Posted by Unknown On Monday, August 2, 2010 6 comments
A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others. It could have been told for various purposes such as to maintain a secret or reputation or to protect someone's feelings or to avoid a punishment or repercussion for one's actions.

I came across this report in NST where Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin advised party leaders yesterday to respond to issues and accusations raised by opposition parties quickly and confidently. He said failure to defend the government's policies and decisions would make the party and its leaders look weak.

"They (opposition parties) have twisted issues. Some of these accusations are lies and done rampantly. If Umno does not take an aggressive step in handling these issues, we will be seen as weak."

Twisted issues? Lies?

What is more interesting is his response!!! He advocated an aggressive step in handling these issues. Wow!!

The rationale given is classic - not to be seen as weak!! I wonder if the statement was a Freudian slip. Does our DPM perceive that UMNO is seen as weak?

Why do we defend ourselves from accusations? Simple. To protect our INTEGRITY!!

The best way to defend ourselves is to tell the truth!

Here is a list of ten notorious political lies told in the world which I sourced from THIS WEBSITE. I am sure many readers can come up with TEN AWARD WINNING LIES ala Malaysian style ;-).


When we look back on the political landscape, we find notorious political lies that changed the course of a country at certain points in time. The lies that were told reveal an ominous fact. Politicians created the lies that made them infamous.

1. Umbrella Murder

Georgi Markov, a talented young Bulgarian writer, defected in 1969 and sought asylum in England. He was labeled a traitor by the Communist regime of Bulgaria. He was murdered in 1978 by a man wielding an umbrella. The assassination became know as the "Umbrella Murder".

2. Moscow Bans Polish Meat

Russia engaged in a game of political football with the Polish government in 2006. The crisis centered around the ban on imported meat from Poland. Moscow claimed the meat was not properly certified. Russia warned members of the European Union that Poland was not abiding by certified practices. It was all politics and lies.

3. First Lady Hillary Clinton: Role Model
Hillary Clinton was First Lady of the United States. The world expected her to be a spokesperson for women around the world. She could not live up to the expectations because she had to respond to charges that her husband was cheating on her. Instead, she reacted as an exploited woman. The women of the world expected some professionalism from her during this time. She deceived the entire sorority of women.

4. The US Presidential Campaign of 1990

The political campaign was full of charges and counter charges related to lies and dishonesty. Clinton charged Bush with lying and said that he looked like Pinocchio. Statements were made that Bush was trying to clinch the election with intentional lies. Bush's press secretary replied that Clinton was playing politics and made remarks about Clinton's disregard for honesty. Al Gore compared the Bush campaign to a "big lie" technique.

5. George Bush - Like Father, Like Son

A skill for telling lies is shared equally by the senior and junior Bush. The junior told the famous lie in 2003 when he said that, "We have discovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq." The US Army made advances in the Middle East and found nothing. In 1988, the senior Bush made the now infamous statement, "Read my lips. No new taxes."

6. Joseph Stalin

In 1941, Germany broke the non aggression pact that it had signed with Russia. Russia then entered the war on the side of the Allies. In meeting with other Allied members, Stalin promised not to interfere in the affairs of other nations. He was lying. He installed communist governments in most of the countries in Eastern Europe. These countries fell behind what became known as the "Iron Curtain".

7. Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton, the 42nd President, told a lie under oath regarding his alleged connection with Monica Lewinsky. He was the second president in US history to be impeached by the House of Representatives. He was accused of a sexual indiscretion, to which Clinton had replied, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

8. Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States, lied about his efforts to cover up his misdeeds regarding the Watergate scandal. The truth was disclosed and he ultimately had to resign to avoid impeachment.

9. Jimmy Carter
Another US president, Jimmy Carter, was holding a press conference in 1980, in which he stated he would not use military action to free the hostages being held in the US Embassy in Tehran, Iran. The truth was that a military option was being planned at that very time. We should remember the words of Sir Winston Churchill, who noted that in wartime the truth must be preserved with a bodyguard of lies.

