Posted by Unknown On Saturday, August 28, 2010 25 comments
Did you notice that it is quite common to come across online reports of politicians indulging in the name calling game? 

Name calling is a phenomenon studied by many disciplines from anthropology to child psychology, to politics. Wikipedia said that it is also studied by rhetoricians, and a variety of other disciplines that study propaganda techniques and their causes and effects. The technique is most frequently employed within political discourse.

The truth of the matter is that name calling is a cognitive bias and a technique to promote propaganda.

According to Wikipedia:

Propagandists use the name-calling technique to incite fears or arouse positive prejudices with the intent that invoked fear (based on fear mongering tactics) or trust will encourage those that read, see or hear propaganda to construct a negative opinion, in respect to the former, or a positive opinion, with respect to the latter, about a person, group, or set of beliefs or ideas that the propagandist would wish the recipients to believe.

The method is intended to provoke conclusions and actions about a matter apart from an impartial examinations of the facts of the matter. When this tactic is used instead of an argument, name-calling is thus a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against an idea or belief, based upon its own merits, and becomes an argumentum ad hominem.

It is clear that in our political landscape, name calling occurs far too often. It is another of the seven main techniques designated by the Institute for Propaganda Analysis which include:

1. Name-calling
2. Glittering generalities
3. Transfer
4. Testimonial
5. Plain folks
6. Card stacking
7. Bandwagon

It is the use of derogatory language or words that carry a negative connotation when describing an enemy. The propaganda attempts to arouse prejudice among the public by labeling the target something that the public dislikes.

Often, name calling is employed using sarcasm and ridicule, and shows up often in political cartoons or writings.

It is depressing to see how attacks begin by parsing complex issues such as racist slants and then the debates quickly descend into school-yard taunts. Disagreement has become like a battle where they fight with words to the finishing line. In the process, it's easy to put horns on the enemy's head and to exact retribution whenever possible.

I feel very saddened when I see elected leaders labelling others via name-calling to advance their own agenda. Once again, I wonder if our country has progressed and the impact of such childish behavior on the younger set.

Name calling seems to have become a serious art form in the political arena but for sure, it isn't productive at all because such acts impair the ability of citizens to engage in a rational dialogue. When we look at it up, close and personal, any sane person can see that name calling offends gratuitously.

I firmly believe that public officials must not indulge in this habit. The MSM should not capitalize on such behavior nor should they accent on such name calling incidents by converting these into catchy headline all for the sake of readership.

Name calling lowers one's vocabulary and demeans politics. Unfortunately, some love to demonize their opponents instead of serving the electorate.

The time has come for our politicians to show class, intellect and a real ability to debate and argue based on facts without using the race card of partaking in the name calling game.

But then again, some of them may not be able to do that so is it any wonder then that they resort to playing the name calling game?

25 comments to THE NAME CALLING GAME

  1. says:

    1. Anonymous Perhaps Teo Nie Ching might even be naive but she is definitely being bullied by the overflowing supremacist arrogance of Bumno involved - in seizing every opportunity to make a mountain out of a mole hill for persecution purpose.


  1. says:

    2. Anonymous Did you just said name calling is a technique to promote propoganda?

    Well, I'll be damned...I just called old Mr. CarToon an old fart.

    I go wash my mouth now...(gargle, gargle).


  1. says:

    3. nick Sis,

    It is somewhat a tradition albeit childish and immature for our politician to resort to ad hominem. It only goes to show that the majority of our politician consist of those who have low moral and IQ to attack the character of their opponent instead of expounding their own counter argument.

    It is unbelievable that we, the malaysian people are paying the salary and upkeep of these unsavory politician. We are already paying for unwarranted public spending and white elephant to the tune of billions and we are expected to provide lavish and expensive life style for these degenerate? Ordinary malaysian are facing hard times and the few "elite group" are enjoying themselves at our expense without anything to show for.

    The situation is truly sickening and I think Malaysian have had enough of these people who are not contributing anything worthwhile to all Malaysian and the country. It time for us to elect dependable, intelligent and progressive reps. No more the likes of I.A, KJ, CSL, MY, ZH and of course NTR and queen.

    NO MORE **NO!


    GOD bless us all Sis.

  1. says:

    4. Unknown Dear ~Wits0~

    Spot on, ~wits0~. The sad thing is I have yet to see women's organizations stepping forward to defend this gutsy young lady!

    Take care and thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    5. Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.03p.m.

    LOL! You have to be StraightTalking haha...

    Sorry, dear pal. I did not mean to zero in on any reader but am not practising double standards when I say that those at the top must set a good example by not indulging in name calling. It really sets a horrible atmosphere in the country.

    It would be far too easy to ignite negative sentiments.

    Er you can bill me for the gargle LOL!!

    Take care and thanks for your witty humor.

    Have a pleasant evening with your darlings.


  1. says:

    6. Unknown Dear Nick

    As always, you have expressed yourself beautifully in a comment that resonates so well with what is in my heart.

    Yea, I doubt many of them have the grey matter to engage in debates. A review of the recorded segments of many live sessions bear testimony to their IQ levels.

