Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, February 24, 2010 31 comments
If you have been following the news, you should be aware that the wind of change is blowing, and blowing so strongly too! What on earth am I talking about? There are two reports in Malaysiakini HERE and HERE which show that a strong monsoon wind is blowing in the direction of DAP's Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang, Vice-President of PKR Sivarasa Rasiah and Vice-President of PAS, Salehuddin Ayob.

All this brings to my mind Bob Dylan's song "Blowing in the Wind", a protest song composed in 1963, which begins with the following lines:

How many roads must a man walk down, before they call him a man
How many seas must a white dove sail, before she sleeps in the sand
How many times must the cannon balls fly, before they are forever banned

* The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind

The refrain "The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind" gives us the elusive and impenetrably ambiguous message that sometimes, when situations hit us, either the answer is so obvious it is right in our faces, or the answer could be as intangible as the wind. How true!!

Well, to me, it is pretty obvious that these three good men are walking down the path they chose to take for this country and that various cannon balls have been flying in their direction - one after another. Is this strong wind a climax that foreshadows a storm brewing in the distance?

What are some characteristics of wind?

Wind blows when the air pressure is temporarily higher or lower than the average so wind will flow from a region of higher pressure to that of a lower pressure - exactly what is happening in our political landscape!

Wind is an invisible force and hits us when we are unaware. Yet, it can be so powerful that we can be taken by surprise as its velocity can cause vast destruction to anything in its way. Sound familiar?

Geographically, there are different types of wind. Similarly, the winds blowing towards these three from DAP, PKR and PAS seem to be different in nature and source.

My question is - will they be able to withstand this wind? Are we prepared for the change that these winds may effect in our climate? How should everyone protect themselves?

To set you in the mood for winds, enjoy Bob Dylan's BLOWING IN THE WIND at this link or
if you are younger, you might want to check out WIND OF CHANGE by THE Scorpions over HERE. Incidentally, Wind of Change was written to celebrate the political changes in Eastern Europe at that time – such as the Polish Round Table Agreement and fall of the Berlin Wall, the increasing freedom in the communist bloc (which soon led to the fall of the USSR), and the clearly imminent end of the Cold War (from Wikipedia).

What say you dear reader? What do you read in your barometer? Do leave a comment if you wish. Let's really hope and pray for the best for our country. Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Starmandala The winds of change will blow away the chaff like dandruff. Those who aren't anchored in integrity and love will be classified as "chaff."

  1. says:

    Great Change with the times
    keep an open mind
    Or you'll wake up and find the world's left you behind.

  1. says:

    Anonymous It is high time to change a new government. We need a new political party to lead this country to a new direction.
    For the sake of future generation, the initiative for change should start by now.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Yes, we need change. And we need it now.
    If the present government does not reform and change itself, we should change it.
    These BN politicians are indeed fearful of losing power. They will do anything, and everything despicable to keep their positions.
    They are shameless, untrustworthy, corrupt, immoral, scandalous and not fit to be our leaders.

    Change we must!

  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor Enough is enough!

  1. says:

    ahoo The current police statements that these three people are under their investigation is just ineffable !
    Change is taking place all over the world and it is up to us the common people to take the first step.

    The journey of a thousand mile begins with the first step. Since we had taken the first step in 308,
    what is there to stop us now ? Get more fence sitting voters to realise that IF they do not choose wisely in GE13, they have no right to blame anybody except themselves.

    You cannot get what you have never had unless you are willing to do what you have never done. So, people just brave those winds and go for change !!!

  1. says:

    Kenneth Do not say you will do it "someday"; now is the time.

  1. says:

    Kenneth Nothing is more pitiful than a nation being swept along by fools.

  1. says:

    QQ Rather than sitting around idly and rusting, we must act, give of ourselves and contribute something.

    Our voice costs nothing, but it is our strongest weapon.

    The important thing is to take that first step.

    Without action, nothing changes!

    We should strive to move on, cutting through the clouds in our heart. As long as we advance, new hope will be born.

