Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, August 25, 2010 27 comments
When a nation has characters who seem to share a mission to promote racist slants in their reports to obscure political, social and spiritual progress, how are we expected to react?

When some make statements of all sorts to provoke and to divide without being rebuked or warned whilst others are hauled up for milder statements, are we expected to sit there in stupor and nod our heads in blind agreement?

When the mass media knowingly disseminates and processes distorted/bias information on a continual basis orchestrated with the sole objective to turn the minds of many against groups perceived to be threats to the nation, do they think we are clueless enough to fork out $$ to buy their spins?

With such developments, malevolent puppet masters who pull invisible strings are utterly delighted that their racist slants and evil ploys are given public endorsement by these puppets and other players in the racist game of hatred.

Respect for one another is earned and does not come from being in power as one former leader said HERE. Respect is given because of a desire to co-exist peacefully and harmoniously - not out of fear or coercion!!

We must acknowledge that the term/concept of racism has become nothing but a misnomer, as there are no other races on Earth, other than the Human Race. Let us remember that the word "race" is a singular term that refers to a singular family of man, with a common ancestry, of spiritual and biological descent from the first man and first woman. However, realistically, a pluralized term for race, in reference to mankind does not exist. So why emphasize differences and breed prejudice?

Many fail to realize that racism is actually a deceptive political policy, devised by political and economic scientists for many reasons including :

* to disrupt social order
* to conceal and justify the implementation of covert political agendas
* to stabilize or improve the economic advantages of the privileged elite, and thereby maintain the political position of the ruling party.

Much as we hate to admit it, we can see that by deliberately dividing the members of one society by accenting ethnic differences overtly and covertly, governments are actually protecting the elite and consolidating their power over the masses.

What sort of mentality will the future generation develop when the facilitators ram their propaganda down their throats? How will they perceive the deprivation concealed in legislation and overtures that overtly favors corporate development over the survival of politically oppressed citizens? I wonder if they would justify government campaigns of public misinformation, waged through government regulated or owned media that have been professionally designed to sway public opinion to favor the governing practice of elite accommodation.

Chances are, many would not be able to engage rationally in political process and economic advantage because they have been brainwashed and still being brainwashed to the extent that they may agree the vilification of its intended victims who are wrongly perceived as a threat to the nation. When groups can be targeted and promoted in 'racial' campaigns and designated as socially inferior or politically inept or as enemies, I shudder at the thought of what awaits us in the near future, a future which is being manipulated by the forces/powers that be for their evil and greedy agenda.

Do not forget that the current deterioration in education standards has practically robbed the youth of the ability to think, to rationalize and to go through logical patterns of reasoning. Many accept, believe and endorse all the propaganda and worse still, spread this message to others with whom they come into contact. That is why the rest of us have to work very hard to dispel their myths, spins, lies and statements stemming from a hatred that has no boundaries.

The young are the nation's human resources and valuable assets which should be nurtured and then we can harvest the fruit of these resources. However, if we put weedkillers in their minds, we would be harvesting poisoned fruits of destruction in the future!!!

We must acknowledge that “racism” is a deliberate political act with historical roots programmed to enable colonial and industrialized world governments, to justify the unequal distribution of wealth, through the vilification of their intended victims.

Verifying the faulted reasoning via statements of denial or fallacies that the government presents to us and vilifying the victims would enable a government to establish them as detrimental to the development and general welfare of the state. What we see is a system capable of the mass manipulation of public opinion who are unwilling to deal fairly and share, on equal terms, the wealth in future economic prospects.

This prejudicial political process, allows governments the freedom, to discriminate against groups of people/races, to acquire unfairly their resources without payment. Government sponsored, socially engineered programs are used to misdirect public perception as to origin of social issues, thus 'race card' is depicted as innate to various ethnic traits, groups and social classes to confuse and misinform the public about social issues for social division.

Many individuals who make a lot of money using their personal 'Race" card will not want to give up their specially acquired but natural status.

We see a tendency to perpetuate labels which are for those who can't think independently. Labels are for lemmings! Everyone has the capacity to think and feel the correctness, truth and quality of a person and his/her message.

