Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, July 6, 2010 16 comments
One of the things that I hate most in life is to be stood up. I was stood up four times in the last four days by four different persons. Today, I really could not write anything because I cannot believe that our society has morphed to this stage whereby friends cannot accord the courtesy of notifying another when one is late. Worse still, is when it is the same person doing it many times and declaring that the victim should be understanding and not make a big issue of it. As friends, should we not be kind and considerate to one another?

Last Friday, my friend made arrangements to have dinner with my family at 6.00pm after which we would drop my boy at his BM tuition before we proceeded to E-Gate where I had arranged to introduce my friend to him at 8p.m. By 7.15p.m.,there was no sign of him and no phone call so my better half and boy went to the nearby shops to eat. Following that, the girl called up and asked if I would like to have dinner with her or better still, invite my friend too. I said I would call him to find out the situation.

Imagine - I was quite horrified that he was on the other end of the island as he had agreed to give a colleague a lift. I could not believe it when he said "Oh - I am not late cos the appointment is at 8p.m." He had brushed aside our dinner appointment to for a colleague without according us the courtesy of notification! And he had the audacity to say I was over-reacting etc etc and being a drama queen. Ya right. I had waited over an hour and did not kick up a fuss and that was my 'reward'. Sighs.

So, I told the girl who advised me not to be upset as she would take me anywhere I wanted to go for dinner. Shortly after she picked me, he arrived and my friend kindly turned back to pick him up and she proceeded to a newly opened Japanese restaurant. He was not truly apologetic and made a big joke about it without showing sensitivity to my feelings or even the inconvenience caused to my husband and son who had to rush to tuition after a quick dinner. And he said I was making a mountain out of a mole-hill because I hate people who are late for appointments. For the record, I am very flexible as long as people give me ample notice. At the same time, if I know I will be late for an appointment, I will call up the person and apologise and then give an estimated time of arrival.

By the time the waitress came to take the order, I really could not sit through the dinner and watch his nonchalant attitude about punctuality or the common courtesy of sending a simple text message or a phone call to say "Go ahead for dinner on your own" or "I'll be late so don't wait for me" or something to that effect. I was patient enough to wait for over an hour. Hubby and son did not complain and were seasoned by his tardiness.

And that's because he had done it to us MANY times over the years . Because we are old friends, I cherish the friendship and overlooked his habit. But this time, it was exacerbated by his indignant claim that it was MY fault for being sticky about time. Sighs. It hurts.

Then the next day, someone made an appointment with me for a discussion and did not turn up and did not send word as well. No apology as well. The day after that, another friend did not turn up as arranged three days earlier because she was quarrelling with her spouse and only called up 3 hours later to apologize. Yesterday, two old friends from Alor Star who arranged to see me yesterday also did not show up or call.

In the past, I would call up to ask what happened but these days, older and wiser, I don't bother but still get deeply disappointed and have been unable to write anything today except for this post.

I cannot believe that courtesy is such a rare trait. With the advances in telecommunication, sending a sms is a piece of cake and even making a telephone call via hands free or bluetooth is no problem.

It is the same for drivers on the road. Yesterday, there was this lady in a gold Altis (yes I know the number plate) who was honking at me along Burmah Road where I was waiting to turn into Codrington Avenue. So I turned back and waved my arm at her and signalled to the front to show her that I could not move! She came by and scolded me and gesticulated all kinds of obscene signs. Urrgh!!

And then there are those who don't bother to reply emails until MONTHS later or NEVER while there are some don't pick up calls and don't call back even if I leave messages. Oh - the list is endless. That is why I lead a very quiet life - saner this way and less complicated. However, I must say that through blogging, I have met very nice friends!!! Thank you for showing common courtesies to me.

Till this day, I cannot understand why some have no qualms about not keeping appointments or promises and cannot have the decency to show some courtesy of an apology. Well, it hurts to be treated without respect or consideration. I truly hope that such people are the rarity and not the norm in today's society.

It hurts to be taken for granted and to know that others don't really bother how they have hurt old friends. Anyway, writing this post has been quite therapeutic and I do feel much better now. I hope to put up a post later this evening. I need some chocolate therapy now to seal the route to recovery :-).

May you bless those around you with acts of kindness and love. Have a lovely evening!

