Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 11, 2010 26 comments
The recent report by Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC), which gave the impression Malaysia is veering towards instability, has been a hot topic of discussion not just in cyberspace but almost everywhere in the real world. To date, there has been no seems official response from Putrajaya despite calls from Ipoh MP Lim Kit Siang for the PM to do so. Obviously, our international repute has suffered serious setbacks with all the red marks in the PERC.

The statements from the PERC report were extracted from HERE:

  • a group of elite minorities were dominating the national agenda to the extent that it was hurting Malaysia’s attractiveness to investors.
  • it is “probable” that no other Asian country is suffering from as much bad press as Malaysia.
  • pressures are building and the entire situation is becoming much more unstable
  • the government is blaming the international media for exaggerated reporting
  • the root of the problem was a vocal minority that is dominating the national agenda.
  • Najib’s strategy is looking “increasingly unworkable” as a way to defuse pressures in the country
  • if the opposition were to be in charge come the next election, foreign investors and others would wait and see if the opposition could govern the country effectively
  • foreign investments into Malaysia have not been forthcoming, either in direct form or in the equity markets. Read more HERE.

These statements are not new. Most Malaysians already know the true state of affairs without any PERC or international report. Previously, the authorities concerned had been living in denial and painting a picture-perfect Malaysian scenario to pretend that all is well on the Malaysian front when it is not. Now, we have the state of affairs for all and sundry to see and with international neon lights shining on us Broadway style too! How have the authorities concerned responded?

A wall of cold S.I.L.E.N.C.E.

I would have thought that with international consultants in the picture, damage control would have been a piece of cake but the situation shows otherwise.

The government MUST come face to face with reality and stop deluding themselves or the rakyat that things are in order contrary to reality. A public relations crisis management plan is absolutely necessary in this IT savvy age because BAD news and information travels at a phenomenal speed and the negative consequences are deep and far-reaching. The Malaysian government must quickly respond to these allegations and avert any doubts, especially from potential or existing foreign investors about fears of a looming crisis.

Silence could send a few messages to the public such as:

  • Many both near and far could perceive the report to be accurate and truthful.
  • There could be those who could conclude that the authorities concerned are unprepared as a result of living in their own fairy-land psyche of 'living happily ever-after'.
  • Some could be even more frustrated that the authorities are handling the situation poorly and this could lead to more complicated problems that could possible exacerbate the situation
  • Certain groups could accuse them of stonewalling the situation, toughing it out or pretending the crisis will pass, but such irresponsible passivity could only make the situation worse.
  • Research has shown that organizations who waste valuable time at the beginning of a crisis can expect to see a loss in revenue, plummeting stock prices and negative impact on their reputation.
  • In any country or organization, its most important asset would be reputation. It is useless to conceal the truth from the public because eventually someone will blow the whistle.

And this time, PERC has blown the whistle loud and clear except that those who need to hear it and to react to execute damage control are playing deaf.

What then are other MPs doing? Why aren't they putting the heat on the authorities? As many as possible should make formal requests for the government to come to terms with reality and to do the needful even though it appears as though only divine intervention can save the day.

The saddening fact is that the silence not just from the authorities, but also from people who have the clout to put the heat on them!! Some are voicing their concerns about this report via comments sections in news portals. Our elected representatives, business organizations, chambers of commerce, foreign investors, NGOs etc should also do the same but is this happening?

silence Pictures, Images and Photos

Are we in such a state of passivity and numbness that we can swallow all this grime and continue to roll in the mud and pretend we are having a healthy mud spa together?

Honestly, when will we come to terms with reality? Where is the heart for the nation and collective conscience etc etc etc?

What we hear is the sound of silence that reeks with of a callous, cold, detached, aloof and passionless stance. Any responsible leader with dignity and conscience would have taken umbrage to the report instead of being diffident and heedless when warning bells and alarms are ringing everywhere.

And so, it appears that this nation will suffer in silence, and take a lesson in silence from the leaders. Many seem to contented to passively look at long-term damage to their nation's reputation because they have given up hope that those who have the power to make that difference are completely dispassionate to regain or restore international repute and investor confidence quickly simply because it seems that they do not act in the interest of the populace.