Ignorance and prejudice are not spontaneous or natural occurrences, they are choices. Racial prejudice is conduct-based, racial superiority, instilled through example and not behavior learned through previous experience, as it is said to be. Ignorance is not an inborn hatred nor is it an excuse for not knowing the truth. Ignorance is choosing not to recognize the truth. Today, we can see that on every level of social strata, government to citizen, landlord to tenant, employer to employee.

Racism and ignorance are subtle political and business techniques and now, we see it being publicly endorsed in the name of nation building! What a joke!

Theoretically, when racism and ignorance become techniques for hiring, selling or legislating it is discrimination. Discrimination is not discernment, nor is it wise, as those who practice racial discrimination would have you believe.

A climate of fear does not spell much hope for our nation and yet some spread such fears in institutions that brainwash others! Fear can take the form of racism, sexism, lying, cheating, name-calling, rumor and innuendo mongering. It's ugly and it does not become us, not if we want to be a developed nation in every sense of the word. Let's face it. Fear is irrational. It has no reason; it simply lurks within a heart and obliterates the light. Fear is the very reason why nations are at war. It causes sicknesses!

In a climate of fear, people may pass on information that is without verifiable truth, because it supports their fear that stems from a false notion that the benefits enjoyed by others will be at the expense of “their” personal good. This is categorically a lie. My good is not at the expense of yours. There is enough, plenty, for everyone, if only we learn to respect each other and learn to share!!!

Malaysians can figure out for themselves what is Truth and not; but the key to this is that we have assess each scenario with an open mind and an open heart without fear that can obscure us from ever hearing what others have to say, let alone giving ourselves the opportunity to FEEL the truth or experience their beauty. Fear and hatred that we harbor in our hearts would define our experiences!

Let us come to terms with the fact that some may be afraid of those of different colors, different creeds, and different ideas. Still, let us love them and listen open-mindedly.

This is no airy fairy exercise!!! Our country is only as good as the citizens who comprise it. If we proclaim 1Malaysia but clearly hate certain Malaysians, how can this Nation stand? It won't. If this situation persists, our nation cannot stand tall in this global village and may disintegrate with seige mentality while doing a 'jaguh kampung' jig without realizing that we are but a small dot on this planet! It will crumble from within; and it won't take any foreign enemy to bury us. All it takes is ourselves!!!

In less than a week, our country will be 53 years old. It takes clear hearts and clear minds to deal with serious problems that beset this nation and show respect to fellow citizens in a harmonious environment.

It's time to grow up, Malaysians. We can conduct healthy, spirited debates and actually learn from each other. Only fear closes our ears to what someone has to say. It costs us nothing to listen with our minds and our hearts. Times are changing, as they always do. Let us be good stewards of democracy. We have nothing to fear, except fear; because fear will undermine us and crumble us from the inside out.

The rakyat are crying for positive change.Let us act responsibly as instruments for change. Change is a Choice. Work together with the right perspective without clinging on to blind and foolish party loyalty. Stand up and identify ourselves simply as HUMAN BEINGS, members of the Earth, humans sharing this land, this Planet with others of our KIND without forgetting that We are born to One Race, the Human Race.

This will not eliminate the Hatred that has been taught and promoted by many over the decades by the powers that be through various programs both overtly and covertly.Their hatred has no boundaries and yet they expect us to observe THEIR unfairly defined boundaries. Bollocks to such overtures! Knowledge is Power. With it, we can see truth as the Light that changes perceptions. With love in our hearts, we can change the World but it has to begin with you and me. We must stop whining about change; instead, we have to go out and make that change. Spread the word that there is only ONE COLOUR - that of the human race, not of hatred! Are we ready?


  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    A Sordid Love Affair - UMNO and the Malay people Or The unrequited love – The Malays and UMNO.

    Yet again, UMNO uses the spectre of “Melayu hilang kuasa”, the threat of racial riot, economic disadvantages, instability and “huru-hara” to try delude the malays into once again giving them total and blind support. UMNO is trying to instill inter racial disunity, religious misunderstanding and bigotry and more importantly destroy the ever prevalent “good natured”ness and tolerance of the malay people. UMNO is using immoral and reprehensible cum destructive skull drudgery to try and get the malay people behind them once again. UMNO is using these Machiavellian tactic to get the malays to switch their support from PAS, from PKR and from DAP, back to UMNO.

