Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, August 18, 2010 4 comments
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is a name that defines Indian history, a person who changed the very meaning of the word revolution in the world by his non-violent movement for independence, a person who succeeded in his aim following his ideology and principles when the world believed otherwise.

The greatest thing about Gandhi was his belief and fearlessness, belief that his ideologies were good and fearlessness to follow them against all the odds. He faced criticism for his approach, for his way of doing things, for his views on other revolutionaries using violent means for revolution, but he stood firm on his ideologies and the rest is history. But the man Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is not the ‘father of the nation’ merely because he won freedom but because he tried to lay foundation for a better world and fought for it till his last breath.

‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’

These words of Gandhi were not merely based on his freedom struggle but also for the future India he saw, for which he was ready to die for. He wanted non-violence, he wanted truth, he wanted unity and throughout his life he stood up for his principles because he knew that the India which he wanted to see would depend on how he acts and how people would look upto him. Trying to put himself as a role model for the future generations he tried to be what he wanted the world to be like.

We all criticise the fact that certain things never change, that certain things are always hindering us but then the question is what we have done to change it. We criticise that there is corruption but we don’t fall back in giving bribes to get our work done, we say that the government is bad but many of us don’t even cast our votes and so many other instances. It is often said and truly said that if you want to change the world, first change yourself.

‘There is enough good in this world which is worth fighting for.’

No one is perfect, neither Gandhi nor Lincoln, but what they did was that they stood up for their ideologies, their beliefs in the pursuit of making a better world for future generations. Everyone has ideologies, they may not be the same, and they may differ but if it’s for the benefit of all it’s worth following it. The ideologies do not strictly mean the political way but in your attitude, in your style, in your faith.

If you want respect give respect, if you want to be treated politely be polite. Only when you change yourself, can YOU make the difference. And making a change does not mean changing the mass, but by following your ideology even if you can change one person, make him believe that what you are doing is right and for the good and eventually making him follow you, you have done more than your share of job.

This world is a beautiful place and just because someone is not like you or does not think like you does not make him bad. In following our path we would face many difficulties. Even if you are good, even if you are polite, the world may not be so kind to you, but then who said it will be. People will fight for their purposes irrespective whether you hinder them or not, but its upon us to show that no matter how bad it gets, the principles that we have built over years for ourself are far more important. It’s like the old saying

‘Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good guy is like expecting the lion not to eat you because you are vegetarian.’

Choose your role models wisely, the people you look up to. They make up your mind, your attitude in life and your whole way of living. Always remember that if you don’t like being suppressed, don’t try suppressing others for they might feel the same. Try to be the person who can make this world a better place and irrespective of hurdles, follow your ideologies, for if you change one heart it just makes one less person to change in this world, which is after all as much as one can do.

-Author Unknown-


  1. says:

    1. Anonymous If the great Gandhi was a Malaysian, and he set out to do what he did, i.e. passive resistance (similar to our peaceful candle-lit vigils, but on a massive scale), he would have been ISAed, never to meet another human ever again.

    Fortunately for him, and for India, he was Indian.


  1. says:

    2. Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    Your wisdom, realistic perspective and way with words never fail to make an impact on me!

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    Apologies for this late response. Have friends from overseas in town.

    Take care and have a great day tomorrow!


  1. says:

    3. Anonymous Whether we want it or not the world out there is changing and change is inevitable!

    For all that we had have hope for Malaysia, we just need to press in and stay on course. Perseverance is the key word during such a callous time.

    We cannot wait for good tidings to just flow from the power that be but be the agent to usher in the much needed change for this country.

    "Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength."
    - Charles Spurgeon.

    "I decided that I'd wait until I actually had a reason to worry, something that was happening, not just something that might happen - before I worried."
    - Vicki Hilzges

    If we worry about something that has not occurred, theologian Helmut Thielicke calls it,
    "wandering in times not our own."

    Since our time is now, let us stand in the gap for the the masses. Let not the enemy of democracy tears us apart but let our strength and attitude be the pillar of conscience for the poor and marginalised.

    For change will come to those who are prepared for it and are willing to dig it in. Not letting the opportunity to pass us by again.

  1. says:

    4. Unknown Dear ahoo

    What we need now is the dunamis power of God to convict the hearts of the wicked that they may repent and turn from their wicked ways and then the chosen ones can steer the country back on course.

    Until that happens,we will have to labour to spread the word that change MUST take place.

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a blessed evening.


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