Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, February 23, 2010 41 comments
Sometimes, it seems to be easier to lull oneself into oblivion by blotting out any semblance of reality. Is that a healthy move? Obviously not. But why would some partake in this act of denial? Simple. The truth always hurts. Few would want to come face to face with reality if they do not have the courage to face their ghosts from the past. This is so true in relation to what Malaysian Insider reported HERE.

Excerpt from the report:

Gerakan members need to redouble their efforts and work harder to prove that its national advisor’s comment that the party has lost Penang for good is wrong, party president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said today.

Advising the members to take Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik’s comment as a challenge, he said they should give more emphasis to the party ideology and to providing genuine and sincere service to the people first without thinking of a return.

“So, if they are upset, I will advise them to work hard to prove that the advisor is wrong,” he told reporters when asked to comment on the statement made by Lim in an interview with The Edge Financial Daily on Feb 18, which seemed to upset many Gerakan members.

He went on to say that the former party president explained that he meant well and that it was meant as a shock treatment for the party members and would be glad if he could be proved him wrong.

To me, what was most disconcerting was KSK's statement: "We have taken note, but let’s just move on."

I am a true blue Penangite - born here, grew up here and will die to be buried here one day. In the last twenty-five years of so, under the helm of Gerakan, there has not been much growth and development for the people. I do not want to do any mud-slinging act here but wish to reiterate that for too long, Gerakan was like a muzzled dog, not daring to speak up and to speak out when the situation warranted it. While it should have been the mouthpiece of the people, they were pro-BN all the way supporting the status quo. Loyalty is a good trait and must be shown in the right direction. Besides, they must remember who elected them to govern Penang and their loyalty must be towards the people!!! But has it been that way?

Today, Gerakan appears like a timid, childish and immature party with a leader that does not display the gungho fervor for the rakyat. During their reign, did they put the rakyat's interests first 100% of the time? Even after the March 2008 loss, KTK was asking Penangites to give BN a chance to reform and change.

And now, at least a senior person such as Lim Keng Yaik has the moral decency to face the truth that Penangites no longer believe in Gerakan. And how does the national leader react? As mentioned earlier, he said that they have taken note but let's JUST MOVE on.

What have they noted? Did they ever dare to face the truth or have they been deluding themselves? What did he mean by move on? Does it mean listen, do nothing and carry on as usual with the same attitude and frame of reference minus the political will to be a party that can spell change for Penang? Do they have the political will to make a REAL and GENUINE difference to the rakyat, especially Penangites?

I have been told that after the March 8 tsunami, many in Gerakan wanted to leave but were advised against it. Fine. If there is some sense of loyalty, it augurs well for the party. But this loyalty has to be harnessed to maximize the potential of some good men and women within Gerakan to groom them and to ensure that they can one day be future leaders. However, this was not the case. Issues were swept under the carpet and the nonchalance and blase statement shows that they do not seem to take criticism seriously.

Constructive criticism as seen in the challenge given by Lim Keng Yaik is good IF it succeeds in propelling members to change for the better. But their reaction smacks of indifference. Worse still, instead of being grateful for that jolt to reality, KTK was asked if action would be taken against Lim for issuing such a statement. The audacity of it all!!! Come on. LKY was a former national leader for Gerakan! Do we hear UMNO members asking leaders if action would be taken against TDM for raising issues? Of course not!! At least UMNO members have respect for TDM in that area.

The truth always hurts. This time, it cuts both ways - it is a grim reminder that Penang has lost its lustre due to the gentlemanly leadership of some leaders who did not move forward aggressively to grab the bull by its horns to protect the interests of Penangites as and when issues popped up. A good example is the name-calling issue and when KTK's picture was torn. He did not even bat an eyelid and took it all in his stride. So how? Obviously, they lead in such a way that they see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil to remain in the good books of some leaders. Now, all they can do is to live in a make-believe world of their own that all is well when it is NOT.

What say you, dear reader? Do share your views. Thanks. Have a lovely evening.

41 comments to THE TRUTH ALWAYS HURTS!!!

