Posted by Unknown On Friday, February 12, 2010 26 comments
A few days before March 8, 2008, I followed my buddy Philip to a PKR ceramah held at Brown Gardens just so we could listen to YM RPK give his speech. As it turned out, YM RPK was not allowed to speak at the ceramah. Instead, we listened to Bayan Baru MP Datuk Seri Zahrain Hashim and YB R.S.N. Rayer. At that time, I thought the former spoke with much sincerity and earnestness in a very soft-spoken and gentle manner. Much later, I discovered that he is the uncle of three of my former students. One of them spoke with much joy about how sold out was his uncle to the cause. And then the bubble burst when Datuk Seri Zahrain lambasted Penang CM Lim Guan Eng, calling him a “chauvinist, Communist-minded and a dictator.”

Today, Malaysiakini reported HERE Zahrain announced that he is giving up all of his party posts and quitting from PKR with immediate effect. He will become an independent member of Parliament but one 'not friendly to BN.

The report said:

While acknowledging that he is elected by the people, he said that he also has to consider his own interests: "There must be a balance between the people's interests and my interests".

However Zahrain made assurances that he would not shirk his responsibilities and continue to serve the people to the best of his ability.

While it is commendable that he spoke of the balance between the rakyats interests and his own, should he or any others who display such patterns of behavior be permitted to continue to be a MP even after abandoning the party label under which voters elected him? To me, his resignation has frustrated the expectations of voters who elected him because they believed then that he is a PKR supporter who stood for their political inclinations.

He must remember that he has an obligation to honor promises that he made to his constituents during the March 2008 election campaign. His resignation means that there is now a change in party affiliation which in real terms breaks faith with voters more profoundly than just a personal disagreement with DSAI or 916 that did not materialise or LGE.

His appearance on the ballot under the PKR label constitutes a tacit pledge that he will help PKR organize and execute their strategy to serve the constituency to which he was elected. While voters understand that changed circumstances may have caused him to alter his stand on specific issues, his PKR membership and experience as a politician and businessman should hold him in good stead to weather many storms but it appears otherwise!

Research shows that while many voters tend to vote for the person rather than the party, many others vote for the party rather than for the person. Since party loyalists are not likely to have voted for the Zahrain's opponent, he has not vitiated the votes of party loyalists in the previous general election. He has, however, deprived party loyalists of the opportunity to nominate a more loyal party member in the party. At the same time, analysts say there are no straightforward answers to such a scenario because it depends on whether voters choose the candidate or the party he represents in an election and that is something that only the Almighty knows.

However, let's put that aside and consider his rationale for his exit. He said that he resigned because of:

  • his disappointment with Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng
  • his disillusionment with PKR and Pakatan Rakyat
  • his disagreements with the "captains" in Pakatan.
  • he does not want to be part of a sinking ship and be blamed by the rakyat for being associated with Pakatan's mockery of the people's trust. I will not be a part of this group of people which are destroying my country, my race and my religion".
  • his opinion that Pakatan no longer embodies the principles of justice which they "once trumpeted throughout the land".
  • his disappointment with the promise of major change after Sept 16 which did not happen
  • his opinion that he does not want history to punish him for not taking action

*The above statements were extracted from HERE and HERE and HERE.

If you look at his rationale carefully, and compare these with what other leaders say about him
HERE and HERE, we can see that his exit was expected by PKR's leadership because of what would have happened to him had he stayed on. At the same time, it seems as though self-preservation is more important to him than his pledge to serve the rakyat under the PKR flag.

A good leader does not allow his personal conflict with fellow leaders interfere with the execution of his goals and objectives. A good leader most certainly will NOT abandon a sinking ship but would be the first to bail the water out of that ship. Also, leaders of high caliber would make the effort to bridge gaps in private instead of washing dirty linen in public as discussed in one of my earlier posts HERE.

By making such statements, he has actually committed political suicide because it is likely that should he stand for re-election, the support from voters may not be forthcoming like before. Whatever differences or disappointment, one must mourn and resolve these differences in private, and have the courage and stamina to continually review one's personal calling and commitment in politics and then live up to one's principles when serving the rakyat. Then only can he be regarded as a leader of substance.

As it is, his words and actions show otherwise. Only he and God know the true reason for his exit - whether it is for self-preservation or self-advancement and he will have to answer to his maker.

In the mean time, I guess the rakyat may suffer for now, but be wiser when voting the next time. And PKR had better be WISER when selecting candidates for the next GE. Any rejects may be a liability if they bring along previous baggage. On a positive side, PKR and Pakatan is now free of a burden and can plod on albeit carefully because I am sure there are many landmines planted here, there and everywhere to hinder them from meeting objectives.

PKR and PR, please shape up!!! The cracks are showing and more than just glue is needed to hold both the party and coalition together with so many internal and external forces working against it.


