Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 18, 2010 25 comments
My close friends know what a net addict I am in my life. I appreciate the patience of my friends including Murali, Philip, Sandy, Esther, Nisha, Sian, Xinch and so on who have had to sit with me and my pc when they visit me or tolerate me checking my blog on my handheld device when I am out with them. Bless their hearts and patience with my blogomania and idiosyncrasies. Sorry dearies! I know it is bad/rude/unforgivable but lo and behold, I am actually weaning myself off the net. It all started with the power outages in my neighbourhood where I was left high and dry with no electricity and internet access. So in celebration of internet addiction and all that comes with it, here are some witty sayings from the net, about the net - for all of us who cannot live without it! Have a nice day!


1. Home is where you hang your @.

2. The E-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail.

3. A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click.

4. You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.

5. Great groups from little icons grow.

6. Speak softly and carry a cellular phone.

7. C:\ is the root of all directories.

8. Don't put all your hypes in one home page.

9. Pentium wise; pen and paper foolish.

10. The modem is the message.

11. Too many clicks spoil the browse.

12. The geek shall inherit the earth.

13. A chat has nine lives.

14. Don't byte off more than you can view.

15. Fax is stranger than fiction.

16. What boots up must come down.

17. Windows will never cease.

18. In Gates we trust.

19. Virtual reality is its own reward.

20. Modulation in all things.

21. A user and his leisure time are soon parted.

22. There's no place like

23. Know what to expect before you connect.

24. Oh, what a tangled website we weave when first we practice.

25. Speed thrills.

26. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.
These days we are all some what caught in an "Internet lifestyle", so here are some things you can do in the horrific event your ISP goes down...

1. Dial 911 immediately.

2. Open the curtains to see if anything has changed over the past 2 years.

3. You mean there's something else to do?

4. Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote.

5. Work.

6. Re-introduce yourself to your immediate family.

7. Get that kidney transplant you've been putting off.

8. See if your eyes can still focus to distances further than 3 feet.

9. Get ass groove in chair fixed at store.

10. Tylenol... Tylenol! Where the hell is the Tylenol!

11. Do shopping with clothes on.

12. Check your mail box every 15 minutes.


What about you? Are you a net addict like me? How have you coped with it/your net addict friends so far? Any suggestion to heal those of us who have this malady? Do leave a comment. I would love to hear your view. Thanks! Have a lovely day.

25 comments to THE WISDOM OF THE NET

  1. says:

    Anonymous net addict = white coffee addict !!
    hehehe...happy netting . (iwc)

  1. says:

    ahoo Let your fingers do the walking.
    Let Norton be your guard.
    Let Wiki be your guide.
    Let Windows be your companion.
    And let's Google the net for the food for thought !

    Note: Could the constant interruptions be a sign of over loading or some "intended disruption" by people with evil intention ?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear IWC

    Ya lor - Still Old Town wc is the best lah...

    Happy netting and mahjonging to you :-).


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahoo

    Thanks for that clever verse!

    I did consider the malevolent intention thingy because only 20 houses in my neighbourhood are affected!!! We had another power outage this morning.

    I will surely get to the bottom of this! Thanks for sharing your thought. Have a great day surfing and living today!


  1. says:

    Anonymous It's really a natural "addiction" for people who needs intellectual stimulation, open communication and information inputs, masterwordsmith. People who also needs to beat the tyranny of the MSM.

    Most of us can't be shackled to our physical and circumstantial limitations for these needs. That is such a waste when there's the Net around unlike the bad old days.

    In many ways the term "Net Addiction" doesn't quite describe it. Maybe for many, "Net Enthusiast", is more fitting. We are discerning.

    Many retire people, e.g., never found a way out of their 'loneliness' because they never learnt about the Net. Actually they became conditioned to be too habitually focussed on to physical activities alone all their lives. This is, IMO, a greater debilitating intellectual deficiency than any "Net Addiction".


  1. says:

    Anonymous Invest in a 500VA uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to power BOTH your laptop and ADSL modem. This should give you at least 2 to 5 hours uninterrupted on time (laptop and internet access) in the event of a power breakdown. Do keep the UPS powered on through and AFTER the breakdown for a few hours to recharge the built-in battery.

    Here is a good APC UPS

    Hope this will help you to keep blogging through come rain or power outages.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    You are very perceptive as to the causes of heavy net usage! Because of the shackled MSM, netizens have to trawl the net for information. Also, the lack of good literature/resources in edu. institutions and public libraries has driven us to the net albeit in some cases, it has also dulled the minds of the young in that they think less since they can get a lot of info with the click of the mouse.