  1. says:

    Penangite We can no longer trust a backdoor minister, can we?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    There comes a time in life when we have to make the right decision based on a person or a party's record and I believe Penangites made the right choice! What say you?

    People who rise to the top not by merit will make many wonder why...and if answers are not there, the trust will be broken.

    And that is the painful truth some have to face.

    Sighs...So where are we in Penang?

    Much food for thought...

  1. says:

    stephen Gerakan was born under trying circumstances under the leadership of Lim Chong Eu,a true son of Penang.The people gave the "opposition" party the mandate to govern hoping for change.I remember my family staying awake during the wee hours of the night waiting for the electoral results and cheering loudly when gerakan won.Alas they couldn't find an effective way out when funds were denied them by the federal government and chose the easy way out by joining the coalition thinking it could still function effectively within.

    How very wrong they were.Its just like the line in the song "the day the music died" when they crossed over.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Masterwordsmith. I was a Penangite for nearly 20 years of my young days but Penang could not sustain me by way of employment afterwards. Therefore, I left for other states.

    I'm glad that Penangites have redeemed themselves well, finally, by casting out Gelekan, the damn good only for selling b**ksides party. See what we say about Gelekan at Susan's, LOL!

    I do remember the night when Kow Tow Koon beat LKS in that election in mid '85(I knew that was not a good thing and was disgusted)and began his 18 years of stupid tepid nonsense.

    You see, I also knew KTK as a classmate in MBS in the 6th forms. He was a panderer sort, not of inspiring leadership quality sort. As it turns out, he is spineless as he is chinless (this became a more pronounced feature with age). Hahaha!

    LGE is a good man. It's hard to get such a principled one in politics. PCM's Huan was absolutely drivelling when he said that the CM must be Penang born. Yuck! Pathetic Parti Cari Makan!

    Lim Keng Aik is also known to shower reporters with saliva dounpour at press conference - literally. Die faster, Gelekan and MCA!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    Thanks for sharing your memories about the early days of Gerakan...The Gerakan of the yester years is nothing like what we see today.

    Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu is a true statesman...a real Penangite we can be proud of...

    If only....

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~Wits0~

    I agree with you. Actually, the results of the election were beyond my expectation.

    Haha! I like the Kow Tow Koon nick hehe...

    I was also from MBS :-) - excellent school in those days...

    It is difficult to keep a straight face when reading and responding to your comment LOL!!! You can be a real riot haha!!

    Thanks so much for your witty comment and for sharing your memories of days gone by with KTK...I laughed so much till my sides ache!!!

    To think KTK was from Chung Ling...


    Thanks so much for your lively and most entertaining input! Take care and do keep in touch.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear masterwordsmith, off topic here a bit. Something I would like to know.

    You know verbose KTemoc, surely; he calls me "matey" but we can't agree on many issues yet we don't exchange exchange fierce words like I do with that sociopathic Monsterball at Susan.

    According to KTemoc, there is a chapel @ MBS(in my time, none). Is there one today? ;).


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    :-) at your comment again LOL!!

    *clearing throat*

    When I was there in the late 1970's, note LATE 1970's hehehe, we used to have our SCF meetings in the small room behind the school hall. There was no real chapel. The small room had a tiny rostrum and there, we had our morning watch meetings where each of us would take turns to share a meditation in the morning. After school, we would hang out there.

    There was a lovely rostrum in the hall (can't remember the name). But definitely no chapel. I don't think there is one today because I am not sure if they are allowed to have SCF meetings any more.

    When I was in MGS, we had chapel meetings which was compulsory for non-Muslims. Today, it is a different tale...

    Very sad tale..

    Thanks for the blast to my past!

    Take care and God bless.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Thank you, masterwordsmith, just as I suspected. "Matey" KTemoc do like to tell 'uncle, aunty' stories.

    It did not sound right that the Gomen would have spent money for a chapel there. Just because he hates Christianity, he has to invent stories, hahaha! Bluffer!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Gerakan was like a muzzled dog?
    No, it is still like a muzzled dog!

