Chronology of events
1. It all began with an article called Enforcing NEP on minority religions (written by Helen Ang) that was posted in the Centre for Policy Initiatives at THIS LINK on August 4th.
2. Five days later, Perkasa lodged a police report at the Sentul Police Station against Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) blogger Helen Ang, claiming that the blogger had written an article which questioned the rights of the Malays and the position of Islam in the country (You can read about it HERE).
3. Dr. Lim Teck Ghee then wrote Public must not allow themselves to be spooked by Perkasa posted at the CPI website HERE where he said:
Instead of engaging with writers in a rational fashion through reasoned arguments, Perkasa as well as the pro-Umno ‘ultra’ bloggers have seen fit to fan crude racial and religious sentiments. Their knee-jerk resort to incitement and instigation is sheer laziness and does them no credit. On the other hand, it only reveals the shallowness of their intellect and poverty of mindset on the important public issues facing our country.4. Barely had the dust settled when Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee wrote his article HERE headlined Jangan terlalu berani mencabar which led to the latest article by Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani.
Furthermore, the action to initiate the police reports is aimed at intimidating Ms Ang and other writers from exercising their right to freedom of expression in the national interest. The preference of Perkasa and their ilk is obviously to use the instruments of the state to censor differing views on contentious national issues. CLICK HERE for more.
Understanding the background of the situation is important for us to make a fair assessment of the issues at hand. During such times, we cannot let our hearts rule our heads but rather, logical and rational thinking must take precedence.
Where are we going as a nation?
Personally, I was deeply saddened by the many negative comments in Helen's post on Enforcing NEP on minority religions. I am really appalled as to how some can have such distorted and unfair views. Religion is a very sensitive issue and I always believe that it must not be a bone of contention because history has shown us that as a very potent and sensitive issue, it can lead to arguments thereby exacerbating an already tensed situation. Evidently, from the various tirades, diatribes and press statements issued so often to the MSM and carried by online news portals, the ability to live together in tolerance and harmoniously is sorely lacking. It almost seems as though some are intent on accenting the differences rather than bridging the gaps!
Helen's article mentioned certain facts which cannot be changed.
In communication, the real meaning is assigned to the words by the receiver of the message. This means that it is largely up to us to perceive any message either positively or negatively.
For instance, Mr. A reading Helen's article could nod in agreement while Mr. B could be up in arms about the content and arguments therein.
However, Mr. B has a choice - he could realize that there could be another side to the argument and choose NOT to make a mountain from a molehill or he could raise a ruckus to project himself as a hero who is actually zero. By doing the latter, he is creating disharmony, mischief and sowing the seeds of destruction which Helen NEVER intended to do in the first place.
By making racist statements which contradict historical records, no one gains any benefit. It only drives the chasm that divides us more deeply and painfully.
I am not going to join the fray and am not going to lambaste any one in this post. I am more concerned about the examples that some writers are setting by posting racist and hurtful statements here and there.
The nation is already hurting and bleeding from all the plundering that is going on. We cannot make it worse than what it has become with by statements that break instead of make our spirits calmer and more hopeful. What can we do to make our nation a better place to live? Clearly, the answer lies in the next GE!!
Truly, after reading the various articles, I wonder where we are as a nation today.
Our forefathers fought and negotiated for independence that we can live together in unity despite our diversity but now there is so much animosity. I am sure they are turning in their graves now and roam the land like restless spirits lamenting the state of our political landscape.
I wish I could turn the clock back to the time when Malaysians had a stronger sense of nationalism and patriotism. Whilst we may have progressed in so many ways, I doubt there has been any other time whereby we are as divided as what we have become today.
In the 1970's, we had propaganda for 'muhibbah', 'gotong royong', 'Rukun Tetangga' and many other themes. Today, do we hear such cries?
We hear party turning against party, comrade fighting against comrade and one statement after another being churned out as evidence of the dissent.
I don't think anyone has the RIGHT to call any one pendatang or to go home. The connotations are deep with far reaching consequences that break and divide rather than unite!
That person/s is grossly misinformed and has a distorted sense of nationhood or religion or a perspective of fellow countrymen.
He/She/They has forgotten that to Malaysians, this IS home!!! Is that so difficult for some to accept, grasp or remember?
Even our PM's brother also bravely pointed out that he is a descendant of an immigrant family. And that does NOT make him any less Malaysian than you or me. We are Malaysians and we should be proud of our heritage.
What sort of mentality would one be displaying by commanding fellow countrymen to 'go home'?
Perhaps some could have authoritarian personalities. Wikipedia HERE identifies nine traits of such a personality which include conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, anti-intraception, superstition and stereotypye, power and "toughness," destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and exaggerated concerns over sex.
There is no room for such intolerance BUT there is PLENTY of room for all to learn to live together in harmony, unity in diversity and prosperity will follow soon as our nation is on the right track again.
I am a fourth generation Malaysian Chinese. Both my paternal and maternal great-grandparents came to Malaysia, brought all that they had with them and gave all that they had to make this country their home. So did my grandparents, my parents and now, I am doing the same. I am sure there are many Malaysians who share a similar background, perhaps even those who are 5th or 6th generation Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians. It does not matter. What matters is that we are Malaysians although some may try to split hairs - let them do so till they grow bald!
To me, this IS home and it is up to us to make it one that is filled with all things bright and beautiful.

1. RJR Mohd Ridhuan Tee is a bonehead like his picture shows. He needs an identity, and hopes to profit from it. Deep down in his gut he wants wealth and he will stop at nothing to prostitute himself to the point of being delirious with nonsense. He knows Utusan is a perfect launching platform for his designs. This type will die a natural death when their importance dries up and gets blown away like dog's crap.