Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 22, 2010 12 comments
It has been quite a sad day for me today which explains this late posting. My girlfriend from Kuching called me and told me that she has been diagnosed with colon cancer. After a long teleconversation, I needed time to regain my composure and only just managed to go into MI and MK. Believe me, I am just so fed up with the headlines which center on attacks on DSAI, PKR and disputes over other petty matters.

This report HERE clearly shows that the onslaught of attacks by Zahrain may do more harm than good.

Some of my friends have asked me why the MSM seems to delight in airing his rants. Very good question. Many blog readers have already expressed their discontent about that man's hop out of PKR and Bayan Baru constituents have also done the same. Despite whatever negative feedback, it seems that he delights being in the limelight even if it is for the wrong reasons. As such, I will not give him any more airing than what I have already - which explains why I have mentioned his name only ONCE.

Honestly, I feel so disheartened that our political leaders in both sides of the divide seem to find pleasure and satisfaction in filing law suits, washing dirty linen in public, finding fault with one another. Golly! It is just plain childish, immature and shows whether they have a heart for the rakyat.

Take a look at the news portals or MSM. How many headlines focus on plans for the rakyat? How many headlines focus on NEEDS of the rakyat? We see headlines such as MPs, speaker caught exchanging ‘racist’ remarks, PKR challenges BN to cancel APCO contract, Pandemonium in the House as MP breaks procedures, Zahrain targets PR but BN is collateral damage, analysts say, Hisham unaware of 'third party' meddling with cops and Anwar given a week to explain 'One Israel'.

Why can't they think of US? There are so many more issues that merit their attention. For crying out loud, we did not elect them to office for them to find fault with one another or to dig up the past or to ensure there are enough summons or issues that will prevent them from standing for the next elections.

We elected these leaders to serve us. US. THE RAKYAT.

As I drove around my neighbourhood last night, my son lamented how the field is filled with pot-holes and how the elderly can trip and fall and hurt themselves if exercising there. Casually, I asked my husband if the situation was the same when the previous ADUN was there. He admitted there has been no change.

So while they are fighting over frogs, revelations from the past, the rest of us have to contend with:

* dirty drains
* rats running here and there claiming new territories in back lanes and alleys
* traffic congestion continues
* prices of goods and service continue to climb
* standards of education are more deplorable than what it used to be
* environmental degradation continues
* unemployment rates are still high
* FDI rates are dismal
* shopping malls are still empty
* we face the possibility of hikes in many other goods and services
* Malaysia is losing its competitiveness
* the crime rate is still high
* pollution is still a problem
* heritage issues remain unresolved
* unplanned development is still a problem
* health care issues remain unanswered
* many issues of concern plague the Orang Asli and even the Sarawakians but what is being done?
* illegal logging etc...
* Public expenditure issues
* etc etc etc

So what are our leaders doing?

You tell me.

So what should our leaders be doing?

You tell them and tell me please.

Why oh why must this season on madness be an unending one??? Can sanity rule again?
I hope so.

Please leave a comment if you wish to share your views or thoughts.

12 comments to WHY OH WHY?

  1. says:

    ahoo It is very difficult indeed to hear of a love one or close
    friend having issue with cancer. As much as I wanted to say I understand how you feel, I can't utter those words. Every individual feels differently and the amount of mental pain cannot be measured by any mean.

    I'd lost a sister to breast cancer in 1997. At the very moment, mom is still fighting the same dreadful disease since 2005. She had her major op last Sat to removed the ovarian cancer and is recovering well. We have every right to feel angry at anything and everything but that would not help one bit. For bitterness will consume us up and cause us to be negative in many ways.

    Whatever that is taking place in the political arena, has a purpose as more and more dirts are out in the open. Things will get worse before any semblance of goodness or sanity can come around. For that is politics in display.

    We need to think right, act right, it is what we think and do that make our day ! Live simply, speak kindly, care deeply and love generously. For the Lord loves a cheerful giver.

    Tell your friend to seek immediate counsel and stand up against this cancer. Everyone has to die someday and we need to stand up against adversity and fight it with all that we have. Victory is always on those that dare to try and make a difference.

  1. says:

    Ting So what are our leaders doing?

    Nothing, nothing, nothing!
    They are just too busy scratching each other's back!

  1. says:

    Anonymous The key to creating a peaceful and prosperous nation is finding talented individuals as political leaders, not hopping frogs!

  1. says:

    QQ The late Chinese premier, Zhou Enlai once said, "Nothing can surpass nor exhaust the power of people who fight on steadfastly. When we take on challenges, strength wells forth from within. Conversely, if we give up the fight, that strength dissipates."

    Lawan tetap lawan!
    Lawan hingga menang!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Once again, my appreciation to you for sharing from your heart so sincerely and earnestly. I am so sorry to hear about your sister and your mom. I pray that God will give you and yours the strength to go through this difficult journey. It is easy to be angry or to be filled with despair but trusting in the Lord is a better choice.

    Thankfully, my girlfriend is a firm believer and is still filled with faith, joy and hope. She has had her operation and will be undergoing chemotherapy for six months.

    Take care and may God bless and watch over you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ting

    Sadly, you hit the nail on the head...although a small number may probably be doing things in the shadows...May there be real leaders who will rise to the occasion and serve the people sincerely, honestly and responsibly.

    Take care and have a restful evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.49 pm

    Very true! We have to start training the youth to be the leaders of tomorrow and ensure the look up to the right leaders!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    We must never give up the fight. At the same time, we must look for alternatives to solve the problems..Indeed during such times, we have to encourage each other to soldier on no matter what!

    Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Malaysia is fast turning into a circus, with BN clowns starring.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.07 pm

    How true! We have clowns and also jesters and jugglers too in this comedic circus!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Sis,

    Quite a long time not sending any comments because very sick about the politiking. More, the worry about Malaysia situation is keeping more as our Cabinet members are just a group of selfless people who don't care about the rakyat.

    For example, 2nd finance minister said for the sake of BN to win big in next election, the GST is postponed. After few days, he said the people can't accept GST. What kind of quality is our minister?
    These BN MPs are just like businessman (indeed most of them are either boss or share holders of many giant company), they will implement the most profitable project or else for their pocket.

    Totally no hope for them. MCA? Aiya, tak mau cakap, malulah. Whoever become MCA President also same, chinese especially the young will not support them.

    As Kuli Said today, Malaysia need politic change become economic change will happen.

    The only hope that I have is politic change!!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Chong

    Lovely to hear from you again! I understand how you feel but am sure many feel the same way too! Do keep in touch cos I do blog about other stuff as well and it is always lovely to hear from blog readers!

    I agree with your observations which is why I wrote this post. Many are inconsistent in their speech which reminds us of the British weather!

    Even if I want to blog on political issues, I also feel very geram cos I don't want to repeat the same stuff. At the same time, some topics may be hot but they are quite ridiculous and hopeless! So how? Blog on jokes ler...:-)

    Take care and do keep in touch ok?

    God bless you and yours and may this week bring new and enriching experiences for you.


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