  1. says:

    Justice Leaders like Koh Tsu Koon who are fainted-hearted, weak-spirited, or cowardly, and who are always seeking to curry favour cannot hope to achieve or accomplish anything great!
    In fact, they have grown corrupt and betrayed their fellow members!

  1. says:

    Ckw Can Koh Tsu Koon walk with his head up or talk straight into anyone’s eyes as he has lost credibility in accepting the backdoor way to become a minister?

    Koh had during the 12th general election campaign proudly stated that he would not accept a senatorship to qualify to be a cabinet member. What had happened to that pledge?

    Any little respect we had for him is gone, now that he has shown himself to be one who lacks integrity and credibility.

  1. says:

    Ckw Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has been told to contact the state police to fix a time and date for his statements to be recorded in relation to six reports against him.

    ~~ Malaysiakini

    Yet another sad sad story!

  1. says:

    Boleh Man For once, Lim Keng Yaik is talking sense!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Planet of the Monkeys:

    Monkey A : No eyes see
    Monkey B : No ears hear
    Monkey C : No mouth talk

  1. says:

    ahoo We have had been conditioned by the govt MSMs' for far too long already. They have every tricks up their sleeves and are poisoning the minds of so many Malaysians with their half baked stories.

    These lies after being repeatedly spins seems to be the ultimate truth to many die-hard supporters.
    Even many of those under the govt payrolls are already packed in. We need more neutral news to counter those lies and spins.

    Let the truth prevails and may more people be the dispenser of truth rather than being passive like the three monkeys : see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil ! That would have turn this nation into a " zombie " where all will be blind, deaf & dumb.

  1. says:

    Selvi Lim Guan Eng told to contact the police re six reports against him.?

    This is getting more & more ridiculous and crazy!

    Why are only the PR-controlled state leaders being called to give statements each time some stupid trumped up reports are made against them.

    Come on, police! The public are no more fools.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear witso,

    Haha! You are a real joker!!Thanks for sharing the laughs. Take care!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @9.43pm,

    Your statement is painfully true but many choose to live in denial which is why Gerakan is still in the backwaters of politics!

    Thanks for speaking out without fear or favor. Take care and keep in touch.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice,

    Well said! Tragically, some of the leaders
    do not want to acknowledge their deficiency in moral conscience and political will to make a difference in our country. And, they adamantly refuse to believe that many Penangites have lost faith and confidence in them. They are paying the price now....

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW,

    Bravo! Excellent comment. You have spoken nothing but the truth that many choose to deny persistently to their detriment. Devoid of a conscience, they pander to the fancies of others like puppets on a string! God bless you for your stand on truth and justice! Keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW

    Thanks for the alert. I was out with friends from overseas and have yet to read that report. Will do so straight after this. Take care and persevere...

    It is going to be one long journey.

    And much courage, stamina and wisdom is needed.

    God bless.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Boleh Man

    Agree! At least he has come to his senses after looking at the situation from a distance.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.25 pm

    Some people have taken such a stance when it is actually indifference or apathy...

    Take care and God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahoo

    Thanks for jiving with my post in your comment. I am glad you got the subtle message I was projecting via the illustration.

    I applaud your wisdom in assessing the causal factors for the current malaise and also identifying the need for objective news. This is where the new media aka blogs and online news portals have vital roles to play - even that of commenters like you and the others.

    The wonderful thing about blogging is that it is not a w\one way traffic. I am blessed with readers who drop in to share alerts with me and then I take the cue from there to blog on the next post.

    Readers' comments are so important because it provides a platform for discussion and for changing opinions.

    Thank you so much for enriching my blog with your elegant comments. I appreciate the effort you are making to enlighten the rest of us.

    Take care and please keep in touch!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    Thanks for the alert and for your courage to speak the truth. We need more Malaysians like you who can see far and deep into the ploys of those who have devious intentions.

    Please continue to inject your fervor and brave comments into my blog and may you inspire those around you to be a Malaysian who cares and wants to make a difference.

