Go Home? This IS Home!!

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, August 15, 2010 36 comments
This afternoon, Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani's article Utusan columnist tells critics to ‘go home’ in The Malaysian Insider details how controversial Mingguan Malaysia columnist Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah continued his weekly diatribe against non-Malays, saying today that minorities who cannot respect the special position of Islam and the Malays should return to their homeland. The report said that the Muslim convert also sneered that Malaysia should be renamed “Cinasia” or “Indiasia” if every demand by non-Muslims was accommodated when commenting on Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) columnist Helen Ang’s recent piece “Enforcing NEP on minority religions.”

Chronology of events
1. It all began with an article called Enforcing NEP on minority religions (written by Helen Ang) that was posted in the Centre for Policy Initiatives at THIS LINK on August 4th.

2. Five days later, Perkasa lodged a police report at the Sentul Police Station against Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) blogger Helen Ang, claiming that the blogger had written an article which questioned the rights of the Malays and the position of Islam in the country (You can read about it HERE).

3. Dr. Lim Teck Ghee then wrote Public must not allow themselves to be spooked by Perkasa posted at the CPI website HERE where he said:
Instead of engaging with writers in a rational fashion through reasoned arguments, Perkasa as well as the pro-Umno ‘ultra’ bloggers have seen fit to fan crude racial and religious sentiments. Their knee-jerk resort to incitement and instigation is sheer laziness and does them no credit. On the other hand, it only reveals the shallowness of their intellect and poverty of mindset on the important public issues facing our country.

Furthermore, the action to initiate the police reports is aimed at intimidating Ms Ang and other writers from exercising their right to freedom of expression in the national interest. The preference of Perkasa and their ilk is obviously to use the instruments of the state to censor differing views on contentious national issues. CLICK HERE for more.
4. Barely had the dust settled when Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee wrote his article HERE headlined Jangan terlalu berani mencabar which led to the latest article by Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani.

Understanding the background of the situation is important for us to make a fair assessment of the issues at hand. During such times, we cannot let our hearts rule our heads but rather, logical and rational thinking must take precedence.

Where are we going as a nation?

Personally, I was deeply saddened by the many negative comments in Helen's post on Enforcing NEP on minority religions. I am really appalled as to how some can have such distorted and unfair views. Religion is a very sensitive issue and I always believe that it must not be a bone of contention because history has shown us that as a very potent and sensitive issue, it can lead to arguments thereby exacerbating an already tensed situation. Evidently, from the various tirades, diatribes and press statements issued so often to the MSM and carried by online news portals, the ability to live together in tolerance and harmoniously is sorely lacking. It almost seems as though some are intent on accenting the differences rather than bridging the gaps!

Helen's article mentioned certain facts which cannot be changed.

In communication, the real meaning is assigned to the words by the receiver of the message. This means that it is largely up to us to perceive any message either positively or negatively.

For instance, Mr. A reading Helen's article could nod in agreement while Mr. B could be up in arms about the content and arguments therein.

However, Mr. B has a choice - he could realize that there could be another side to the argument and choose NOT to make a mountain from a molehill or he could raise a ruckus to project himself as a hero who is actually zero. By doing the latter, he is creating disharmony, mischief and sowing the seeds of destruction which Helen NEVER intended to do in the first place.

By making racist statements which contradict historical records, no one gains any benefit. It only drives the chasm that divides us more deeply and painfully.

I am not going to join the fray and am not going to lambaste any one in this post. I am more concerned about the examples that some writers are setting by posting racist and hurtful statements here and there.

The nation is already hurting and bleeding from all the plundering that is going on. We cannot make it worse than what it has become with by statements that break instead of make our spirits calmer and more hopeful. What can we do to make our nation a better place to live? Clearly, the answer lies in the next GE!!

Truly, after reading the various articles, I wonder where we are as a nation today.

Our forefathers fought and negotiated for independence that we can live together in unity despite our diversity but now there is so much animosity. I am sure they are turning in their graves now and roam the land like restless spirits lamenting the state of our political landscape.

