Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 1, 2010 43 comments
It's April Fool's Day today and after three cheeky posts, it's time for some serious discussion. This afternoon, I came across this article by Neville Spykerman called Putrajaya says third vote will cause racial imbalance. As such, I thought I'd write about the racial tipping point this evening.

Excerpt from the article:

The Najib administration rejects the proposal to hold local government elections as it will cause a racial imbalance, Deputy Minister Of Housing and Local Government Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin said today.

He reiterated that the government had considered all social and economic factors before rejecting appeals from the Pakatan Rakyat governments of Penang and Selangor to restore the third vote.

“Most non-Muslims live in the cities while the Bumiputras are in the outskirts. There will be an imbalance in racial representation in local governments, if elections are held,” Lajim told reporters in Parliament today, adding there was also financial and manpower considerations to reject such elections.

He added the current system was adequate and did not hinder democracy because the public could vote every five years for their MPs and state lawmakers.

Earlier last months the Penang, followed by the Selangor government had asked the Election Commission (EC) to restore local elections, which had been suspended in 1965.

Restoring the third vote, was a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) election promise prior to the last general elections but the idea had been shot down by the EC, which said laws to hold such elections had already been abolished.

Lajim added state governments had the authority to select councillors and could appoint those who they feel can represent the public in local governments.

“The Penang, Selangor and Kedah PR state governments can appoint who they wish.” Click HERE to read more.

The argument advocated in the report above does not seem to hold water because regardless of whether it is local elections or general elections, it is still the same people who are voting. If they can vote in a general election, why can't they vote in a local election? We have lived with differences in racial representation at federal and state levels so it is nothing new and my guess is that few ever raised this issue. There are regional differences in the racial distribution of our country and that is something we cannot change. Now what we can change is the way we look at one another.

We cannot put on race-tinted glasses but we have to recognize and acknowledge that we are all human and of one nation. That is more important. Our PM has advocated 1Malaysia. Judging by the way things are happening around the country, many do not seem to accept this 1Malaysia campaign. Conceptually, it is good BUT has it borne any results? It is amazing how our PM has been very patient to suffer all the nonsense from some who do not seem to be making statements that are supportive of his efforts. A very good example would be the statements made by PERKASA and other members of his party. At the same time, I laud Nazri's statement as reported HERE that PERKASA are "political opportunists after the right-wing group claimed that the proposed Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) is against the country’s constitution".

There are factors that are undermining unity in our country and I seriously pray that the government will address these problems. Leaders cannot be allowed to make statements that can aggravate the already delicate balance of relations. The need for mutual respect and the "Asian" characteristic of showing courtesy must be remembered and practised sincerely. If this problem is not nipped in the bud, the scale could tip and our unity and harmony could be affected. In fact, many recent events have already angered some.

A nation cannot have a program which blatantly emphasizes ethnocentrism and accents racist tendencies abetted by media on the existence of such a program merely worsens the situation.

Time and time again, many have raised a hue and cry as to how some media disseminate and process distorted/bias information on a continual basis orchestrated with the sole objective to turn the minds against groups perceived to be threats to the nation (even if these are against moral/religious beliefs) as instruments of social fragmentation! It almost seems as thought some are on a mission to promote racist slants in their reports to obscure political, social and spiritual process. With that, the puppet masters, who pull their strings via controls on the media, are utterly delighted that their schemes and ploys are given public endorsement by these puppets and other players in the game. To top it all, these media get away with it while others don't for acts which are more minor comparatively.

We cannot afford to be exposed to any public misinformation, waged through media that have been professionally designed to sway public opinion to favor elite accommodation. Any attempt to divide the members of one society into ethnic groups and then to deliberately emphasize those differences overtly and covertly, can be seen as efforts to protect the elite and to consolidate their power over the masses.

If such trends continue, the chasm between different factions will be deepened and other wedges could be driven to spread disharmony and disunity. Is this what we want to see? There are already far too many negative reports published in the various media. I have mentioned time and time again that the rakyat want to hear what the government has done and will do for them. Attacks on characters or organizations are beginning to bore us to the core. When was the last time any media did a cover story on a real social/economic problem faced by the rakyat, especially the elderly, the poor and the disadvantaged?