And how will the story of this nation end?

A tragic comedy?

A case where good will triumph over evil?

At this point of time, I wish I knew....


  1. says:

    Village Boy The Perak political imbroglio has dragged on for too long and thrown up many issues. Pakatan Rakyat should realize that they are not here to get involved in power struggles. They should now set realistic aims and objectives of serving the rakyat, which is of paramount importance.

    If Pakatan continues to be immersed in power-grabbing, internal strife and conflicting ideologies, BN will undoubtedly make headway in regaining the people's confidence.

    It is time that Pakatan reviewed its overall strategies and look at its purpose of existence.

    As long as Pakatan does its job well and right, it will have no problem in winning the rakyat's support in the next election.

    After all, three years is not a long wait, is it?

    God bless

  1. says:

    ahoo When we have a bunch of elites minority controlling the masses and those political wannabe warlords haolding the power base, we have a deadly portion. These are real hypocrites who most likely have had park their ill-gotten gains in a third world and are still waiting for more handouts. Play some political games hiding behind NGOs' for race and religion sake by undermining others of their lawful rights to this bolihland.

    Men proposes but it is God that will dispose. Let us join hand with those educated and enlightened Malays to take back this land from those evil and corrupted warlords that are out to destroy this nation in their quest to plunder more. Using the special privilege of the constitution as a gateway, these recent " race converts " are undermining this peaceful nation blessed with no typhoon, hurricane nor earthquake.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    I appreciate your analytical view of the sorry state of affairs. Truly, I wish more - leaders and citizens alike, would adopt such a view.

    Damage control and consolidation is really needed - especially since the walls in other camp are also crumbling, this time from international pressure.

    Sadly, it appears that selfishness supercedes collective good.

    Perhaps, it may not be three years, Village Boy. Eerily, it could be sooner than we know or imagine!

    All the more soul-searching is needed at this critical stage....

    Take care and thanks so much for sharing your thought.

    God bless!

  1. says:

    JournoDownUnder Dear MWS,
    "A wall of cold S.I.L.E.N.C.E." that's very deafening indeed. Can't blame the poor chap though. What has come out of his mouth has been twisted and analysed to death by the other side. (remember my point re the alternative?). There's too much tit for tat happening now. If I were you, let's not worry too much about what others talk about. Let's do some house cleaning first. So, the other side is corrupt, dirty etc etc. Let them be. This other side, that's supposedly un-corrupt, un-dirty etc etc, should lead the housecleaning effort. Walk the talk. A lot can be done in 3 months, let alone 3 years.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahoo

    Thank you for your passionate response to my post. I cannot comprehend how the charade can continue when practically the whole world knows the name of the game they are playing.

    We have to press on to reclaim what Malaysians have lost! Enough of the man-made disasters in the social, financial and economic spheres.

    I stand with you!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear JournoDownUnder,

    Thanks so much, dear friend for your kind and encouraging response. I agree with you but also worry as to the economic consequences and whether the other side is doing springing-cleaning or digging a deeper grave.

    It is really time to shape up for both sides of the divide.

    Yes, a lot can be done and achieved...we have to try harder. Every single one of us...

    Take care and have a great day!

  1. says:

    edward Dear MWS,

    As the adage goes - A picture is worth a thousand words. The ostrich's action sums it all up.

    The problem is, we Malaysians are a very sensitive lot. We never like the West telling us where we are going wrong and worse still what to do about it. But wait a minute is this PERC HongKong based? Then definitely dont ever listen to a bunch of Chinamen.

    Our leaders don't have a clue as to what to do. They wouldn't know where to start as the problems are so deeply ingrained and intertwined. So they listen to Simon and Garfunkle and learn how to keep silent. Or they will rubbish it as another Western propaganda and as usual further bury their heads in the sand. We can bolih everything under the sun. God, please help us.