10. Neville Chamberlain
In 1938, British Prime Chamberlain met with German Chancellor Hitler to find a diplomatic way to avoid war. Adolf Hitler assured Chamberlain that war could be avoided if Czechoslovakia would agree to redraw its border. Chamberlain agreed and announced to the British Parliament that Hitler, "Means what he says." Hitler took the opposite action. It is one of humanity's most shocking lies.

Please leave a comment to share your thoughts and views. Thanks! Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    If we were to list all the lies that was told by the government, we would be doing nothing except waste time cos the numbers are to numerous (in billions)!

    One thing that all Malaysian people should realize is that UMNO and BN lies and they have been lying to us for decades. So it's about time all of us said "ENOUGH!" and vote them out!

    GOD bless Sis and my prayers to those people who were detained yesterday and my solemn promise that I will ensure my family and friends and their friends too will not vote for UMNO and BN come the next GE (with me are about 50 voters who are already pledging to kick UMNO and BN out and the numbers are growing daily)! We will teach them a lesson that they will never forget and never recover from!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    You are so right, Nick. We would need a set of annals to do that!! Maybe have a bigger set than the Brittanica LOL!!!

    Thank you for that inspiring sharing. Every single one of the rakyat must try to convince at least 3 persons a week...Slowly but surely we will then do a Beckham on them at the right time!

    Take care and may the Almighty bless you in all that you do and say and keep you safe and happy always!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Lying is the core competency of certain political group in M'sia. In every lie they uttered, more lies are needed to cover the first lie. And all are done without even any remorse nor feeling guilty.

    Using blantant lies as a cover, this bunch of "superior beings" have destroyed this nation's foundation. Causing people of various races to have so much distrust amongst themselves.

    The father of such slanderous tactics begin from the man who had the highest dream in the world. He thought that his legacy can be known forever but sadly even mr clean that he had chosen was not interested in his plan.

    Ending with the crooked bridge to heaven and many other projects that only benefitted his family and cronies without any care for the citizens. God alone will know on how to handle such a "great man" and we pray that he will repent before his time is up. May there be mercy from the loving God for him.

    The ills of bad education and to tell the truth that he had drove away talented sons and daughters from their home. Causing many families to be separated just for education sake and creating a mess with unemployable graduates.

    Let us speak only the truth to counter all these political lies. For by doing so we do not need to watch our words and to cover it.

  1. says:

    Anonymous It would be the biggest fallacy AND fantasy to hope that somehow, somewhere, someone important in BN would hear AND listen to the voices of the tens of thousands of well-meaning and good-hearted Malaysians who has been writing daily, begging, pleading, and hoping that one day BN will reform and lead its people to a brighter, stronger and more united Malaysia.

    THAT would be the wrong approach.

    Bloggers must send out a message to the people, a very clear message, that we should stop hoping, and begging, and pleading. Wr are all gathered in cyberspace for only ONE reason - to ignite the spirit of nationalism among Malaysians across the racial divide with the message that the time has come for Malaysians to come together to forge a new direction that had alluded us for half a century and to lead us into a new future is Pakatan Rakyat.

    We should not spend too much time talking bad about BN. Instead we should spend MORE time talking GOOD about Pakatan Rakyat as we patiently await GE13, the day when BN rule comes to an end.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks to your detailed and analytical comment and that of StraightTalking as well, I wrote a post this evening about lies.

    Do check it is called the insidious deception of lies...

    Thanks for giving me a better perspective of the issue at hand and for sharing so candidly from your heart.

    Take care. I am really blessed to have you inject your wisdom and humor into my blog.

    God bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    That is such a brilliant comment. I do agree with what you have written but do lament that the antics of some PR politicians make it quite difficult to sing a lovely melody about Pakatan. That is why the party chief has to be firm and get the house in order lest it crumbles from the assault of the enemy.

    Thanks for sharing from a concerned heart.

    Take care and have a lovely week/


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