    God bless you and have a good rest.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous A wise man was once asked what is delusion. He replied delusion is like when we see a rope and think that it is a snake. Or when we see a snake and think that it is a rope. In the former we often hurt ourselves. In the latter we get hurt by others. In either case suffering is the end result.

    A denialist, someone who denies reality, is a person who is deluded. The wise person referred to above said that ALL OF US are deluded and this meant basically that ALL OF US are denialist.

    Why did this wise person said that ALL OF US are deluded ? It goes to the very basis of how we perceive, understand and make sense of the world. This wise person used an interesting metaphor of how the 6 blindmen tried to know what an elephant is.

    The 6 blindmen are our 5 sense organs and our mind. Often we just hear something from others - who may even provide very convincing proof of a proposition and we believe. This than become our reality but is this reality what is really out there ? Is the map same as the terrain ?

    ALL OF US like to believe that this is so and we may even delude ourselves that we are seeing and thinking clearly.

    How is this related to ksk and lge ? We may think that ksk is the dirt of the earth suffering serious case of denial syndrome and that lge is the new prima donna. Do not forget that gerekan was once also much respected and looked up to. LGE had done a lot of things right but we should not be blind to the simple fact that he is also fallible. If we don't then we are really the denialist.

    The question of buddhdistic epistemology would demonstrate to you that ALL OF US indeed are asleep and denying reality.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Anon @ 9:23 AM. says,

    "The question of buddhdistic epistemology would demonstrate to you that ALL OF US indeed are asleep and denying reality."

    Indeed, mostly so, but we ought to contemplate on the traditional Buddhist/Indian terminology used also. The degree of Denial is relative, some are more deluded than others.

    Sometimes, using the archaic descriptions to convey an idea may not entirely cut it perfectly because we are now living in the present era different from an ancient cultural setting and semantics may have shifted slightly.

    To understand what the Buddha explained about Reality, one has to consider the premises of ourselves and all (Creatorless) "Creation" as Mind Constructed. That Mind makes Matter and never the other way around.

    To simply say that life is an "illusion" is not so helpfull although wrt the Greater Reality, it is of such a Nature indeed. For the Buddhist to say that the soul does not exist, is also equally troubling. I agree that while in material form it does not and cannot here, in psychic form it does.

    To understand REALITY, after we have become well read on Buddhist teachings, this work is invaluable:

    The language of Seth is modern, the explanation enlightening, inspiring and usefully shorn of the drags of ethos from cultural hangovers.

    Remember that the Buddhist teachings are geared to the Moral Life and while He knew about much much more things like from the analogy handful of leaves He held in His hand compared to those in the forest, His focus was on that - The Moral Life and the ending of Suffering and Unsatisfactoriness within this Realm of Existence in the Human World.

    You will find that essentially the Buddha does not contradict the Seth of Jane Roberts.


  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot As Stephen said, the music died with the compromise of Gerakan. Perhaps it was unavoidable. It was a tidal wave that began from the National Operations Council. Everyone, not just politicians, adopted pragmatic stances. As RPK just wrote, the leaders of Sabah who would not compromise met untimely ends.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.23

    You have shared very deep thoughts with us. My thanks to you for your time and effort. The correlation to today's ill is stark and a grim reminder.

    Lots of food for thought that you have given us so kindly.

    Thanks again. Take care and do keep in touch.

    Enjoy the evening ahead.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~


    Thanks for your very objective and thoughtful response to Anon @9.32 am.

    I am impressed with the depth and diversity of your knowledge!

    Amazing. Thanks so much for taking the trouble to embellish Anon's comment and to broaden the scope of my post.

    Take care and please keep in touch.

    Enjoy the evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Semuanya Ok Kot

    Very well expressed! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and the point about pragmatism and the grim reminder of what might befall those who did not comply to the requirements of those who can afford to flex their muscles.

    Take care and God bless you! Do keep in touch. I always enjoy reading your responses.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous mostly so, but we ought to contemplate on the traditional Buddhist/Indian terminology used also

    What praytel, terminology that is a matter of contention here ? The word "delusion" was explained by Buddha by way of a metaphor.

