We ALL have suffered will suffer in varying degree as a result of the ignorant and selfish action of some people who supports such a perverse system...until more ordinary people feel the pain and take responsibility for their own contribution to this state of affairs and reverse that.
To a very large extent, many statements that we read in MSM and new media may either make our blood boil or turn cold. We come across confrontational statements or self-seeking declarations justifying their stand, claims or motivation. What then is behind the psyche of such leaders?
Adila Razak wrote a very interesting article HERE on "I DESERVE TO BE SENATOR, SAYS EZAM". It is obvious that for some, the "I" factor supersedes anything else that matters or should matter. The "I" statements in that article include:
- "I am the only Malaysian who has gone to jail over the Official Secrets Act (OSA) due to his conviction against corruption. The reward claims are an attempt to discredit me," he told a press conference after the swearing-in ceremony at the Dewan Negara.
- "I was very contented (with my position before). A senator ship is nothing much. It's not a reward," he said.
- "I have not backed out from my reform agenda, but we cannot have reforms that ruin the country,” he said.
If you are a Malaysiakini subscriber, please check out the 63 comments (as at the point of writing) that appear in that post. I felt very encouraged that many Malaysians feel strongly about this development.
Whilst the "I" factor may be a strong influencing factor that is motivating some to take the OTHER path, there ARE many out there (including many readers such as you perhaps) who are outraged by such developments.
I have oft asked myself - why do some do what they know is wrong? Have we reached a stage of moral bankruptcy in our nation when monetary gains exceed the necessity of upholding morals, virtues, values and integrity?
How can it be that despite doing what they know is morally corrupt and wrong, there are those who justify their actions, particularly those who are amphibian-like in their persona and actions?
It is most disturbing that their conscience does not prick their heart or soul at all and that they can still rationalize that what they did is right for all.
And then there are those who do not bother at all about such goings-on in the country because of rationalizations that include "It does not affect me. I live my life simply and privately. As long as I have my rice bowl and my family, life goes on..."
What about some leaders? We have read at length many theories as to why Datuk Zaid lost in the HS by-election. Then we have PERKASA which was founded by independent Pasir Mas, MP Datuk Ibrahim Ali, to ensure that Malay rights are not sidelined in an NEM which promotes meritocracy and free markets. Its latest move is putting pressure on the Najib administration to include affirmative action in the New Economic Model (NEM), in the form of a “blue ocean strategy” for Malays, to even out the economic disparity between them and other races as reported HERE.
A columnist in Malaysian Insider sums it up this way:
We have groups like Perkasa who still drone on about the same old Malay rights issues of the past. What are we going to give up next, I wonder? It is clear to me that the world has moved on while many of our politicians and civil servants are still caught in a time warp. At the same time the conservatives and religious right are having a massive say in what goes on in the nation.
It almost seems as though even after 53 years of existence, immaturity can be seen in many areas of our society. We huddle together in disappointment, finding comfort in each other's tears and fears. Yet, because of many unfortunate circumstances, we cannot disentangle ourselves from the web of deceit or fear that is being spun. Too often, we are betrayed by leaders whom we trusted and elected only to have them jump ship and then to condemn their original comrades.
In such a scenario, how then would citizens feel?
Despair? Apathy? Indifference? Numbness?
When there is the lack of genuine leadership that matters, the lack of leaders who display wisdom in what they say or do even if the motivation is right, what can common people like you and me do?
Day by day we read statements that raise our blood pressure or eyebrows and I fear that there could come a day when facts and figures (especially those in millions and billions) do not shock us anymore.
We would be NUMBED.
Shell-shocked beyond recognition.
We see some who are adept in spinning lies so often that they actually believe their lies are truths whilst truth is a lie.
Is it any wonder then that some are confused as to who to believe and who to vote for? What matters to some of them would be their bread and butter whilst others are sold out on the cause and ideological pursuits. Whilst both are important, I believe that we have come to a stage where leaders cannot afford to let the "I" factor influence their motivations and aspirations. It is good to have a vision but if that vision is not translated into real terms that benefit the citizens of this nation, it will just remain that - A VISION.
To have a mission, the motivation has to be right. It cannot be the "I" factor that rules but the people factor. At the same time, mission without vision can lead to nightmares (as shared to me by a good friend Vijay Kumar Murugavell). We need action by leaders that are the result of well- thought out strategies that go BEYOND their personal ambitions.
People matter the MOST because it is us who make up this society, this nation - OUR nation.
We are NOT instruments to be used by others to get to where they want to be or to achieve their small ambitions.
I truly hope and pray that each and every one of us will rise to the occasion and stand up to take an active part in the goings-on in our country. We cannot let the situation deteriorate further while we carry on with our day-to-day activities. There has to be involvement in day to day developments such as in our individual communities, neighbourhoods etc.
Until and unless "I" dies in leaders and "WE" live in their hearts and plans, we may wither away and surely we cannot ever let that happen - not to this land that we love.
One final thought as expressed by this writer HERE:
In Malaysia we often can’t see the wood from the trees. Singapore’s GDP per capita is five times ours and they have no natural resources. They have built their GDP per capita from about US$400 (RM1,280 current rates) at independence to almost US$40,000 today. I would even hazard a bet that the GDP per capita of the Malays in Singapore are much higher than for those Malays in Malaysia.
We can and must do much better. We need to be free of corruption. We need to plan and execute better. We need to give our people freedom and open up their minds. We need meritocracy. Most of all, we need leadership to make it happen.
If you have time, do check out Id, Ego and Super-ego in Sigmund Freud's structural model of the psyche. Please leave a comment to share your thoughts/views. Thanks! Have a nice day!
1. Loo I truly love the song "I Who Have Nothing" by Shirley Bassey.