Throughout history, racism has been manipulated as a deceptive political policy, devised by political and economic scientists for many reasons including :

* to disrupt social order
* to conceal and justify the implementation of covert political agendas
* to stabilize or improve the economic advantages of the privileged elite, and thereby maintain the political position of the ruling party.

Right now, I worry for this nation, especially the next generation . The young are the nation's human resources and valuable assets which should be nurtured and then we can harvest the fruit of these resources. However, if we put weedkillers in their minds, we would be harvesting poisoned fruits of destruction in the future!!! As such, leaders must be more responsible in the way they make press statements.

Do not forget that the current deterioration in education standards has practically robbed the youth of the ability to think, to rationalize and to go through logical patterns of reasoning. If so, it may mean that those who read racist statements from irresponsible leaders may accept, believe and endorse all the propaganda and worse still, spread this message to others with whom they come into contact. There has to be objectivity and the real political will to build this nation.

The ruling government has a moral and political responsibility to forge good relations with one another and with the rakyat. If the politicians of one party make conflicting statements, how can their promises have any credibility? It would be tough for the rakyat to respect and to believe them.

Any mass manipulation of public opinion laced with prejudicial discrimination against groups of people/races, to acquire unfairly their resources without payment must be put to an end. Put an end to the use of the 'race card' that is deliberately depicted as innate to various ethnic traits, groups and social classes to confuse and misinform the public about social issues for social division. Sadly, some individuals who make a lot of money using their personal 'race" card may not want to give up their specially acquired but natural status. And the worst thing is, they have power and status to influence others to do the same. If the authorities are aware of this, then they have to take action. If the Opposition knows about this, they have to get documented evidence to support any allegation.

No one or organization or media should perpetuate labels which are for those who can't think independently. Labels are for lemmings! Everyone has the capacity to think and feel the correctness, truth and quality of a person and his/her message.

Ignorance and prejudice are not spontaneous or natural occurrences, they are choices. Racial prejudice is conduct-based, racial superiority, instilled through example and not behavior learned through previous experience, as it is said to be. Ignorance is not an inborn hatred nor is it an excuse for not knowing the truth. Ignorance is choosing not to recognize the truth. Today, we can see that on every level of social strata, government to citizen, landlord to tenant, employer to employee.

A climate of fear does not spell much hope for our nation and yet some spread such fears in institutions that brainwash others! Fear can take the form of racism, sexism, lying, cheating, name-calling, rumor and innuendo mongering. It's ugly and it does not become us, not if we want to be a developed nation in every sense of the word. Let's face it. Fear is irrational. It has no reason; it simply lurks within a heart and obliterates the light. Fear is the very reason why nations are at war. It causes sicknesses!

In a climate of fear, people may pass on information that is without verifiable truth, because it supports their fear that stems from a false notion that the benefits enjoyed by others will be at the expense of “their” personal good. This is categorically a lie. My good is not at the expense of yours. There is enough, plenty, for everyone, if only we learn to respect each other and learn to share!!!

Malaysians can figure out for themselves what is Truth and not; but the key to this is that we have assess each scenario with an open mind and an open heart without fear that can obscure us from ever hearing what others have to say, let alone giving ourselves the opportunity to FEEL the truth or experience their beauty. Fear and hatred that we harbor in our hearts would define our experiences!

Let us come to terms with the fact that some may be afraid of those of different colors, different creeds, and different ideas. Still, let us love them and listen with an open mind and open heart and not to do as what is taught by bigots.

This is no airy fairy exercise!!! Our country is only as good as the citizens who comprise it. If we proclaim 1Malaysia but clearly hate certain Malaysians, how can this Nation stand? It won't. Leaders must stop making statements that go against national unity. Just be more positive in the way they deal with situations. If not, our nation cannot stand tall in this global village and may disintegrate with siege mentality while enjoying a 'jaguh kampung' dance without realizing that we are but a small dot on this planet! Such acts of denial can cause us to crumble from within; and it won't take any foreign enemy to bury us. All it takes is ourselves!!!

