Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, July 21, 2010 16 comments
It is common knowledge that the world today is being bombarded by different means of communication, especially electronic communi­cation and even the MSM (main stream media). With advances in technology, the market for infor­mation is extremely competitive to the extent that there is an overload of information on the audience.

Whilst journalists enjoy various sources of information, press releases, story ideas and requests for coverage, they have the moral and professional obligation to produce credible and newsworthy items.

Imagine my surprise when I read this article in The Malaysian Insider over HERE which reported that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) operation review panel said the media should “protect” the anti-graft body in order to encourage foreign direct investment into the country.

Very interesting indeed! Behold, not only communications personnel but also economists have to revamp their perspective of the issue at hand! Perhaps mass communications students/practitioners might have to take up studies in economics to see how they can 'encourage' FDI's!!

Media personnel would be aware that some of the roles/functions of the MSM include:

  • informing the public
  • providing information and amusement
  • generating political ideas
  • mobilizing political and social action groups
  • helping to shape the public policy agenda and priorities
  • increasing political accountability and checks-and-bal­ances by keeping an eye on public officials and institutions and con­stantly challenging them via reports, interviews, debates, etc.
  • being a direct political actor, such as happened in the Watergate or Monica Lewinsky cases in the United States, when revelations by the press sparked political crises and legal actions
  • revealing political actions or plans that impact on the political scene
  • being an ombudsman
  • etc...

So this NEW ROLE is quite startling.

The report says:

The Amanah Raya Berhad’s board director added that the press must help rebuild MACC’s image.

“What we do not want is the press criticising us and talking about the cases that we lose but we only get a small column for cases that we win like we have not done anything. If you love the country, then all of us must a play a role in rebuilding MACC’s image especially the press,” said the panel member.

The panel’s chairman Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil added that the public must re-evaluate its commitment to the fight against corruption.

“It is a self-assessment. Malaysians must ask if they are really helping the government and the country to overcome corruption,” he said.

Click HERE for more.

I have yet to come across any statement from any of the main stream media in response to this statement. By Jove, does this mean that syllabus for many mass communications courses will have to be changed???

Food for thought.

If you have time, please check out Yellow Journalism HERE.

What are we teaching our children and the next generation? Will the MSM of Malaysia, political leaders, citizens at large and observers voice their feelings about this statement? Please leave a comment to share your thoughts. Thanks and have a lovely evening!

16 comments to A BRAND NEW ROLE FOR THE MSM?

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    Wah, now even MACC need someone to defend/protect them??? Does MACC expect another character like Intelligence Absconded (Ibrahim Ali to his friends) to set up yet another NGOK..err..NGO? What would be it's name I wonder? Would it be by any chance, PERASUAH (Pertubuhan Erat Rakan2 Suka Ufti dan hadiah)? or will it be called MACChicken (guaranteed more chicken than any other agency..err..patty)?

    One things for sure Sis, we'll hear more "brilliant and innovative" ideas from these highly paid "iron pyrite" type of gomen servant in the near future. The recalcitrant Penang State Dev. officer is case in point!

    GOD bless, Sis.


  1. says:

    Anonymous The MACC is essentially saying that the MSM should promote a lie, like itself, in order to hoodwink and lure foreign investments!!

    It is fully subscribing to the bUmno notion that a lie can be transformed into truth, given enough manipulations on the perceptual level.

    Tell us this is not sheer cynical and moral decadence that destroys all needs for moral fibre in conducting the affairs of Man as understood since time immemorial!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    You can see that I purposely put a picture of a knight in shining armor and one with a shocked expression - subtle meaning there :-).

    It is horrifying how ridiculous statements are being churned out daily.

    I did not blog about that government officer because there would be so much to say LOL!!!

    Aiyo - I love your Intelligence Absconded nickname. Classic and EPIC!!!

    Thanks for the laughs. Helps me to destress after reading all the absurd stuff.

    Take care and may the Almighty bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    I am shell-shocked beyond words at this new development.

    Worse still, I have yet to see responses from the MSM. Maybe they did respond but I have not come across any so far.

    It seems as though the moral fabric of our society is being torn to shreds!!!

    How disgusting indeed!

    Take care and thanks for sharing your elegant thoughts.


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    How ingenious!!! A creation of a paradox within a paradox, hence the name... pointless paradox? Wow, what a paradox!!! O gosh, I sure am pedantic hahaha... Heck, why am I wasting my time telling them this, they just don't know, nor do they care...

    Anyway, I'm all for MACC coming into this process, BUT, only on a basis that we can deal with. Otherwise, we're put in an impossible situation in which we're tacitly supporting activities that are geared to violent pillaging. So, at no level is it sensible! Have the MACC tied themselves up in Alexandrian knots? Yet again???