I wish I could turn the clock back to the time when Malaysians had a stronger sense of nationalism and patriotism. Whilst we may have progressed in so many ways, I doubt there has been any other time whereby we are as divided as what we have become today.

In the 1970's, we had propaganda for 'muhibbah', 'gotong royong', 'Rukun Tetangga' and many other themes. Today, do we hear such cries?


We hear party turning against party, comrade fighting against comrade and one statement after another being churned out as evidence of the dissent.

I don't think anyone has the RIGHT to call any one pendatang or to go home. The connotations are deep with far reaching consequences that break and divide rather than unite!

That person/s is grossly misinformed and has a distorted sense of nationhood or religion or a perspective of fellow countrymen.

He/She/They has forgotten that to Malaysians, this IS home!!! Is that so difficult for some to accept, grasp or remember?

Even our PM's brother also bravely pointed out that he is a descendant of an immigrant family. And that does NOT make him any less Malaysian than you or me. We are Malaysians and we should be proud of our heritage.

What sort of mentality would one be displaying by commanding fellow countrymen to 'go home'?

Perhaps some could have authoritarian personalities. Wikipedia HERE identifies nine traits of such a personality which include conventionalism, authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, anti-intraception, superstition and stereotypye, power and "toughness," destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and exaggerated concerns over sex.

There is no room for such intolerance BUT there is PLENTY of room for all to learn to live together in harmony, unity in diversity and prosperity will follow soon as our nation is on the right track again.

I am a fourth generation Malaysian Chinese. Both my paternal and maternal great-grandparents came to Malaysia, brought all that they had with them and gave all that they had to make this country their home. So did my grandparents, my parents and now, I am doing the same. I am sure there are many Malaysians who share a similar background, perhaps even those who are 5th or 6th generation Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indians. It does not matter. What matters is that we are Malaysians although some may try to split hairs - let them do so till they grow bald!

To me, this IS home and it is up to us to make it one that is filled with all things bright and beautiful.

Do leave a comment to share your thoughts and views. Thanks! Have a nice day!

36 comments to Go Home? This IS Home!!

  1. says:

    1. RJR Mohd Ridhuan Tee is a bonehead like his picture shows. He needs an identity, and hopes to profit from it. Deep down in his gut he wants wealth and he will stop at nothing to prostitute himself to the point of being delirious with nonsense. He knows Utusan is a perfect launching platform for his designs. This type will die a natural death when their importance dries up and gets blown away like dog's crap.

  1. says:

    2. Tiger People like Riduan Tee are actually paid bigots!
    THEY can leave MY COUNTRY!
    My country is MALAYSIA, where people of ALL RACES & RELIGIONS belong TOGETHER!

  1. says:

    3. Daniel Yahya Funny thing is, since when Ridhuan Tee is a "malay"... talk about losing your identity. It's people like this who creates fear towards Islam in non-muslims in Malaysia. Changing your religion does not mean you are swapping your skin and suddenly become a member of another race. My wife is a Chinese muslim, and thatis what she will always be, a Chinese woman.

    There is a word in Islam for people like Ridhuan Tee, and they are call munafiq.

  1. says:

    4. MOO Go home. Where but here?

    I am born and breed here and this is my home.

    Why people is so insentitive?

  1. says:

    5. Anonymous There should not be any question of anyone to question a fellow Malaysian on their loyalty as everyone home s here.

    By commanding another Malaysian to go home, the question one will ask his that where is my Home ? Malaysia of course. By Ridzuan Tee uttering this is tantamount to create disunity and disharmony among races. Who is Ridzuan Tee to command his fellow Malaysians to leave anyway ?

    Is it just because of their different views on how the country should be run that these Malaysians should leave? These Malaysians just want the country to be adminstered with justice, fairness and free of corruption.Is it that difficult ?

    This is also the preferred choice of many Malays and bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak as well. The country do not belong to UMNO and their cronies alone.