    The degree of Denial is relative, some are more deluded than others.

    This would suggest that we are awake some of the time and asleep at other time. Do we know when we have crossed from one state to the other. Delusion is very much like virginity - either you have it or you don't. Degree is a matter of fabrication to support a mental construct of sanity.

    using the archaic descriptions ...

    Which part of the metaphor of "snake" and "rope" is archaic ?
    I think this metaphor is for all time for each of us could so easily identified with such a description regardless of culture or age - no second guessing needed.

    6 blindmen - archaic ?

    one has to consider the premises of ourselves and all (Creatorless) "Creation" as Mind Constructed.

    Mind-only school was based more on a spiritual approach to creatively deconstruct a mind created reality. The final liberation where direct insights arose were not of much importance. It was argued that why should one be bothered with nirvana(cessation) when one is still full of delusions.

    It is merely a subset of what Buddha had revealed. Emphasising one aspect of Buddha's teaching and taking this to represent the entire teaching of the Buddha would be like one of the blindmen.

    For the Buddhist to say that the soul does not exist, is also equally troubling.

    This arose when one do not understand what Buddha had said.
    A soul - as perceived as a static unchanging atma - do not exist. The various metaphors of the flame, bubbles along the banks of the river suggested that the whole notion of anatma rest on a fundamental truth of reality - one that is ever changing, interacting and transforming. I believe this is what quantum science had come to realis as well.

    I agree that while in material form it does not and cannot here, in psychic form it does.

    The distinction is unnecessary and a misunderstanding of the premise and mark of dharma.

    Is this not a deluded attempt at casting modern terminology upon "archaic beliefs" and in the process messing up the whole structure and intent of buddha dharma ?

    His focus was on that - The Moral Life and the ending of Suffering and Unsatisfactoriness within this Realm of Existence in the Human World.

    The Moral Life refers to the life of an ascetic. This was one of those archaic use of the word which you had not understood. Your advice is certainly apt here.

    Buddha's teachings and spiritual techniques are not just to end suffering in the human world but the whole of samsara - the cyclic existence where sufferings permeate.

    I do not know what jane or robbert had written but a brief browsing of the content pages would suggest to me that what they had written was nothing more than a new-age concoction of various spiritual traditions. I would not be surprised if what they had written was nothing more than a web of delusions coated in some socially acceptable new-age terminologies.

    Interesting that you would accept the words of someone who had claimed to have left his body ;-).

    The rationalist and objectivist believe that reality could be approached and understood by way of reasons and logic and facts. And yet the incompleteness theorem totally demolished such a notion.

    The modern terminology for the 6 blindmen would be the incompleteness theorem.

    Would you not agree that a person who subscribed to the superiority of rational thoughts as deluded and in denial mode ?

    ------ For MasterWSUnplugged only--

    My apology for straying into buddhistic thoughts and teachings. You can remove this if you so wish.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Anon @ 10:01 PM says:

    "I do not know what jane or robbert had written but a brief browsing of the content pages would suggest to me that what they had written was nothing more than a new-age concoction of various spiritual traditions. I would not be surprised if what they had written was nothing more than a web of delusions coated in some socially acceptable new-age terminologies."
    If she wrote only those "New Age" stuffs, I would have discarded them more than 2 decades ago. I read books on the Tripitaka rather long before then.

    The thing about ardently insisting that only one point of view as inviolable and complete is not substantiated alone by rote. You have displayed doctrinal faith, not demonstrated experience in its favor. You insist on one valid point of view and its associate purity and denies all others without studying them. I guess this is normal enough.


  1. says:

    Anonymous "Interesting that you would accept the words of someone who had claimed to have left his body ;-)"

    So you say astral travelling is nonsense?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.39 p.m.

    My thanks to you for considering ~wits0~'s response and taking the time and trouble to respond according to your conviction with such a deep, penetrating, thought-provoking and mind-boggling response.

    I am completely floored by what you and ~wits0~ have shared here and have to confess I am a fledgling in this field but I remain open-minded to what is being discussed here.