Our country is going to be 53 years old. It takes clear hearts and clear minds to deal with serious problems that beset this nation and to show fellow citizens respect in a harmonious environment.

It's time to grow up, Malaysians. I believe we can conduct healthy, spirited debates and actually learn from each other. Only fear closes our ears to what someone has to say. It costs us nothing to listen with our minds and our hearts. It is time all, especially the leaders, learn to show respect to one another. Fault-finding missions are not as important as nation-building efforts. Times are changing, as they always do. Let us be good stewards of democracy. We have nothing to fear, except fear; because fear will undermine us and crumble us from the inside out.

The rakyat are crying for positive change.Let us act responsibly as instruments for change. Change is a Choice. Work together with the right perspective without clinging on to blind and foolish party loyalty. Stand up and identify ourselves simply as HUMAN BEINGS, members of the Earth, humans sharing this land, this Planet with others of our KIND without forgetting that We are born to One Race, the Human Race.

I know it sounds idealistic and it will not eliminate the Hatred that has been taught and promoted by many over the decades by the powers that be through various programs both overtly and covertly. Reject such overtures! Knowledge is Power. Read and think. Be wise. With that, we can see truth as the Light that changes perceptions. With love in our hearts, we can change the World but it has to begin with you and me. We must stop whining about change; instead, we have to go out and make that change. Spread the word that there is only ONE COLOUR - that of the human race, not of hatred! Are we ready?


  1. says:

    1. Apa Nama "If these people say that they are second-class citizens, don't talk s**t! Don't talk s**t! I repeat three times, don't talk s**t!"

    -- Ibrahim Ali

  1. says:

    2. Anonymous There will be an imbalance in racial representation in local governments, if elections are held, Lajim told reporters in Parliament today.

    Well, what about racial representation in state and federal governments?

  1. says:

    3. Anonymous Are Malaysians colour-blind?

  1. says:

    4. Ting In Malaysia, it looks like nothing is short of racial bias.
    Hopefully, all right thinking rakyat will vote for PR to ensure that BN becomes the Opposition come the next GE.

  1. says:

    5. Ting This king of the hopping frogs should be placed in a mental asylum.

  1. says:

    6. Anonymous The umno gomen has clearly shown and broadcasted to the whole world its persistent dearth of moral and intellectual capacity wrt human rights.


  1. says:

    7. Loo As part of this campaign, Muhyiddin’s supporters are currently going round the country and are telling the Umno grassroots that Najib is not real Malay but is in fact Bugis. Najib’s supporters are retaliating by saying that Muhyiddin is also not Malay but Javanese. This would make Ibrahim Ali the only true Malay and therefore the most likely candidate for the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    -- Raja Petra Kamarudin
    (April Fool, Malaysia Today)

    Ibrahim Ali our next PM?
    God bless us!

  1. says:

    8. Jangan Mimpi Are you expecting the shameless government to support the PR's election manifesto?

    Dreaming of you suddenly become a multi-billionaire by tomorrow is more realistic la wei, my dear Malaysian...

  1. says:

    9. Kenneth There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit.
    In the long run, the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.

    ~~ Napoleon Bonaparte

  1. says:

    10. Kampung Girl The Froggie Ibrahim Ali is a sheer embarrassment to the country. If he is not refined or eloquent enough to handle foreign interviews, he should in the first place do the right thing by courteously declining the request to be interviewed. Otherwise, he runs the risk of making himself look stupid and being the laughing stock of the world!

    Malu, malu!

  1. says:

    11. Anonymous Of course Ibrahim Ali alone has all the sh*t.

    All the sh*t are belong to bumno as to the Borgs. They forgot that this is no longer a world where all the sh"t may be confined within borders like when the printed MSM also could help contain them sh*t and the oppressive arrogance became the law - undisputed.

    Even that Nazi who condemns Ibrahim Ali(for the wrong reason)is no less sh*t.

    They, and others, form the complete cesspool of BN/Umno governance.