    Malaysia belong to all Malaysians; the Malays in PAS, UMNO, DAP and Gerakan, the Indians in DAP, MIC and Gerakan, the Chinese in MCA, DAP, PBS , SUPP and Gerakan and the bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak.

    We are all in Malaysia to stay for sure.

  1. says:

    6. Anonymous Dear MWS,

    If Dr Tee has the power to facilitate the return of Malaysians to China/India, however illogical it sounds, please do so ASAP. I will be amongst the first in line.

    I was stirred by what the mayor of New York said in reference to the building of a mosque at Ground Zero. To me this is the kind of intellectual discourse and benevolent attitude that unites people and create bridges. I can't say the same for Dr Tee and all his ilk. Like you instructed I will refrain from bashing this "learned PhD". But I really can't help it. So I humbly suggest that he gets a good sun-tan, do some plastic surgery to his own "sepet eyes" and change his surname before asking others to return home.

    Without malice,

  1. says:

    7. Anonymous Ridhuan Tee masuk MELAYU 'LIK HUAN' rather than converted to ISLAM. Whatever he wrote does not reflect Islam but UMNO politics. Why? When did UNMO accepting CHINESE Muslims as members? or BUMI PUTERA? He should 'go home' to where he belong...... .

    We are the 4th generation and my children are the 5th generation Malaysians. Malaysia is our home, our country. We aint going anywhere.

  1. says:

    8. Anonymous While Malaysians still fight amongst each other over who is more Malaysian, I can't help but shake my head over the sad scenario. I was once Malaysian but now a proud Aussie. There are many like me who come to Australia from different parts of the world but today, we are all proud Aussies. How come? One thing is that Australia today do not practise racial discrimination at any level, so unlike Malaysia where affirmative action is firmly institutionalised. If Malaysia is to forge ahead, all the rakyat must be proud Malaysians but alas, they are too busy fighting over each other over their allegiance. What a messy shame!!

  1. says:

    9. Anonymous Ridhuan Tee, I think you are a disgrace to the Real Malays.(original)At most, me thinks you are just 3rd class Original Fake Malay, rank behind those from India or the Philiphines. As someone commented, you and your generations to come, will be Chinese, and Islam as your religion, of course, if you disown the surname Tee, curse that surname to the ground, you can be upgraded to 2nd class.
    You and your kind like Perkasa never seem to understand, non Muslims never has and never will challenge the position of Islam,the Sultans and the special position of the Malays.Those positions mentioned above has never been weak or threatened, its only your kind maybe with inferiority complex felt so.
    Now the world knows why our Bolehland is slowly sinking to new lows. With a so call DR.writing what he wrote,what can one expect?
    And I really think the Original Real Malays are laughing at you as well.

  1. says:

    10. Anonymous Ridhuan Tee,

    A few years back, I've heard about you being a person who is very knowledgeable about Islam. What happened along the way?

    Remember that Islam is about being just. In the first place, why do you associate yourself with Utusan Malaysia which is churning out lies after lies in its reporting?

  1. says:

    11. Anonymous Sometimes when I listen to the various racist comments from the political elite and the demands for greater economic wealth, I just wonder whether a simple solution of nationalising all businesses in Malaysia and giving them to Bumiputras, and asking non-Bumis to move to a non-Sultan state so that the Peninsular will be a homogeneous populaton is not do-able, because at the end of the day we all need each other and they know it. So that irks them the most.

  1. says:

    12. Anonymous Just as some Malays are trying hard to be more Arab than the Arabs, This Ridhuan fella is trying hard to be more Melayu than the Melayus. After 50 years, the same war cry is being repeated time and again! Yes, Chinese go back Tongsan and Indians go back India!These people making such war cries have certainly lost their direction somehow!

  1. says:

    13. Anonymous Ridhuan Tee You so called "learned" person can bring yourself that low to ask your own race to go home. You should denounce Tee as your surname because it brings great insult and shame to the Chinese Malaysian community.