  1. says:

    Anonymous There seem to be two sets of laws - one for UMNO who can spew out any racist rant with impunity, and one for the opposition who are pulled up for frivolous reasons.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Our police are hyper-efficient!

    Keep up the 'good' job!

    Expiry date : 2008 + 5

  1. says:

    Anonymous Congratulations! You have written a very important piece.

    Take note, politicians: " You can fool some people all the time; and you can fool all the people some of the time; but you can never, never fool all the people all the time. "

  1. says:

    Penangite Yes, the wind of change is blowing strongly throughout Malaysia. Everywhere you go, people are talking about change!

    BN is now in a daze.

  1. says:

    Jack2 Hopefully, the winds of change are blowing in the opposition favour.

  1. says:

    Unknown What a beautiful description you have shared here, Antares. Thanks for the firm reminder that in such times, we have to be standing sure and steadfast on principles and integrity.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Great

    What a timely reminder! If we are locked in the past, we will lose out if we do not accept the changes of time...Indeed, we will be left behind. How true!

    Thanks for sharing!

  1. says:

    Jelapang Voter Malaysians have had enough of garbage and nonsense.
    We want change! We want justice!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 4.12 pm

    Yes - a resounding YES to your comment and I am certain many Malaysians out there feel the same way.

    At the same time, your call to start now is so impt. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Leaders must prepare themselves now. The rakyat have to be ready to make changes too. So much to do to mobilize others.

    Get involved, folks!

    Time is running out....

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 4.37pm

    It is when we have tasted bitterness, that we appreciate the sweetness in life.

    And we have to make changes in our choices for the very reasons you shared and more!

    People, are you all ready and willing for that change?

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    Exactly!!! How much longer are we expected to suffer nonsense???

    Take care and have a blessed evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahoo

    God bless your passionate and sincere heart for this outpouring that rings with purity and earnestness!

    Yes!!! We have to brave those winds and go for change.

    Let's do it, people!!!

    Take care and have a blessed evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kenneth

    God bless your kind and patriotic heart for those two comments that you have shared with us today.

    Take care and have a lovely rest to be refreshed for a new day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    WOW!!! That is such a passionate and powerful response resounding with conviction and commitment to your words!

    Thanks for the inspirational message.

    God bless you, dear QQ, for your support and for standing together with me in solidarity.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.25 pm

    What a saddening situation we seem to have before almost seems like a dream that we have reached our present stage. A dream that will not evolve into a nightmare, I hope!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6,27 pm

    Love your tongue-in-cheek comment and expiry date.

    Thanks for sharing your witty thoughts!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.50 pm

    Thanks so much for your kind and validating comment re this post which I wrote while thinking of the Scorpions Wind of Change. :-)

    God bless you sincere heart and may you be an agent of change in Malaysia.

    Thanks for dropping by. DO keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.45pm

    Ah - that is because the wind of change is blowing so swiftly and strongly! :-)

    God bless you for standing together in solidarity for change to happen!

    Take care and please keep in touch!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jack2

    Thanks for voicing your hope. Many Malaysians, myself included, also share that same hope.

    May God bless you and yours.

    Have a lovely rest.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jelapang Voter

    Exactly. We have had enough of all that nonsense and rubbish indeed!

    Let's pray for change and do our part to make it happen.

    God bless you and yours.

    Take care and please keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear friend, there was no frog when I teed off this evening but too many monkeys around but ok ma... when I call their names similar to that "don't make my husband angry" suddenly the monyet behaved like one... ayoyo.... what a day hahahahhaha and I played fantastic golf today and thanks for your posting!!!
    Yes! wind of change and can you make your blog background music with this song, to keep everyone with the determination and the spirit until we get the frog!!!
    Take care and have a good rest listening to wind of change!!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @11.31 pm

    It is wonderful to hear a comment written in high spirits. Glad you had a great game and that you enjoyed this post. You have a great sense of humor too...:-)

    There is a link to the youtube video of Wind of Change in the post :-).

    Take care and thanks for stopping by. I love the song too!


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