  1. says:

    12. Nerdcore Fishfoot Haiz... I quote my favorite lecturer today: "They say 'race' when they mean 'ethnicity'. The concept of 'race' is an illusion because there is only one race: human. They keep saying it's in your blood; it's not. Of course, they could be referring to your genetics, but there are chances that your features will change in a different environment than your normal ethnic setting."

    I remember having ethnic Chinese schoolmates who are dark from playing lots of sports.
    Ethnicity is malleable. People from different ethnic origins are scattered throughout the world by means of migratory mobility.

    And even if it says 'Malay' on my passport/IC and my look is 'Chinese', I'm rather American by cultural interest.

    Of course, today in the lecture, talks of ethnicity were made to distinguish between 'nation' and 'ethnic group'. I think I can delve deeper into a subject like this in second or third year.

    Peace, my fellow human(s),
    Nerdcore Fishfoot

  1. says:

    13. Anonymous Rais urges Information agencies to counter lies by Opposition.

    ~~ Malaysian Insider

    Hey, Rais the chameleon, just tell me. Isn't the BN government always telling lies, too?

  1. says:

    14. Anonymous It's amazing how long the government has allowed Ibrahim Ali and TDM to stir racial hatred and incite the Malays to hate the others. When will people like this get arrested under the ISA, wonder if LKS or LGE were to incite racial hatred by championing the chinese rights, what would happen?

    My heart bleeds for this country, I cannot understand how on one hand our PM can proclaim one Malaysia and on the other allow Perkasa to exist and incite racial hatred.

    Unbelievable that this man always accuses the rest of taking away malay opportunities, I am still wondering how! In universities 55% quota for Bumis, UiTM 100% for bumis, civil service almost 90% bumis, not to mention 9/10 in the top positions are bumis, AP's strictly for bumis - almost 90%, almost 7/10 government contracts are given to bumis, then there is ASN, ASB and what not, what about allocation of new share issues to bumis - what almost 70%, bumi discount on housing loans, PSD scholarships 70% for bumis and etc. etc. etc. Hmmm! So how come the other races have more than 70% of the economic pie....simple the answer is WORK HARD and DON'T EXPECT HANDOUTS ALL YOUR LIFE!

  1. says:

    15. Hafiz b Shukor Rais is a filthy and shameless chameleon. He will conveniently bend in any direction just to remain in the cabinet and to please his current boss.
    Didn't he say he had burnt the bridges with UMNO when he was in Semangat 46?
    Didn't he condemn the ISA?

    Rais is truly a disgrace to the Malay intellectuals. He is such a moron!

  1. says:

    16. ahoo Ibrahim Ali is causing too much trouble for Malaysia. Why is he still allowed to roam free?

  1. says:

    17. Selvi Racial quota - to benefit a few while the majority suffers.

    Oh well, there goes 1 Malaysia.

  1. says:

    18. Anonymous ahoo said...

    "Ibrahim Ali is causing too much trouble for Malaysia. Why is he still allowed to roam free?"

    By the umno Creed, any shithead calling himself a conservative, nationalist or a jaguh kampung is virtually immune from prosecution.

    Racism is a virtue with them! It's always the "others" who get charged with sedition etc.


  1. says:

    19. Anak Melayu Each time I read about Ibrahim Ali's 'demands', I feel embarrassed as a Malay.
    Ibrahim Ali, why don't you have faith and confidence in your own people?
    Instead of begging for an easy way out, why don't you motivate them to be more competitive and be bolder to take on challenges?
    What actually makes you think that the Malays are so hopeless and cannot survive without the handouts of the government?

    Please, Ibrahim Ali, fikir-fikirlah!

  1. says:

    20. Apa Nama Dear Anak Melayu,

    I salute your courage.

  1. says:

    21. Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    Is it any wonder that for some who are filled with community sanitary output, the same comes out of their mouths?


    Have a great day!

  1. says:

    22. Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.22pm

    Exactly! That is the point I tried to make. Thanks for being of the same mind. God bless you and have a nice day!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    23. Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.24pm

    Actually, because of the abundance of myths and yarn, many ARE being blinded when they receive such messaages...Sad...

