Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 4 comments
This evening, I met up with one of my former students whom I had not seen for more than five years. When I saw him at the entrance of Winter Warmers @ Gurney Plaza, I was stunned that the young eighteen year old student I taught during my A-level years had grown into a fine young man and now known as Dr. A. I was so happy to hear that his convocation would be held next month at Equatorial Hotel, Penang.

Originally, I suggested meeting @ Winter Warmers as I love the teas they serve there. However, after exchanging greetings, we decided to go to Segafredo for drinks before proceeding to Chicago Rib House for dinner.

We talked for over three hours non-stop about many topics and it was certainly a very heart-warming experience for me to see how a former student of mine has matured exceptionally well. A had always been a brilliant scholar but more importantly, far beyond the fantastic academic results, here is one young man who writes and thinks beautifully. I still have his very long essay on the democratic system in Malaysia. In my entire life, I have only met a few who write impeccably and Nicholas is amongst the top five that I have taught in my entire lifetime.

Naturally, he asked me why I quit teaching and I shared with him from the bottom of my heart. I also encouraged him to continue writing and invited him to write a post for this blog. Of course, he declined politely saying that it has been a long time since he wrote anything serious on non-academic issues. Still, the offer stands :-).

Thereafter, we reminisced about the others in his cohort and how each of them is doing very well either academically or in their respective careers. For that cohort, a few became/are on their way to becoming doctors including N, S, R and W. A few such as N, N and X have graduated and are working while others like S and R are doing their masters while C is working with Microsoft in Redmond, Washington. I am glad they were my last A-level students for this was certainly one of the best group of students I had ever taught in my life. They are beautiful persons in their own right and achieved their dreams and ambition because they dared to dream and to chase their dreams. Most of them are still in touch with me! What a blessing!

Dr. A demonstrates the sensitivity, beliefs, hopes, idealism and maturity of one far beyond his 24 years. We were able to discuss and share views of historical episodes in our country to hypothetical situations in the future. I was particularly touched by his love for Malaysia. He had the choice of doing his internship overseas or locally and he chose the latter. An articulate young man, he spoke candidly about the meaning of 'ambition' and his love for medicine while lamenting the way society has conditioned students into thinking that medicine is the best profession without considering whether they have the character or inclination. He hopes to be a surgeon in the future.

While we chatted over dinner, I asked him about Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms as I spend too much time in front of the computer and also about my forgetfulness :-). I must say his response was most professional and I was indeed impressed.

Before we parted, I casually remarked that he must be happy that he is now no longer a student. Indeed, I was so proud to hear his response. He said that the journey is about to begin for him for what he has achieved so far is nothing compared to the many lessons in life's experiences that he will be learning. Dr. A - I am very proud of you and wish you God's blessings in all your future undertakings! Take care and stay in touch!

4 comments to FIVE YEARS DOWN THE ROAD...

  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor It takes a successful teacher to produce a successful student!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Congratulation! Please pat yourself and look into the mirror and say, I can do all things through Christ who has strengthen me.

    It is one thing being a teacher and completely another to be an educator. The life of purpose for anybody is a passionate pursuit of one's dream with unwavering commitment.

    Anything that is worth cherishing in this life begins in the heart. I am sure students that were taught to be thinkers are great students that have burning desire within their hearts to achieve their dreams. The brain is far more powerful than we can ever imagine.

    Developing of human resources is one area we (Malaysia) are very far behind our neighbours. Without nurturing a second level of leaders ready to take this nation forward, we are actually letting FATE to decides the next course of action for Malaysia. Sad, sad and sad! How we long for the days of old, ya.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    Thanks! Works both ways ...cos I cannot be an effective teacher if the student does not play his/her role as a student and tries his/her best. Take care and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Amen! Indeed, Col 3:23 has always been my mantra when I used to work.

    I have often written that there are teachers who impart knowledge and others who mould minds while many just treat it as another job when it should be a calling, an opportunity to influence young people.

    We have to pass the spark to students that in due time, they too can also pass it on to their children or those with whom they work.

    Thanks for sharing, ahoo. Take care and have a blessed evening!


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