16 comments to COURTESY, WHERE ARE YOU?

  1. says:

    Nerdcore Fishfoot Good evening, Masterwordsmith.

    When I saw the words 'stood up', they take me back to the day I had to wait an hour for my friend to come with me to Sunway Pyramid. I ended up not going, and she only texted that she was busy when I arrived home.

    I know it was study season then, but I'm still angry at her; making me sit and wait alone in a dress was torture. And to think she was the one who suggested the outing, and the idea of me wearing a dress!

    My mom told me to forgive her and that in life, there'll be worse people. Maybe in Malaysia. I sometimes wished I was born in Germany, which I think is more orderly and serious about punctuality. Heck, the traffic light there goes from red to amber before the green light goes on. Convenient for both Manual and Auto drivers.

    I thought of a joke on people whose time standards are very 'flexible' (read: Malaysians). When Earth is about to explode, I leave early. Once catastrophe hits them, those people wonder what happened.
    Of course, I'm generalizing. I usually thought that I'm too rigid with time.

    Driving... haiz... Has anyone ever thought of starting a reality show about the darndest ways Malaysians navigate the potholed roads? If it doesn't work for the local audience, let it cater to those who have departed from this country, reminding them why they left or making them wonder if they can still help fix it.

    Hugs and salam.
    Pants-extremist Fishfoot out. :)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi dearie

    Thanks for empathizing with me. I am not fussy about punctuality. Sometimes, I am late too for appointments but if I know I am running late, I always let my friends know at least half an hour in advance if I am caught in a bad jam. I would not let them wait for me without any word.

    I am sorry to hear about your experience. Be glad she did it to you once and I am sure you made many heads turn in that dress! Pic please :-)

    Oh yes, we have to forgive but I do not understand why it happens in the first place. Haiz...

    Is it soooooo difficult to show courtesy?

    Love what you wrote in the last two paragraphs. Lovely to hear from you again. Take care and work hard!

    Hugs and salam

  1. says:

    BravoEagleHotel Reminds me of a colleague who is a great FFK KING !
    I used to ask him ... do you ever does not to the Boss ?
    Well it just shows how much considerations,appreciations and respect he has for friendship!
    I was late by 20 minutes once , I had waited for him for 2 hours before,he got angry and did answer my phone!
    All of us in the company knows of his attitude,just wonder the boss knows about it ?

  1. says:

    Anonymous I suppose courteous Malaysians is fast becoming a rare species. Rudeness is all we can see in everyday life, from friends to people in the streets, roads and every nook and corner of Malaysia.
    I for one hates non punctuality.There was once, I had a date with a girl, she failed to turn up on the appointed time. The wait was 15 minutes, and that was the last she heard from me. Having said that, I am proud to say I never was late for any appointment, nor do I fail to inform any party in advance in the event I think I might be late for the appointment.
    Courteous Malaysian drivers? So much rarer. There could be a mile long queue on the road, and there will be one jerk that overtakes your car, knowing full well thats the only car he/she can overtake. Problem is, the overtaking is dangerous, just barely squeezing in. Parking anywhere and any which way you want is the norm, even with half the car occupying the road. Their mentality is,the car is parked, the rest are not my problems.
    Driving in Vancouver over the years I was there, the car horn was used hardly 10 times a year. But in Malaysia? Sigh.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear BravoEagleHotel

    Thanks for resonating with my post and for sharing your experiences. I can understand how you feel as my experience is quite similar. I guess we have to be patient and to be firm without being overly assertive. Mutual respect is so vital to maintain relationships. Take care and God bless you and yours.


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney I need some chocolate therapy now to seal the route to recovery :-)

    That's the spirit Aunty Paula! Hey, come on over, there's a suburb with really wonderful bookshops (new and pre-loved) and a Max Brenner (chocolate by the bald man) outlet. But oh, tardiness runs everywhere. My Mama is one stickler for time and gets very impatient when other people don't respect the time. Especially airlines! har har har *evil laughs*

  1. says:

    Anonymous I thought 'stood up' means 'stand up'
    in past tense ...hehehehe !

    A : sorry, i'm late !
    B : sorry your head eh !!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina and Brad

    Awwww *hugs* Thanks sweethearts! I have not decided whether to go to Korea or down under at the end of the year...Want Nick to play in the snow :-). But if I am in Sydney, I will surely look you up and give you all lots of tummy tickles and fish!!!

