Yesterday, while surfing the net on recent research findings, I came across two studies on almost the same topic. I am still reeling in shock with regards to the differences in:
a) quality of the language used in the articles
b) depth of research
c) maturity in the discussion
d) implications of the research findings
e) etc etc
If you have the time, please visit the following sites and compare the content.
SAMPLE 1: An article from a local university: Malaysian bloggers use cyber space to channel political information
This particular research was carried out by a group of researchers!! Please read the disclaimer and consider the many errors there as well.
SAMPLE 2: An article written by a Malaysian PhD candidate at Stanford University : INTERNET POLITICS AND STATE MEDIA CONTROL: CANDIDATE WEBLOGS IN MALAYSIA
This particular research was carried out by only ONE young Malaysian who also received the Maxis Excellence Award. Well done, Rachel Gong!
So what is the state of education in Malaysia???? I rest my case!
Please leave a comment to share your thoughts and observations. Thanks! Have a nice day!
KoSong Cafe The first one appears to be superficial, based on a simple survey passing off as research done. I have seen good Form 5 students writing this type of article.
The second one (did not finish reading) seems like one written as a dissertation or thesis (since she is a PhD student) based on well researched materials properly referenced (necessary for her work and would have been second nature to her by now).
The question is 'Are you comparing like with like in terms of status of the two universities?' because the contrast seems so obvious!
Sorry if I have jumped to conclusion because these days my attention span is rather limited.