    As before, the task of performing the lame and god awful “magic act” is given to the Grand Old magician, TDM. TDM, I suspect is glad or eager to do the magic act given the fact that of all the UMNO leaders, he has the most to lose if PR manages to wrestle Putrajaya away from UMNO and BN. However to the consternation of UMNO but to the relief of all Malaysian, these despicable tactic are not working or to be precise did not create the desired effect that UMNO is hoping for. In fact these tactics has the effect of driving more and more people away from UMNO, from TDM and from PERKASA which is a good news for Malaysian ( who by now could use some good news for a change!)

    The malay people already had the realization that they as the majority people in Malaysia by the sheer size of population and by sheer numbers of elected representative is “The pillar of power” in Malaysia! Any politician and any political party need the support of the majority of malays to survive and to govern. If that is an indisputable fact then how can the malays lose their political power? How can there be racial riot and ‘huru hara” if the majority of the people voted to end UMNO and BN hold on the government? How can the malays be weak and under threat of domination when they as the majority uses their sheer numbers, voted (on their own conviction and together with other malaysian) to kick UMNO out?

    A majority of people acting in concert is considered weak and being dominated? That’s as far fetch as Malaysia having sent an astronaut to space by our own means and our own technology and FOC! The Malay becoming weak if majority of them support PAS and PKR? That in itself it a contradictory statement to say the least! Being dormant, unassertive and passive are the reasons that led to the malay being enslaved, taken advantage off and manipulated! That’s what UMNO DID to the malays (we realized that now and we are pissed!). So, now that the majority of malay are beginning to find their voice and conviction, they are becoming weak and dominated? NO, I don’t think so! The lie about how the malay will lose power if they do not give total support to UMNO does not work anymore. Sorry TDM! we’ve watched “Greatest secret of magic revealed” on AXN and we already know the truth about your magic act or sleight of hand trick. LAME!


  1. says:

    nick continued...

    The malay people have realized that for all the love and affection they have shower UMNO with, what do they get in return? Heartbreak, physical suffering and loss of dignity, self worth and not to mention robbed of their wealth and property. This ridiculous love affair with UMNO has cost the malay people dearly! And what’s more, they realized that UMNO was never in love or love the malay people. UMNO was in fact in love with what the malay people have, which is wealth and treasury of this country. UMNO in reality is in love with wealth, power and position that the malay people can give them. That’s why when the malay began shunning them, UMNO became vindictive and aggressive and more to the point, violent!

    For someone who claimed that they love the malay people, UMNO would rather destroy the race than have it give its love to someone else. For UMNO, losing the love and affection of the malay people meant that no one else can have that love too, no matter how much better that other party is. UMNO would rather take the malay people down with them than see the malay people progress and live a better life under the guidance and care of another party . It about time the malay people break free from this one sided, destructive, useless and violent affair.

    There might be someone else (a political party) out there that is worthy of the malay peoples’ love and who in return, will love them back. After decades of neglect, used, battered, humiliated, discriminated (most of us are not UMNOputras), swindled and enslaved, what has the malay people as a whole have to lose? Not much, I reckon but the malays have everything to gain (respect, dignity, honor and prosperity). All the thing that were stripped from the malay race. UMNO have much more to lose since they have usurped, conned and swindled so much from the people! So, an end to the sordid affair would be good for the malay people but a capital (perchance a criminal indictment will haunt UMNO’s leader, maybe?) loss for an ungrateful being. GOOD BYE, UMNO! It was hell knowing you and we’ll tell our children and grand children about you and your type so that they will never make the same mistake again.

    Have a blessed week with your family, Sis and GOD bless.


    P.s- I have post something similar in another blog and I have the sneaky feeling that you will be putting up a similar post too. My intuition is spot on (fasting is giving more electric charge to my brain, maybe???)