  1. says:

    14. Unknown All Malaysians, irrespective of race, should condemn Dr. Tee for his article that commands fellow countrymen to 'go home'.

  1. says:

    15. Anonymous Dear MWS,

    Things like this should not surface at all. When citizenship is granted everyone starts from a clean slate. We must not keep harping on who this land used to belong to at all. Thats history. As long as citizens are loyal and abide by the federal constitution, every citizen has a share of the goodwill of the country.

    What this clown suggest is that non Malays must be forever grateful to the extent that anything can be pushed down their throats. If one cannot compete then one must buck up and not pull down those who can achieve higher. If we wish others to respect our beliefs we must do the same for theirs. Its a 2 way street. Religion goes by faith. We will never know the truth of our individual belief until our last breath on Earth. Who are we to judge others?

    I wish that they had made it clear right from the start that others are not welcome. At least my forefathers could have planned it differently and skipped this area.


  1. says:

    16. Dove Dear MWS,
    They are confused,desperate,ignorant and lack self-confidence. Since they are still in power, the only thing they know is intimidation and coercion. They are not at all concern about the future of the country and the very people they claim to represent. These are rent-seeking mob who hijack their religion and race to achieve their hidden agenda.

    This is a testing time where we have to keep our cool and deal with them with wisdom and courage.Surely, goodness shall prevail over evil and the final victory belongs to all Malaysian irrespective of ethnicity or religion.


  1. says:

    17. Anonymous Ridhuan Babi (Tee/Pig))Abdullah is a very confused man. Has has that mamak's disease.

    He thought being muslim he is no longer a Chinese. Pity this man.

  1. says:

    18. Anonymous "Ridhuan Tee You so called "learned" person..."(?!!!)

    He has only learnt to be the lowest possible scum.


  1. says:

    19. Anonymous I wonder what will happen to the Malaysian Malays if all Malaysians of Chinese and Indian descent go back to their ancestral lands. There will be no one left for the ultra Malays to "bash" except for Mohd Ridhuan Tee!!!!

  1. says:

    20. Anonymous Ridswine Tee is clearly paid by bUmno to stir shit. Isn't that obvious to all?


  1. says:

    21. Anonymous This is home but for how long? Years ago when friends migrated, I thought they are over pessimistic but now decades later I am not so sure any more. If history could be lesson to us, then are we the Jews that stayed back in Germany when Nazi took over the country and majority of the German people watch in silence. I hope not, but then ....... I may the over optimistic.

  1. says:

    22. Anonymous Instead of showing why he became a Muslim , Ridhuan Tee is actually a disgrace to real Muslims. His attempt to show his racist and intolerance shows that he is a bad example for Muslims and indeed a shame go our nation.

    I suggest people like him should hide himself from the public for it bring shame to his family. Instead of logically rebutting helen he ask her to go home. Maybe Tee should ask himself where his own home is? As for us home is here, stupid!

  1. says:

    23. LC Teh If this is not our home, then we have no home.... ?

  1. says:

    24. Chester Khuan When I was in my teens I have this thought: I was born and raised as a Malaysian and I will die a Malaysian to be buried in Malaysia. Recently my thoughts have changed to: I am the 4th generation Chinese in Malaysia (same like you) and perhaps it is time to return to home. Certainly very depressing thoughts indeed.

  1. says:

    25. Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    I keep wanting to think that patriotism is a positive virtue, however, I have never seen it expressed as such...


  1. says:

    26. Anonymous Tee has a rather confused mind ... he talks like a retarded / brain-damaged idiot ... A normal person will not say such thing ... "Go Home".

    I pray to Jesus to bless him.

  1. says:

    27. Anak Hj Osman The likes of Ridhuan Tee and Perkasa have very little grey matter between their ears.

    There are many Malays who don't share their sentiment. And we will keep speaking out.

    So all my fellow Malaysians out there, please know that this is your home. Our home. Don't you once doubt it.