    My mouth is watering at the thought of the Max Brenner chocs :-)...Yummy. Thanks!!!

    Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.33pm

    My deepest apologies for this late response to your candid comment. I am so forgetful these days - part of the ageing process :-(.

    I agree with you that it is so common to see rudeness in our society. Thank you for your exemplary lifestyle wrt punctuality. Being 30 minutes late has become an accepted norm. I dread going to wedding dinners because of the delay of an hour can trigger my gastric problem!

    Where I live in Penang, many think they own the roads and park anywhere! Double parking is common.

    The other day, I saw a horrible scene at Gurney Plaza. This car parked in the multi-storey car park in a no parking zone. The another car parked so close to the first car to avoid being knocked by other cars. When the driver of the first car came back, he was so angry that he could not get out. You would never believe what he did.

    He banged the second car many times and got out!!!

    I nearly had the fright of my life!!!

    After he left, I went to see the car and it was not dented....the bumper protected the car!

    And that is the sad state of affairs these days!

    Take care and thanks for sharing from your heart!

    Do keep in touch and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.20pm

    LOL!! That is what young kids normally say to each other...I guess our tolerance level is reduced as we grow older...Expectations are higher too!

    Take care and thanks for the lighthearted response!


  1. says:

    rainstorm Common courtesy & punctuality is indeed rare these days. It seems like a M'sian culture that punctuality is almost non existent especially at wedding dinners.

    I'm a firm believer in punctuality as it shows you respect other people's time and to me, that is basic courtesy.

  1. says:

    Anonymous " sorry i'm late ...road got many cars !"
    ' Cars my foot !! '

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear rainstorm

    Lovely to hear from you again. Thank you for resonating with my post. I agree with you that punctuality is an indication of how far the other party respects time and the other party involved in the appointment. Do take care and hope to hear from you again. Please keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.35pm

    Haha! That is the typical excuse and reaction. Thanks for that reminder. Take care and please keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Johan H Hi, I know exactly how you feel. I usually reserve appointments only for those I know to be reliable. For habitual latecomers and those notorious for 'fong fei gei,' my tactic is to let them get there first and call me before I make my way there. I don't usually involve them in anything important anyway so they don't upset me and I don't upset them. That way I get to keep my friends and my sanity.

    When I started writing this comment it ended up so long it became a whole blog post! You can read the longer version on my blog. Take care and smile always.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Aha !Sounds very much like me in my early days wrt appointments. Not because I intended it that way but somehow I tried to please everybody all the times.

    Trying to add appointment after anoother confirmed appointment and run foul of the time. Time management is indeed a golden rule for every individual. If we cannot manage our time well, God knows what else can we manage.

    Reflecting on past events (early days of working life) I had bad time management. Since wifey also works in the same office and needed me to fetch her home, I'd caused her to have unnecessary trauma. No wonder she have more white hair than me, hahaha.

    I used to travel around klang valley servicing the machines in banks. She would call and ask what time can I finishes my work. Most of the time I would reply very soon and in time to fetch you home. The waiting game started and very soon her patience runs thin. At times, half an hour and at other time even for an hour or more.

    Excuse and more excuses after that, ya ya too heavy traffic lah, "machine very unfriendly" causing me more time to resolve etc. That was the time of pager early to mid 80's and can use excuses of not finding a phone to return call after being late.

    She tolerated all my nonsense and learn the art of time management. For any appointment for dinner, shopping etc. she will move time bar at least half an hour early and inform me accordingly. If the appointment is say 7.00pm she will tell me it is 6.30pm and we are always safe on that.

    Well, learned all that through the hard way with much frictions and then God that indeed it is a priceless gift, i.e good time management. For meeting proper now, I will go at least an hour early to avoid unforseen circumstances. It is more pleasant to be early then late and rushing like a desperado and driving as a formula one driver.

    For the early bird catches the worm. Thus, in life we have to learn proper time management and let us respect the time of others more than ourself. It will creates a pleasant atmosphere for all for all functions per se. Yes, courtesy, where are thee ? Maybe the educational syllabus should have time management right from standard one instead of some distorted history lessons, ya.

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