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    24. Unknown Dear Ting

    We have to look beyond colour, creed or class and accept each other as humans. Mutual respect is of prime importance if we want to be civilized and developed. Take care. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice day!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    25. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Some never cease to amaze us with their complete disregard of respect for others and their gross deficiency in integrity, intellect and moral values.

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    26. Unknown Dear Loo,

    God forbid!!! Good heavens!

    We have to go on bended knees and pray that our leaders will be in touch with their moral and spiritual conscience.

    Thanks for sharing. Do keep in touch.

    Take care and have a lovely day.

    Best regards

  1. says:

    27. Unknown Dear Jangan Mimpi

    In the midst of such nightmares being broadcast live before our eyes, dreams help to assuage the pain we feel inside and perhaps, motivate us to really effect change.

    Thanks for your sense of humor and jolt to reality. Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    28. Unknown Dear Kenneth

    How true! We must have the indomitable will to see a change asap and to do that, we have to stand together and move in the right direction.

    God bless you for your words of inspiration.

    Have a lovely day!


  1. says:

    29. Unknown Dear Kampung Girl

    Very true! It is more malu for all, that he persists in doing what he does best with no one in his way!

    And why? Is there more that meets the eye? Do they really think the rest of us are that deficient in neurons?

    Have a lovely day.

  1. says:

    30. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    That is why I said earlier that those who are filled with community sanitary output *winks* can only spew what is within them. Sighs.

    The worse thing is they are trying to pass off this community sanitary output as an ethnocentric product.

    Most disturbing indeed - a situation worsened by the inertia of the leaders to speak out and to stop this balderdash.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ~wits0~.

    Take care and enjoy the weekend.


  1. says:

    31. Unknown Hi sweetheart Fishfoot

    I am always deeply encouraged by comments from one as young as you, not that I am an ageist :-). There is hope for Malaysia if there are more and more youth who think the way you do.

    As always, I would have loved to have you in my class and to pick your brains :-).

    Of course there is a distinct difference between race and ethnicity. There was originally one paragraph in this post about that but I edited it cos of my pre-existing verbal diarrhea here :-).

    Will do one soon on that :-).

    In this globalized era, it is quite backward to hang on to old parameters such as race. It is one thing to be proud of our culture and another to use it to divide and rule.

    Most saddening.

    Take care and enjoy your time in the formal learning sphere. Have a great day and please keep in touch!

    Hugs and salam

  1. says:

    32. Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.54pm

    They are telling their version of truth which differs from ours.

    Sadly, to them it is considered reality because they have re-constructed reality.

    To us, we have a different perception of reality. Our reality is what it is - real.

    That is what makes the difference.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a lovely day.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    33. Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.14pm

    My deepest appreciation for your passionate response to my post. You have correctly highlighted many concerns that have deeply saddened MANY while delighting those who have fattened themselves without batting their eyelids at all.

    Such persisting trends have continuously divided many who have spoken up only to be taken to task while those who waxed lyrical about the prevailing trends have been lauded as warriors for their agenda.

    Their undaunted rhetoric justifying their position and lambasting the status quo and meeting no resistance or reprimand is a very serious matter of concern and deepens the rift much to the disappointment, despair and dismay of the rest of us.

    Where is justice and integrity?


    Even my hairdresser, a 22 year old girl, was complaining about all these issues to me and how her pocket has been affected by the drop in business and the shrinking currency.

    Whether we like it or not, regardless of whether we are vocal or apathetic, it is time we all realize that each and every one of us is and will continue to be affected.

    Time to speak up and to pressure our ADUNS to strategize instead of shooting from their mouths and getting into trouble.

    Time to train up the youth properly - to be thinking Malaysians and brave enough to strategize to move into the political arena.

    Time to have NEW BLOOD in politics.

    Thanks so much for sharing from your heart. God bless you for your earnest, candid and sincere response. Do keep in touch.

    Have a lovely day!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    34. Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    Some people achieve glory in their youth especially in academics, only to undo it all when they mature in years.