  1. says:

    InjusticeSistem What Muhidin meant is over here at Race Allergy Consultancy of International Studies of Tipu-logy (RACIST), we do not accept any studies done by ppl in Hong Kong/Spore/Taiwan/China for a very specific reasons, bcos these countries are govern by 'certain type of ppl' whom 'we' consider are communist and non-democratic.
    We at RACIST will only accept studies conducted by countries such as Siera Leone/Zimbabwe/Nigeria/Iran/Congo/Liberia. These are the countries that are symbols of democracy.
    Enough said.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    Very well expressed, my friend. We have a situation where ego is more important than crisis management. Adopting the ostrich's stance is safer than sticking their necks out like a giraffe so in silence will the rest of us rot while they enjoy the smell of mother eart.

    Indeed, may God help and save us!

    Blessings to you and yours, Edward.

  1. says:

    Unknown Deart InjusticeSistem

    What a clever and witty comment!!


    And yet, when the clapping has stopped, tears swell in our eyes...

    At the memory of the shame, the pain as they call the name of the game...

    And so, the rot continues while others proclaim it as a bumper harvest!!!

    Take care and thanks for sharing!

    God bless you and yours.

  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot The road to civilization is long and steep. As a specific comparison, Scandinavia started on comprehensive energy savings in the 1970s. The rest of the developed world is still
    looking for proprietary (profit-generating) technologies, while the developing world is looking for mega-handouts.

    Don't look to me or anyone else for magic solutions - akin to guide books or special tuition for passing exams. Almost all of us almost all the time is are consistently unravelling society and the environment. We cut corners, and practise our personal
    jingoism or some other double-think, and raise our consumption. The common underlying causes are the same old sense of inferiority, laziness or greed. Some have sold their birthright, including votes. We resent "leaders" only superficially; in truth, we want to plunder on their scale.

    For all his excesses, Mao owed his major successes to the insight that no social progress is stable that comes without the conviction and participation of the masses. Since his time, however, global migration has become a flood, changing the relevance of his idea. People "vote with their feet" because (a) the global market has become aware that ideas are the most valuable form of capital by far, as Walter Wriston said (b) the chains of fatalism and masochism are falling away (c) it is in the interest of developed countries to "hollow out" others.

    For many millenia, the cultural (social or ideas) evolution has outweighed the biological variety by far; we did not get to overwhelm the planet with mere claws and muscles. Yet resistance to change is also innate, especially in the modern incarnations of the chieftain and the witch-docter. Is there hope for our backwater where the mantra is
    "semuanya OK"? How long will its fate even remain relevant to us?

  1. says:

    Anonymous What human beings can do is to make their best efforts. That's why we need to exert ourselves to the utmost in our current circumstances. Let's be serious in carrying out our duties!

    Change we must!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Upon attaining positions of authority, many people succumb to the poisonous influence of power, becoming spiritually numb, arrogant, greedy, irrational and self-opinionated.

    It's a sad, sad world!

  1. says:

    Unknown The outlook is very challenging now, Semuanya OK kot.

    We know not what tomorrow brings because the pressures are mounting from all sides and what lurks beneath the leaders, only God knows.

    Common folks like me can only dream idealistically of what can be and to do our part to exercise our democratic right.

    Honestly, I am completely bewildered at the hypocrisy, greed, infighting, denials etc. I mean, how long can people masquerade and pretend?


    This is the dreamer-idealistic mws hoping that God will bring a new day...

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and God bless.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.12p.m.

    Hear ye, hear ye!

    I support your call, dear Anon. Only question left unanswered is do the leaders try to exert themselves when carrying out their duties and do they put the rakyat first and foremost?

    Sighs..That is the mystery of life...

    Let's hope and pray for the best.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.58p.m.

    What you wrote is painfully true!

    Very sad indeed...


  1. says:

    Crankster While I was driving home, the radio informed me that the government had offered a feeble denial along the lines of someone having a "hidden agenda".

    You gotta love that phrase. It shows up whenever something cannot be explained.

  1. says:

    katdog The report from PERC is an objective way of describing the situation based on the facts given about the events in Malaysia.

    But if i were to extrapolate further based on our own local understanding of our leaders, the situation is probably far worse than what PERC has described.

    Politics and political appointments have become far too ingrained within the systems in Malaysia. Our public universities, schools, hospitals, police, judiciary all consists of people appointed by people in power to serve their interests. If the people in power were suddenly removed? It would be chaos.