  1. says:

    Darth Vader Aiyoyo

    MA sisies..... media to "protect" you kah? You cant even protect Teoh Beng Hock!!!!! He is just a WITNESS of yr investigation of Teoh's boss!!!

    By the way MA sisies, MSM news are written by bunch of journalist who needed the money to survive in the ever increasingly expensive nation lah. Sure they will write to protect you. If you still feel that you are not "safe" or "protected", you can run to your papa Jib and his "kah Chern" Sham the scam who runs the Home Sinistry. All he needs to do is a phone call and it WOULD sound like this " Hello, MSM ah, tolong jaga MA sissie punya reputasi. Kalau tidak, LESEN TARIK BALIK".

    "The panel’s chairman Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil added that the public must re-evaluate its commitment to the fight against corruption. “It is a self-assessment. Malaysians must ask if they are really helping the government and the country to overcome corruption,” he said"

    Dear Encik, apanama Hadenan Abbul Jail, the question you should ask Malaysian is whether the government and/or her officials are corrupt? If yes, the the sissies should investigate those high ranking officials! example, Istana Toyo, what happen. Istana Zakaria a.k.a "Chiak ka liao" what happen? PKFZ fiasco, what happen? When all these are investigated and solved, MA sissies will not need "protection" from MSM lah.
    God will help those who help themselves! The ball is now in MA sissies court to transform itself into a formidable agency. Change has to start from within!

    Lastly for you to ponder upon when you have spare time. "Ask not what the rakyat can do for you ..but what you can do for the rakyat in fighting corruption!!!" Got my message Encik Hadenan?

  1. says:

    Anonymous The Amanah Raya Berhad’s board director is effectively saying that the MSM must support BN/Umno lies!

    As if it hasn't, all along for many decades.


  1. says:

    Must Support Morons This reminds me of the movie Dumb & Dumber. It seems that their stupidity cannot be fathomed by normal people like us. Woe is to the reporters who report the truth for they will be "held against their will" for protection. Woe is to the news editors for they will be forced to bear the 'stick' of PPPA. Let us mourn the death of press in Bolehland.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Whenever the BM word, "Amanah" is used officially, one gets a queasy and skeptical feeling.

    This is one of those things that needs little further elaboration in Malusia.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    That's a very clever comment you have shared here! Thank you.

    Are we already facing an intractable problem?

    And again???



  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Darth Vader

    Aiyoyo - I love you MA sisies LOL!!

    Thank you so much for a very biting comment that truly makes us think about the reality of the situation.

    I had mixed reactions when reading your comment - laughter, sadness and also indignation.

    Many thanks for a very entertaining and meaningful comment.

    Take care and have a restful evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    That seems to be an unspoken message if one reads in between the lines. Or could it be a pre-cursor to the announcement this morning wrt to the investigations abt 3 persons?


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Must Support Morons

    That is a very observant and perceptive comment.

    It is ludicrous that some think we are at the same level of stupidity as they are for now. Whilst some are enlightened by seeking answers to questions, others become dumber by hiding those answers...

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    Do keep in touch and have a restful evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Definitely! I wonder perhaps if that is the reason why it is used...or so rarely used by others!


  1. says:

    Anonymous The people in macc are just putting up a show, requesting the medias to be more sympathetic towards them. That is a subtle game of political poker in play !!!

    Please do recall that they wanted more power to prosecute and IF August house will to agree to their request, semua mati lah! With their so,.....ooooo low record of prosecution year in and year out, can we trust them ah ?

    If they have had been truly professional with their work like those in Hong Kong, we will support them without any doubt. But,......but they had lose the plot with selective arm twisting, ya.

    Poor DAP's men were pushed to the wall without concrete evidence and for paltry sum of 2K to 3K whereas OTHERS with questionable millions can still stand tall and shout profanities in state legislative.

    I can never put my trust in you (macc) unless there is a change in reporting process. Let macc comes under the select committee in Parliament and then you can count on the medias and us to support you.

    For we will continue to call a spade a spade and nothing else. We cannot condone wrongs and sweep lies and deceits under the carpet like you guys. Our conscience will tear us apart. So if you want respect, please earn it and not ask nor demand for it. None will be offer on a plater.

    Sadly, it needs us the ordinary citizens to be the watchdog for you in curbing wanton corruption. You are a little too slow and too late in asking medias to save your face. MSMs maybe as their livelihood depend upon yearly renewal. Alternative medias will
    bug you for every wrong doing and both bloggers and commenters will give you free advertisement.

    Choice is clear. Earn your stripe again by being fearless and grant no favour to wrong doers. You all will be respected again.

  1. says:

    Unknown Thanks ahoo for your very detailed and sincere response. May the MACC do what they know is morally and ethically right to uphold justice in this country without fear or favor.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


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