    Yet, the masquerade as though they are our saviors or that of a particular group and demand this and that. Indeed we are facing hard times but they are spending like there is no tomorrow.

    While it is easy for us to want to vote for capable leaders, the other problem we face would be the lack of such persons coming forward to stand for office.


    Thanks for sharing from your heart. Take care and have a blessed weekend!


  1. says:

    7. Anonymous Of course it has to be me. Who else can it be when I've already taken the Grand Prize as Mr. Foul-Mouth!!


  1. says:

    8. Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    I nearly choked to death while reading your comment.

    I was eating a slice of mango when reading your comment and was laughing so much that I swallowed the piece accidentally and coughed it out.

    Phew! Thank goodness I am still alive LOL!!!

    Thank you for your humor - you are precious haha!!!


  1. says:

    9. Anonymous Humpht! Now you know how dangerous it is when I write. People can choke to death just by reading it!!

    Wait till you hear me speak. You will do unimaginable things.


  1. says:

    10. Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    LOL!! Ya I will probably go like those teeny boppers at concerts screaming:

    "Ah StraighttTalking Chye ahhhhhhh!!!!"


    Sorry lah - from mangoes, I have moved on to Amarula LOL!!


  1. says:

    11. HotDogg Excuse Aunty Paula ma'am,

    Old people normally take Dom if you take Amarula...(humpht!)'re not THAT old...always say you old woman this lah, forgetful lah...humpht! I don't believe you anymore!!! You're only 30...trying to bluff me...humpht!

  1. says:

    12. Unknown Dear Little Corgi

    I do believe there is a conspiracy out there to make me die while laughing LOL!!!

    First I nearly choked to death on a morsel of mango.

    The while huffing and puffing away in deep relief, I thought I could sip my Amarula peacefully.

    By Jove, Little Corgis like you are supposed to be running around chasing for Bacon Parmesan Biscuits or Potato Peanut Butter Cookies but golly, you are one strange Little Corgi who knows Amarula and holly corgi - even Dom Benedictine LOL!!

    I nearly baptized my keyboard with Amarula LOL!!!

    30? Aiya - you forgot to add 20 LOL!!!

    Take care and thanks so much for the laughs haha!!


  1. says:

    13. Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    I thought name calling game is fun! At the end of the day, I just have to apologise to everybody for everything. And everybody I apologise to has to indignantly declare my apology to be inadequate. It's all so very sporting, nice!!!!! 8)


  1. says:

    14. Starmandala Nice people get called nice names. Nasty ones should be relieved they only get called nasty names - when they really deserve to be tarred and feathered and then slapped behind bars!

  1. says:

    15. Anonymous Dear masterwordsmith
    Politicians name calling are more childish than a child's prank.Should make them go back to school so as to relearn about good name calling allowed in the classrooms

    strict teacher,no play play.

  1. says:

    16. ismi i m so sad when i read abt this name calling esp wen it's done by my muslim bros. there's nothing wrong at all 4 non-muslims to visit masjid or surau.

  1. says:

    17. Anonymous The Hutt seizes the opportunity greedily, as expected....:

    Zero tolerance against the likes of hate/racist speech. Ptui!


  1. says:

    18. Anonymous The notorious Hutt thought he did a heroic banzai but it appears he merely did a regular pangsai!

    "Hail-de-ludah" sounds much like hallelujah too, although quite contrary in contextual meaning.


  1. says:

    19. Anonymous With freeloader Hutt types populating the big biz side, it's really not a wonder that the GLC MUST lose money. Therefore don't expect a good economic future for Bolehland.

    Now he wants the world to stop spinning so that he can catch up - for free, of course. Surely he's scummy old enough to have heard Chubbby Checker's, "Limbo Rock" - "How low can you go?"


  1. says:

    20. Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Aha - another clever response from you. Thanks for sharing! Sorry for the late response. Have to do chores as my part-time maid has gone back for Hari Raya.

    Take care and have a great week ahead,


  1. says:

    21. Unknown Dear Antares

    Excellent comment cum suggestion, dear friend. I wish that will come to pass one day!!

    Take care and have a great week ahead!


  1. says:

    22. Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.07am

    Thanks for your brilliant suggestion!! Haha! I would love to have them in my class :-)and can think of many written assignments for their intellectual stimulation and moral enrichment.

    Take care and have a lovely week ahead!


  1. says:

    23. Unknown Dear ismi

    Thank you for speaking up. Bless your kind soul. Today Former Perlis mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin said the same thing as you did.

    Take care and have a blessed week.

    Selamat berpuasa.


  1. says:

    24. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Many thanks for your very elegant and sharp observations. You are really on the roll today!

    Take care and have a lovely week.


  1. says:

    25. Anonymous Some people killed family members just to protect family name. Others died to carry on their family name. So, in reality can a name worth more than fame ?

    Politikus are the ones taking pot shot at whoever they think unfit according to their justice. They can twist and turn faster than a tango dancer. We need to learn that whatever they said don't worth much until they dare to stand by their words.

    In any case, they are looking for "trouble water" and hope to be their peoples' saviour. Just caste them aside for a brighter Malaysia, will we ?

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