Che in preferring the ballot to the gun. But all recognize that poverty remains the region's No. 1 problem and that the free-market model imposed by the United States hardly contains all the answers. Recall that the U.S. break with the Cuban revolution came before the Castro's turn toward the Soviets, and that it was over his nationalization of American-owned business assets in Cuba ranging from Mafia-run casinos to the electric power grid.
These days, few politicians in the United States even seem to care about the subversive Cuban influences in our own backyard that once haunted them. The embargo on Cuba remains to mollify Florida's aging Cuban community, but the prize is Mideast oil, not protecting the peasants of Bolivia from the likes of Che Guevara. On Monday, Che's death was marked, in the Bolivian village where he was killed, by Bolivian President Evo Morales, who proclaimed his movement "100 percent Guevarist and socialist," which hardly registers as a propaganda success story for those favoring CIA assassinations. They turned a failed - and flawed - guerrilla fighter into an enduring symbol of resistance to oppression.
Will martyring DSAI turn him into a similar symbol? Food for thought.
Do leave a comment if you wish because I would love to hear your views. Thanks! Have a great day!
Chahya Paula,
I'm just scared of Allah's wrath to us, for punishing the wrong man and for wrong reasons too.
God forbids!
May the innocent and justice win, whoever they are.