    Perhaps you and ~wits)~ can recommend some online references which I could read to better understand this issue.

    I am deeply impressed by the depth and breadth of your knowledge and ability to rationalize your beliefs.

    Humbly, I acknowledge that I still have lots to learn.

    Thanks for enlightening me. Believe me - I have had to read this many times and had difficulty in responding because I am bowled over by these philosophical thoughts.

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    Btw, how should I address you?

    Have a lovely evening!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~witso~


    I am so amazed by the exchange between you and Anon! It almost seems surreal that two fantastic minds are sharing their erudite and learned viewpoints here.

    You have actually read the Tripitaka...and I just learnt of its existence from you.

    Thanks for sharing your views. You and Anon are both very learned readers!

    I am so blessed!

    Take care and keep in touch.

  1. says:

    Anonymous 6 blind men?

    Lin Chi Zen Master said, "If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet a Patriarch, kill the Patriarch." Zen Master Seung Sahn says that in this life we must all kill three things: First we must kill our parents. Second, we must kill the Buddha. And lastly, we must kill him! This kind of speech is sometimes perplexing to people raised in the Judaeo-Christian tradition since we would never say this about Jesus or one of the Prophets. But the meaning here is very interesting and goes far beyond the martial language of the metaphor. Buddhism is quite unique in that its founder never said, "Believe what I say." Buddhism means find out for yourself.. i.e., kill the Buddha.

    At one time, the citizens of Kesaputta asked the Buddha what they should believe. They were very confused by the many religions in vogue at that time. The Buddha said, "Do not accept anything by mere tradition. Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures. Do not accept anything because it agrees with your opinions or because it is socially acceptable. Do not accept anything because it comes from the mouth of a respected person. Rather, observe closely and if it is to the benefit of all, accept and abide by it." This Sutta - the Kalama Sutta - is the root of Zen-style inquiry into the true self.

    The Buddha says in the Diamond Sutra that in his whole teaching career he never spoke a single word. In Zen, we are admonished that understanding cannot help us. The wind does not read. So, what are we left with? just before he died the Buddha said, "Life is very short, please investigate it closely." We are left with the great question: What am I? What is a human being? In his great compassion the Buddha leaves us only with footprints pointing the way... in the end he cannot help us; we must find the answer ourselves. Zen, too, asks the question but does not have the answer. But you do, if you look inside.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.41pm

    I do agree with your comment that we have to realize that LGE is fallible. You have given a very fair response indeed.

    Just out of curiosity, do you practise astral projection?

    Thanks for your comment. Please kee[ on touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous The Kalama Sutta is the Charter of Intellectual Freedom and Inquiry. That is the real spirit of Buddhist understanding!

    Kalama Sutta

    Do not believe in anything (simply)
    because you have heard it.

    Do not believe in traditions because they
    have been handed down for many generations.

    Do not believe in anything because it is
    spoken and rumoured by many.

    Do not believe in anything (simply) because
    it is found written in your religious books.

    Do not believe in anything merely on the authority
    of your teachers and elders.

    But after observation and analysis
    when you find that anything agrees with reason
    and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all
    then accept it and live up to it.

    (Anguttara Nikaya Vol. 1, 188-193 P.T.S. Ed.)


  1. says:

    Anonymous If she wrote only those "New Age" stuffs, I would have discarded them more than 2 decades ago. I read books on the Tripitaka rather long before then.

    New agers tended to combine and fabricate a new set of beliefs and of course embellishing it in ways that are acceptable. There lies the seduction.

    Things that sounded logical or reasonable need not be the truth or even spiritually valuable.

    The thing about ardently insisting that only one point of view as inviolable and complete is not substantiated alone by rote. You have displayed doctrinal faith, not demonstrated experience in its favor. You insist on one valid point of view and its associate purity and denies all others without studying them. I guess this is normal enough.

    This is a rather strange accusation. I had neither insisted on a point of view and neither could you glean the experiences that I had.

    Instead of casting slurs why not address the points I had raised. If what I had said was wrong or inaccurate then do offer a counter point.

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