  1. says:

    Ckw Who is Zahrain to call Guan Eng a "chauvinist, communist-minded and a dictator"?

    To us, Zahrain is but an immoral, dirty, filthy, shameful and despicable scumbag!

  1. says:

    Tak Malu Hoi, Zahrain, you are to be a non-BN friendly independent?
    Kakakakaka, what a joke!

    Hoi, Zahrain, independent MP means you are neutral lah! No friendly here, no friendly there, understand?

    Hoi, Zahrain, just see for how long you will remain such, ok?

  1. says:

    Village Boy We can't afford to let justice be beaten by a pack of lies!

    To my dear Bahrain :

    Please seek the correct way to live.
    God bless you

  1. says:

    Tak Malu Tee Beng won’t follow Zahrain, for now.

    For now? Kakakakak, yet another good joke!

  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor Betrayal is a terrible thing; it is fearsome indeed. Of late, we have experienced betrayal repeatedly and endured many unpleasant, deeply painful situations.

    I can understand only too well how the voters in Bayan Baru must have felt.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW

    I know what you mean! I feel deeply saddened for that perception of him that I formed in 2008 is now its place is an image of something else...

    Sighs. It is a wonder how some people can change.

    Take care and have a good weekend.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    Very witty and clever definition of 'independent MP'..

    What lies ahead is quite predictable judging from past trends!

    An outrageous outcome which should not have arisen in the first place if one has principles and ethics!

    Take care and thanks for visiting again.

    Have a restful evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Here we are trying to seek justice and there they go displaying self-righteousness.

    With such exemplary behavior, what will happen to future leaders?

    Such a sad state of affairs. Leaders should set high moral and ethical standards for others to emulate.

    Take care and have a lovely evening. Thanks for sharing your views.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    That one is a dark horse! I wonder what will be the outcome. PCM is also eyeing a piece of the cake in Penang so they had better tread carefully lest another political suicide is committed.

    Take care and have a great weekend.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Zahrain's exit is a blessing in disguise!

    Any 'cancerous tumor' or 'malignant cell' ought to be removed, the earlier, the better!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    I agree with you. The saddening part is that it started with Perak and the events that followed should have taught politicians a lesson or two about ethics and values. Instead, some seems to have learnt a different lesson!

    Tragic and outrageous!!!

    Take care and have a lovely evening. Thanks for swinging by.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.18pm

    Agree! I also mentioned that in my post. am glad we are of the same mind for the betterment of our country.

    PR had better do their own springcleaning before more of such events occur.

    Thanks for sharing your views.

    Take care and have a great weekend.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Schwarkoff's rule :

    If it happens twice it is coincidence. If it happened three times then it is happenstance. If it happens the fourth and more times it is enemy fire.

    Sis, all your advice, analysis and warning are like throwing pearls to swine. And I say this knowing full well that I will be insulting the swine.

    BN regime and the word regime is not a misnomer had been known to resort to subterfuge and sabotage. These are childish games of immatured politicians who had lost all credibility and respectability and has not the wherewithal and intelligence to re-enginner or to become relevant. The country is going down the tube because of the selfishness of a few crogmanon in BN.

    PR MUST NOT LOSE THE PLOT. It has to take the battle to the people - not by deceptive means nor manipulation but by quiet self-confidence and self-assured actions and programs.

    Go forward bravely to help the electorate. Have useful programs with long term goals and objectives. Have educational programs to educate the public on the avarice and manipulative strategies of BN. Never take on or play the silly little games that BN is playing. PR should set it's own rules and agenda. Never dance the two-step with childish and immatured swines but to dance to your own music.

    When mahatma gandhi took on the british he never thought of taking on the british. He knew he could never move them or sensitise them to the plights of the people. Instead little by little he moved the hearts of the people. When a critical mass is reached he could move mountains with his words and actions. He brought the mighty british empire to its knees.

    PR needed to move enough hearts and not to engage directly with the dirty tactics that would even bring shame to najib's mother.

  1. says:

    bayi Being dissatisfied with LGE is but an excuse. Many of these fence-sitters (who were fortunate enough to be chosen by Anwar for election but who were the rakyat's misfortunes)were waiting for Anwar's promise to take over Putrajaya. When this did not happen, their dreams of power and fortune vanished. With Anwar's future being threatened, they have used LGE and DAP as their platform for exit. These are the fortune-hunters. They are rubbish! We don't need them. Better get them out of the way now than have them do more damage later on. There will be more cases but PR should not fear them.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.36 p.m.

    My appreciation to you for your mature, erudite and well-informed analysis.

    It is true that because of a few dimwits acting like warlords, the rest of us have to suffer.