  1. says:

    28. A Malaysian Dear Malaysians,
    It is so sad for me to read the article by this so called Dr. I am a very proud Malaysian, but with what's been going on in Malaysia these couple of years. I have been less enthusiastic in telling people that I am Malaysian as I am now working in a foreign land. My friends used to joke that the Toursim Board should pay me a salary for promoting Malaysia to whomever I meet. I wish I could do that more boldly and without the shame that I feel now. I will go home when it's time to vote. It's time for CHANGE.

  1. says:

    29. Anonymous Good article, thanks.

  1. says:

    30. Anonymous Truth be spoken,hence when have we been reading anything that is intelligently argued by these so called protector of their race or religion ?
    I do not allow myself to be slighted by any of these guys simply because I am convince that they are either warped minded or mentally impaired to read beyond the truth of articles that highlites the banes and rifts that ails this country .
    When an article presents what is deemed as being unfair to others ,intelligently,powers that be should digest it to correct what is wrong and not unleashed this 'sink-so'low' retort by asking another to go home !


    Pride of race and religion is one thing,accepting the difference of another is what makes us the intelligent human being !

  1. says:

    31. nick Sis,

    Sorry for being late in the comment..the connection is simply atrocious and all my comments are somehow unable to be sent to you.

    Ahh..Dr(?) Bigot(R)us (I will not use his name cos it represent an angel who is in charge of heaven which clearly this person is NOT worthy of it)! He is the epitome of the negative and all that's wrong with Mahathir's UMNO and BN. He is a product of the demented pursuit of power and bigoted racial hegemony. He is the product of complete surrender to greed, lust, power and corruption. He is in actuality, the type of being (not a person and especially not a human) whom Malaysian do not want in their midst. He is THE ANTITHESIS OF A MALAYSIAN and he is for all intent and purposes an UMNO+PERKASA creature.

    Thus, all Malaysian should remember this creature well because if we fail to change the government in the next GE, we'll have more of these creatures roaming, wrecking havoc and destruction onto this land. THis is the picture of 1Malaysia citizen in the future if things remain the same. We have to prevent it from happening and we have the power to do it. Let's us all unite and say no to these creature and to his master and creator.


  1. says:

    32. Anonymous All the above 31 comments have just about covered everything that I had want ed to say...except this:

    "Tee, you are a piece of shit".


  1. says:

    33. Anonymous He is just another prostitute par excellence ! Apology to those who were forced into the world oldest profession in one way or another BUT no apology to him as sold himself for a pittance.

    We should learn from Indonesia and pass a law in Parliament to make it punishable under the new law to anyone who call another Malaysian leave their land of birth. We are born here and where do you want us to go, Dr Ah Tee ?

    If you continue in this way, I have to call you Dr Ah Dul and by the way, where you got you PhD ah? I thought the more educated you are, you should have been more balanced in your thoughts BUT but you seem to msibehave.

    Ah, I think you are a confused lot for you wanted to be someone you were not born to be. So you end up talk 3 talk 4 and cow father and cow mother, hokkien slants leh.

  1. says:

    34. Unknown To all the 33 commenters who have shared their thoughts and views here, thank you very much for your passionate response and for resonating with the post.

    I appreciate the time each of you has taken to share your response and pray that each of us will, in our own ways, make Malaysia a better place for our descendants for this IS home to all of us.

    Thanks to other readers who came by to read the post and the comments.

    May God bless Malaysia and every single one of you.

    Take care and do keep in touch!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    35. Anonymous why is this going on in this country?
    sad !! sad!
    Lets have confidence about yourself of who you are. It does not matter of what race , religion, etc
    you know who you are.

    You do not lose your identity ....by having others around..

  1. says:

    36. WC Malaysia is the one and only home for all Malaysians! An iron clad fact indeed. Unquestionably, I disagree to what Dr. Tee had said. As Malaysia is a melting pot of race and religion, the importance of tolerance and harmonious shouldn't be neglected. Upon hearing that ridiculous statement, I really have great sympathy for him.

    Hope that miracle would appear soon o(^.^)o

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