    30 years of totalitarian rule is not going to be changed gracefully. We have seen the mounting evidence in UMNO's post-Mar08 conduct. They ain't going down without a fight. Even if it means setting the entire country in flames.

    So in the short term, things can only get worst before it gets better. Hence we can expect the political stability of the country to get worst. i see no other way around it. Najib, Muhyiddin, Dr.M are definitely not going back down on their stance. (When has Dr. M ever backed down on anything)

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Crankster

    These idiots resort to the same whines and excuses for their accomplishments.

    Check out my satirical piece called Rotting in the throes of Ultimate Denial.

    Take care and have a blessed holiday season. Do come up to Penang if you are free!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Katdog

    Many thanks for your learned view of the sorry state of affairs.

    Indeed, things are far worse than what we surface and will surely worsen because of many unresolved issues.

    Even if there is a change, it would be an uphill battle restoring order because many would be clamoring to reach the top!

    So where does that leave us?

    On our knees to pray!

    Take care and have a blessed holiday season.


  1. says:

    Starmandala MWS said: A public relations crisis management plan is absolutely necessary in this IT savvy age because BAD news and information travels at a phenomenal speed and the negative consequences are deep and far-reaching. The Malaysian government must quickly respond to these allegations and avert any doubts, especially from potential or existing foreign investors about fears of a looming crisis.

    Still trying to save Umno/BN's face? Too late now, methinks! There was a slim chance BEFORE Jibby was promoted to PM - but once the Agong put his stamp on this sleazebag's appointment, that was the end. We're already witnessing a massive meltdown of the facade of governance. The velvet gloves and smiling masks are off and bloody fangs are showing. People will rub their hands in anxiety and some will panic and jump ship... but only a few will have the good sense to turn off the goddam TV and start looking inwards at their own level of consciousness. Can enough of us become Buddhas to stabilize the quantum field? Because that's the only way to save ourselves - we have to EVOLVE at maximum speed! Attain our true potential NOW... not after the dust of battle settles.
    If even 1% of the population (that's approximately 270,000 people) become enlightened, then the entire situation will swiftly clear up and positive transformations will happen as if by magic.

    Armchair pundits who can only rip Pakatan Rakyat leaders to shreds from the comfort of their computer chairs are the most useless breed of parasite, what they do is only to gratify their own egos and demonstrate their superiority. They're even worse than those who continue to support a corrupt and moribund regime because they don't know any other reality.

    I am not an active player in politics and have no intention to ever be - but I honor and support those who are holding the line and facing constant sabotage at every turn. On the political level they are still our best hope - yet it's time we looked up from economic and political concerns and see the bigger picture. The world as we know it will soon be but a fading memory - the changes will impact the entire Solar System, not just Malaysia! So zoom out for a moment, folks, and take a very deep breath...

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi dear Antares

    Thank you for this bonanza comment which overflows with an inspiring zing.

    What I wanted to do was to show the opposite :-) - that even their consultants cannot help in such a debilitating condition of the meltdown as you aptly described.

    Your take on the pathetic state of affairs is quite timely because every which way we turn, every nook and corner spells doom and we see the cauldron of conspiracy boiling over all the time.

    I only hope that somehow, more will attain that level of consciousness like you have, in order to know what to do in the road ahead.

    Thanks for the reminder to see the bigger picture and to be prepared by what's coming soon.

    Take care and have a great holiday season.


  1. says:

    Innocent It is high time BN did some soul-searching about whether it really represents all Malaysians.

    Is Najib’s 1 Malaysia just a mere lip-service or an attempt to appease the rakyat?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Innocent,

    I would think it is neither but an expensive window dressing project!

    Thanks for swinging by. Take care and God bless you and yours during this festive season.


  1. says:

    double standards we have been in this country and seen enough of the "difference" in standards to be surprised by this. whenever a negative perspective arises, it is ignored by the govt because they have different standards of monitoring the health of the country.

    curiously, when something good is mentioned by external parties, we'll see it at our 8pm prime time news.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear double standards

    Your nom de plume certainly reminds of the latently powerful existence of this paradoxical situation in our country.

    Many thanks for your comment which highlights the true intent of those who ignore issues that our country faces.

    Take care and do keep in touch. Thanks for reading!


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