    The problem is also within PR and you have rightly identified the areas of concern which they must tackle. Whilst there may be plans, executing these at the grass root level is another problem because it appears that internal forces at work have undermined these blueprints.

    At this stage, PR seriously lacks a wholistic strategy that could allow them to harvest much favor from the rakyat and their own men. Perspectives are too short-sighted and the ability to see the bigger picture does not seem to be there.

    I could be wrong as this is just my view from the shadow, far far away. Learning to work together for collective good is a skill that they need to master, failing which, doom awaits them.

    Thanks for sharing your wise thoughts and observations. God bless you. Please keep in touch.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Bayi

    My appreciation to you for highlighting key factors that have or will lead to a predictable exodus pattern.

    While it is good that PKR is purged of these characters, I worry about the impact on the 2/3 majority issue. If BN wins a 2/3 majority along the way, I dread to think of the changes that they may effect in the constitution. If that happens, I am sure we will be seriously affected inthe next GE.

    Sometimes, the other side is not as dumb as they appear to be.

    Take care and thanks for sharing!

    Have a pleasant evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Let's unite strongly. Let's rise high above those who have arrogantly betrayed their electorate.

    Let's speak out to refute them and work together for collective good.

    God bless

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.04pm

    Thanks for the much needed exhortation to rise above all these challenges.

    We need more like you to inject hope, vigor and vision to other Malaysians who are fast losing hope.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for sharing your thoughts.

    God bless you and yours.

  1. says:

    Penangite The next time during campaigning, please tell the electorate that your interest has to be taken care as well, and that you care ONLY for your race and religion. Don't tell them after you have been voted in!

    However, I doubt if you can ever dream of having another campaigning time.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    Exactly! That is why I said he has committed political suicide this way and can only dream about standing for elections again. Penangites are not that blur to make the same mistake to trust such characters again after a betrayal.

    Thanks for visiting and for sharing your thoughts.

    Have a good rest and a lovely weekend.

  1. says:

    Starmandala From what I gather reading various bits and pieces, this guy Zahrain thought Anwar would become PM in September 2008 and then he could jockey for positions and privileges just like the good old days. Then he realized it was going to be a long, drawn-out war with no immediate rewards in sight - just constant harassment by Umno goons. He was eyeing a contract in Penang; even had an interest in a shell company that put in a bid for the project. But LGE said no - and Zahrain's ego got hurt big time. Same as Zul Noordin - 95% ego, 5% bullshit.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Antares

    Thanks for a very macro view of the situation and what goes on beyond the stage curtains so to speak.

    People with inflated egos and hidden agenda of self-glorification cannot last the long and winding journey of public service because what they want would be immediate gratification of their little effort so when the heat is on them, they are likely to opt out.

    I firmly believe that PR, especially PKR, must scrutinize their candidates carefully for the next GE and ensure that only leaders of caliber are eligible lest the rakyat suffer nonsense such as this one.

    Thanks for airing your sharp take of the situation. Take care and have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor Yes, PKR must scrutinize their candidates carefully. In fact, PKR should be bold enough to 'screw' their ADUNs or MPs once they sense something is fishy!


  1. says:

    katdog Actually, BN is not a lot better when it came to party unity.

    During the time of Badawi, there were many many disgruntled UMNO leaders. The difference between PR and BN is money.

    These disgruntled UMNO leaders don't quit the party but pretend to be yes-men because they are still able to manipulate and get lucrative contracts for themselves while remaining in BN despite not being supportive of Badawi. Many even worked hard to sabotage Badawi but in the public were sometimes the loudest voices of support for Badawi. Mukhriz himself didn't bother to resign when his own father called for mass resignations from UMNO. No one in UMNO wants to be left out of the gravy train.

    In PR it's totaly different as PR has got no money or contracts to offer, so there really is no incentive for opportunistic leaders to remain.

    In truth, that is a good thing for PR. PR must avoid following in BN's decadent system of ensuring loyalty via patronage. Positions should be given to those most capable, not those who profess to be the most loyal.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    I believe they did not do so because they did not expect to win...As such, they were not prudent with their choices and we have to suffer the consequences of that move!


    I hope I am wrong!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Katdog

    Thanks so much for your knowledgeable comment that joins the dots in the picture for us.

    For too long, the gospel of materialism reared its ugly head with the gravy train chugging happily and many people hopping on board.

    After seeing how many enjoyed luxuries in life because they were in the right camp, even saints became little devils because they did not want to lose out. A simple philosophy of if you can't beat them, join them.

    It is very difficult for PR to break out of this because of the baggage that some members carry with them.

    We need to train the youth to be the leaders of tomorrow. Currently, we do not see the next tier of leaders being trained and the same seniors are monopolising the scene- this does not augur well for our country.

    Lots to be done indeed!

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a good day!


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