    Once they are connected, the elderly will have a whole new world open to them. I am still trying to convince my 75 year old aunt to skype with me!

    Thanks for giving me a new term to defend my net enthusiasm!

    Take care and have a lovely day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.56 pm

    Thanks so much for your recommendation and advice. I have sourced out a supplier near my home and called the office. Unfortunately, due to CNY, the marketing staff are on leave till next Tuesday but they will get back to me then.

    I will definitely get one to carry on blogging!

    I really appreciate your input. Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    QQ Instead of using the Internet for homework or research, many kids are spending hours instant messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.

    Many worried parents are getting mad and have expressed their concern.

  1. says:

    Anonymous We need to constantly examine our online habits. Do we have trouble controlling our Internet use?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Internet users who are compulsive about going online and have more social interactions in virtual worlds than the real one may be depressed, according to a new study.

    Some Internet users retreat from real-life interaction and opt for chat rooms and social networking sites, and this can have an adverse effect on mental health.

    - February 2010 issue of Psychopathology

  1. says:

    Anonymous Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.

    - Carl Jung

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    When I used to lecture, I only allowed my students to use only two internet sources for their bibliography. Personally, I believe that it retards the mental faculties of students because it inhibits their creative abilities to think critically. Online games and chats are also most dangerous and parental control settings should be adjusted to control their online activities.

    Thanks for sharing your views. Take care and have a good evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous

    In all things, there has to be moderation and not to exceed borders of sanity.

    There was a man in Penang who died suddenly after playing online games non-stop for over 25 horus. He was not even 27 years old! That was a real tragedy!

    For me, I am online to read a lot and to monitor my blog. And it has given me lots of satisfaction and taught me more than I could ever learn otherwise.

    Take care and thanks for swinging by.

    Have a nice evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ano n @ 5.18 p.m.

    In my earlier response, I highlighted a case where a young man died from playing online games non-stop for over 25 years. Such extremes are definitely detrimental not just to one's mental health but also physical state.

    If a net addict is so consumed by surfing activities to the extent that the line between reality and virtual reality is blurred, it is definitely most worrying.

    As such, online activities should be for the benefit of one's personal development or as a new media for effecting political change.

    Thank for swinging by and for sharing your comment and excerpt from the Psychopathology journal. Take care and do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.50pm

    Car Jung is one of my favorite thinkers. As the founder of analytical psychology, his approach to psychology has been influential in the field of depth psychology and in countercultural movements worldwide. Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony in his ideas which explains the rationale behind the quote that you have so kindly shared here. Thanks so much for the firm reminder that balance is needed in all we do.

    God bless you for your willingness to impart wisdom and understanding. Take care and keep in touch!

  1. says:

    Penangite Used in excess, the Internet can become hazardous to one's mental and physical health.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    Definitely! However, I think most Malaysians have yet to reach the critical level that many in the West have seen.

    I hope it stays that way for otherwise, there would be more problems than what we see....

    Still, it is wishful thinking for we know how things will probably develop.

    Take care and have a good evening.


  1. says:

    Ting Undoubtedly, it becomes a problem when people are so engrossed and enmeshed in on-line activities, and to the point of neglecting their health, relationships, jobs, and other responsibilities.
    As with many of life's pleasures, moderation is the key.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Masterwordsmith : "I think most Malaysians have yet to reach the critical level that many in the West have seen."

    DEFINITELY NOT! We have been deliberately retarded furthermore for 53 years by a process called, "Independence", something which is actually internal recolonization.


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney 13. A chat has nine lives.
    I take offense to that plagiarism. How could the netizens steal from a cat? No No No...spay them all. Oh, I'll tell the dark forces to spare you O Wise Master. har har har *evil laughs*

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ting

    Thanks for your wise and balanced comment. Indeed we need moderation in all that we say, do and think. If not, we would have to regret the folly of our ignorance.

    Take care and have a lovely evening. Thanks for stopping by.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    That is a very powerful and profound comment! Thanks so much. I like the phrase - a process called, "Independence", something which is actually internal recolonization.

    You have much insight and foresight!! I am blessed to have you grace my blog with your nuggets of wisdom!!

    Take care. May you continue to enlighten our minds by your wise comments.

    Have a lovely evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown My dear darling witty cat with the occasional evil laugh *sniggers*

    You are a riot!!! LOL!!! I love your
    spay them all phrase but we cannot have that for there would be fewer humans to feed feline darlings like you :-)> Check out the song in the latest post by Tom Jones!!!

    Take care and God bless you for your wit and humor :-).


  1. says:

    Anonymous when did u last write with a pen ! (iwc)

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