  1. says:

    Anonymous The Infernal Eternal Borg aka Umno:
    All the rights to insult and hate are belong to us!"


  1. says:

    Anonymous "The rakyat are crying for positive change.Let us act responsibly as instruments for change. Change is a Choice."

    A Choice it is. But are those in power ready to accept change and will they act responsibly should they be faced this so call "choice" in the not too distant future?
    Losing a few states is still bearable , but nationally? Your guess is as good as mine.
    My belief is this current political climate is nothing, but foreplay, and could reach its climax come GE13.
    Unless the Kerala man kicks the bucket before that, and that frog king being placed under his "tempurung" once again.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Can a bunch of dumbos change even if they have the support of the majority of the Malays once again?
    No and never is my take on them. Why, one may ask ?

    Simple, ABC, men. They are all out to rob, steal and to destroy anything that go against them. These destructive dumbos are not human anymore for their greed know no bound !

    If they can even go against the very constitutions thatwere there to protect all people, what makes us think that their new agenda is for the good of the people. I can never ever respect these bunch of hypocrite who can even amend the law to take away the power of their beloved King.

    Now, they are crying that others are not respected the King! Wake up people, these bunch of morons are not grateful people. They enter politic to enrich themselves and in doing so, enslaved others as tjhat their ultimate agenda.

    Their plots are replayed so often that we are immuned to it by now. Their bag of tricks can only fool those "BTC" boh tak chek (not schooled) ones but not the masses who are dead against anything dumbo. Let us be united against the regime of hate, bunch of cheats and destroyer of democracy.

    Just hang them out to dry come the next GE13 and Malaysia can never be any worse. With billions save from corruptions monthly to yearly, we can have all the basic amenties we want for all races in this nation. Let the Malays in the kampongs be uplifted first and be poor no more.

    I measure the wealth of this nation by the standards of those poor and needy not those big fat and ugly bullies!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Masterwordsmith,

    When we allow racist perverts to torment society ,the bigoteds and ethno-centrists will start rearing their ugly heads and cast to damnation a system set along the rules of righteouness for all mankind.
    Such pugnacious behaviour in our multi-racial society is definetly a big NO! NO !

    All right-thinking Malaysians must be able to see beyond this "poisonous cauldron of hatred" being served on us and intelligently move on.
    Only fools will gather around it and wait to be "hoisted by their own pertard" !


  1. says:

    Anonymous And speaking of FEAR, UMNO's FEAR of losing power and free money cause them into making more RACIST slurs than ever, even SMK headmistresses also called non-malay students PENDATANGS too. The RACIST NUT himself is now living in PARANOIA and SCARED should IF PAKATAN forms the new Federal Government, Anwar will have his revenge on the RACIST NUT himself for setting Anwar up with FITNAH charges. No wonder he is making up more RACIST NONSENSES and try to invoke another MAY 13...

  1. says:

    tupingera Thank you for a very enlightening post.

    I'm concerned too, of the spate of racist statements and incidents lately, especially the oft-repeated threats of "Melayu hilang kuasa".

    I'm a Malay and I want to state my stand:

    I would rather be governed by non-Malays who are just, honest, caring, progressive and democratic than being misgoverned by Malays who are unjust, crooked, corrupt, conservative and despotic. Race is not an issue for me, values are.

    If a cat catches mice, I don't care whether it is black, white, ginger or green.

  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot "Everyone has the capacity to think..."
    I think we all know the traditional methods of eliminating this troublesome thought and questioning. Crows are normally smart in avoiding confrontation with us. However, every so often, some threat such as danger to a nestling causes them to gang up and imprint on a specific person. This usually leads to their demise.
    "Doubt is thought and thought is life. Systems which end doubt are devices for drugging thought." - Prof. Albert Guerard

    "Fear is... why nations are at war."
    War is one of the largest and most lucrative industries, at least for the overlords of society. E.g. you could take a look at this, but I must warn you it is depressing:

    "My good is not at the expense of yours."
    Entrepreneurial and creative activity, which CREATES a big chunk of many economies, is outside the zero-sum game. Failure to reward this effort, or demanding a cut, is what drives much of the brain drain problem.