    Most saddening.

    Take care and have a blessed weekend.


  1. says:

    35. Unknown Dear ahoo

    You have asked a question that other like-minded Malaysians are asking in wonder and stupor. Sometimes, reality is a difficult pill to swallow!

    Take care and have a blessed weekend.

    Blessed Good Friday and Happy Easter to you and yours!


  1. says:

    36. Unknown Dear Selvi

    It is a tragic irony, isn't it?

    Take care and have a good weekend. Do keep in touch. God bless you.


  1. says:

    37. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Many thanks for that painful reminder...sighs..

    As alwaysI appreciate your learned and passionate input.

    Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    38. Unknown Dear Anak Melayu

    Thank you very much for sharing your heartfelt and inspiring comment. People like you remind us that a united and mature Malaysia CAN exist if all have the right perspective to life and meritocracy.

    Thank you very much for breathing hope into our lives. Have a blessed weekend.


  1. says:

    39. Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    Thank you for being an encouraging Malaysian. God bless you and yours always.

    Take care and do keep in touch. Enjoy the weekend.


  1. says:

    40. Unknown I just can't believe our DPM said he is Malay first, then Malaysian.
    Even if he is really mean it, he still need to speak out he is Malaysian fisrt. The words he lashed out is really frustate the whole 27 millions of Malaysians.
    Should all races call their race first and Malaysian second. DPM totally do not respect the name of Malaysian as Malaysia is the name of joining 13 states with 27 millions people. DMP should appologize to the whole nation that he speaking wrongly.

    If this word is lashed out by opposition party, he/she sure be detained by the name of ISA. Additional, it's is supported by PM. Today, I have totally dispointed with this kind of low standard and narrow minded nation leaders. If UBN continue lead this nation in next GE, our future will be ruined totally. NEM, NEP or ABC will be all same. The bottle is changed but the wine is still the same.

  1. says:

    41. Anonymous Dear Chong,

    It is sad isn’t it? After 52 years of “independence”, we finally wake up to the fact that our country’s leaders have never really wanted to unite Malaysians. Let me put it this way, if our current leaders have to choose between:

    A: Abolish racial discriminatory policies and introduce policies based on meritocracy and equality and the country will guarantee to overtake every country in Asia in terms of economic, educational, and technological superiority.

    B: Hold on to racial discrimination and disregard meritocracy and equality and the country will guarantee to become the poorest country in terms of its economic, educational, and technological superiority.

    I guarantee you they will choose B. I will cut off my, you-know-what, if I’m proven wrong.

    I’ll give you an example.

    This is a football match and our DPM is the captain of our team. He has the ball and is fast approaching twenty meters of the other team’s goal. He looks around and sees:

    His team-mates, Ah Chong and Muthu, are both standing right next to the goal mouth ready to strike with no opposition player breaking their positions. In the far corner is Ahmad, tying his shoelaces and with three opposition players hawking over him. Our DPM makes his choice and passes the ball to Ahmad and he promptly loses the f**king ball.

    As a result we lose 5-0 to the other team. But our DPM feels he has made the right decision.

    This is what’s going on in Malaysia now. And everybody knows it.

    Warmest regards,

  1. says:

    42. Unknown Dear Chong

    I am touched that there are Malaysians like you and many more out there who have the love and passion for truth, justice and integrity.

    Indeed the packaging has changed but the content and heart are the same.

    Very saddening.

    Take care and God bless you for your kind and sincere heart.

    I appreciate the time you took to pen your moving thoughts that reflect the depth of character and emotions you obviously possess.

    Do keep in touch ya? Enjoy the weekend.


  1. says:

    43. Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    I am deeply appreciative that despite your busy work commitments, yet you have set aside time to read my post and more importantly, taken the time to share such a brilliant comment.

    You have my deepest respect for your clear,sharp, refined and elegant thoughts laced with much wit and tongue-in-cheek humor that brings a smile to our faces while tugging at our heart.

    Thank you for blessing my blog, readers and me with your presence, views, thoughts and suggestions.

    Take care and God bless you and yours always.

    Warmest regards

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