It all began with an iPhone...

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, August 11, 2010 4 comments
March was when my son celebrated his 15th birthday, and I got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn't?

I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made me very happy when she bought me an iPad.
My daughter's birthday was in August so I got her an iPod Touch.

September came by so for her birthday i got my wife an iRon.

It was around then that the fight started......

Thanks to Freddie who sent me this joke. It was meant for Friday but I accidentally clicked publish instead of schedule posts. I added the images sourced from Photobucket. Do swing by later for the next sopo post. Have a pleasant evening!

4 comments to It all began with an iPhone...

  1. says:

    Anonymous We as parents are destroying the very culture of the modern youths. We who can afford will please our children with the latest gadgets in town on each birthday and allow the manufacturers to lead us by the nose, so to say.

    I must admit it myself as when we offer our child the first handphone, the next will follow within a year or so. The peer pressure in school or college is always there and we as parents got suck into the system. Offering the latest gadget to them seem to be pleasing them but ultimately we are serving they want and not their need.

    For me, it began with a simple handset and now with birthday nearing, request for a better and newer one is ringing out loud. The old is too slow, less features and battery half death. May God helps us to retify our needs and our wants. Cheers !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thank you for your honest response to the post.We are no longer living in a simple but a materialistic society and it is our responsibility as parents to inculcate the right values in our children.

    As for my older boy, he paid for his own hand phones with his savings and it has been more than three years since he bought the one he is using now. I have offered to give him mine but thanks to years of brainwashing, he declined LOL!!

    As for my younger one, he is using one of my old hand phones.

    When I was lecturing, students laughed when they saw my phone and said that even their granddads would not use it. Well, as long as it can make and receive calls/smses and take pics, it serves its purpose :-).

    As for battery life, we must take care of the phone. I have a few phones and one of them is a Nokia 3310 which I bought circa 1998 and it is still in good working condition today :-).

    I must say I am tempted to get the Motorola Droid X and HTC Evo but I have resisted the temptation :-).

    Take care and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Anonymous It's missing the other half of the joke

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Anon # 3


    It was sent to me that way (without the pics). I would love to hear the remaining half and hope you will be kind enough to share.

    Thanks for stopping by. Take care!


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