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    O dear Tun, verily, a ginger cunt you most certainly is. That is all.

    And there you have it, this crétin is on the move and with such massive chip on his shoulders, he is determined to have his empire strikes back! However, there is one problem with his many premises that is, his arguments makes 'sense' but doesn’t seem to have any common sense hence the conclusion, he is a fucktard and a fucktard he is.

    Anyway, let us pursue what has espoused by RPK which is, it's his game and his rules, but that doesn’t mean we have to play along and that he can shove it up his despotic rectum!

    Pardon me language 8)


  1. says:

    Anonymous That Mandrill/Macaque baboon is somebody's real face and is a great choice of picture by way of illustration.


  1. says:

    bennyloh FULLY DEVELOPED BY 2020

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    So sorry for this late response. My older boy is back till tomorrow and I have been very busy spending time with him and also with household chores as my part-time cleaner has gone back to her kampung for two months.

    Thank you so much for sharing this FANTASTIC comment.

    May I please repost this tomorrow?

    I hope you will say yes.

    I am thankful that there are Malaysians like you who can see things so clearly and I pray that your wonderful, insightful and brilliant input will go a long way in awakening our fellow countrymen to see the light.

    Take care and have a lovely weekend with your family.

    Selamat berpuasa.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Very true words and observation there ...

    Thanks for sharing.

    Take care and enjoy the weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.42pm

    I share your view, dear Malaysian. I believe the next GE is the most crucial of all the GEs this country has ever had and will be the most defining one too.

    Let's pray that all will turn out well in the end.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    Do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    That is a very passionate comment that is full of sharp observations, ahoo. Thank you so much for being honest and telling it like it is.

    I believe many of us are up in arms with the ridiculous situations we are facing in our country and apart from mooting for change and encouraging people to vote/register as a voter, we can only pray and hope for the best.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.12pm (are you Captain Obvious???)

    Thank you for your elegant and observant comment.

    You have described those devilish characters most accurately.

    Indeed we have to see beyond that evil potion they are brewing in the cauldron of hatred spiced with poisonous lies.

    The time will come when they will have no more power to wield over the rest of us and then, perhaps, our nation will be on the mend.

    Take care and God bless you. Do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.36pm

    Thank you for your timely comment that puts all the racist nonsense in a nutshell. Indeed we all have to be very vigilant and not fall prey to their lies, spins and myths.

    Take care and thanks for that exhortation for us to be careful during such challenging moments.

    Do keep in touch.

    God bless you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear tupingera

    How lovely to hear from you again. I have missed your wise and insightful comments. Thanks for your kind comment. You are most welcome wrt the post.

    Thank you so much for being very fair, mature and sensible in your stand. I really hope that there are more Malaysians like you who will stand up for equality, justice and truth.

    Take care and have a blessed weekend. Do keep in touch.

    Selamat berpuasa.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear semuanya OK kot

    Great to hear from you again. Many thanks for those insightful quotes and your comment.

    Thank you also for that excellent and informative (although depressing too) link. I will need to read it again to remember the content and perhaps blog about it one day.

    Take care and thanks for sharing from the depth of your knowledge and experience.

    Do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Wow! Thanks for a very hard-hitting and yet entertaining comment delivered with much punch, style and mastery with your words.

    Take care and do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Thanks, ~wits0~!

    I scanned many pics before I managed to find that one!

    Take care and thanks for being so observant.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Benny Loh

    Thanks for stopping by and for sharing that link. Another brilliant work by you! Keep it up.


  1. says:

    nick No worries Sis. I knew you will be quite busy with your boys. So all of us your ardent fan await patiently with quiet understanding of a mother's attention to her child is second to none.

    I'm sorry too for this late reply and as always I'm honored to have it re posted.

    Take care Sis and may GOD bless us all.


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    Dear Anon @ 3.12pm (are you Captain Obvious???) - It was not I. Me think it was Captain Anonymous 8)


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Thanks! I posted it yesterday :-). Take care and have a blessed weekend with your loved ones.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Thanks for the clarification!

    Have a great weekend!


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