Crisis Special - The New Economic Lingo

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, September 22, 2010 2 comments
Bob Dylan sang "The times...they are a-changing" in the 1960's. How true. With more and more economic problems looming in the horizon, it seems that certain economic terms may have different meanings. Here's a hypothetical list to humor you on a boring mid-week afternoon. Do swing by later for the next sopo post. Thanks. Keep smiling and spread a little love and cheer around! Have a lovely evening.


1. CEO -- Chief Embezzlement Officer.

2. CFO -- Corporate Fraud Officer.

3. BULL MARKET -- A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a
financial genius.

4. BEAR MARKET -- A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance the wife gets no
jewelry, and the husband gets no sex.

5. VALUE INVESTING -- The art of buying low and selling lower.

6. P/E RATIO -- The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps

7. BROKER -- What my broker has made me.

8. STANDARD & POOR -- Your life in a nutshell.

9. STOCK ANALYST -- Idiot who just downgraded your stock.

10. STOCK SPLIT -- When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between

11. FINANCIAL PLANNER -- A guy whose phone has been disconnected.

12. MARKET CORRECTION -- The day after you buy stocks.

13. CASH FLOW -- The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet.

14. YAHOO -- What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share.

15. WINDOWS -- What you jump out of when you're the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $240 per

16. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR -- Last year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse.

17. PROFIT -- An archaic word no longer in use.


2 comments to Crisis Special - The New Economic Lingo

  1. says:

    Anonymous In ahoo's lingo though :

    1. CEO -- Chief Embrassing Officer aka MACC.

    2. CFO -- Chairman of Foreign Office aka cigar chumping vip.

    3. BULL MARKET -- A bull found in the China shop.

    4. BEAR MARKET -- A 9 month period after babies production while
    waiting for buyer. It was claimed having foreigners to mass
    produced such babies. Only found in lalaland.

    5. VALUE INVESTING -- The art of buying at face value and keeping
    it as antique.

    6. P/E RATIO -- The percentage of earning ratio of the remisier.

    7. BROKER -- A job that pays whether you buy or sell.

    8. STANDARD & POOR -- A standard of measurement for the poor.

    9. STOCK ANALYST -- Idiot who just can't keep your stocks in your
    store in order.

    10. STOCK SPLIT -- When your children are fighting over your
    assets even before you breath your last.

    11. FINANCIAL PLANNER -- A guy who sells you policies that you
    can't benefit and plan for those that
    you are leaving behind.

    12. MARKET CORRECTION -- The day after your remisier ask you to
    dump your stocks.

    13. CASH FLOW -- The way your family spend your money as if money
    grows on tree.

    14. YAHOO -- That was my former acronym.

    15. WINDOWS -- That was how you make Mr Gates to be a tycoon.

    16. INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR -- Make belief professional that
    squander off faster than their govt can print.

    17. PROFIT -- A word clearly shown on paper just to con you.

    18. CRISIS -- To buy low when all are dumping it cheap and you
    will be in cloud nine when the Sun shines again.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Wow!! That is a very creative list, ahoo!! Well done! I hope you don't mind if I repost this on another day and credit to you. :-)

    Thanks for sharing, ahoo. Really brilliant. Let the creative juices continue to flow!

    Take care and have a blessed evening!


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