One Party With Contradictory Statements?

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, September 19, 2010 4 comments
The old adage says that birds of the same feather flock together but the same cannot be said of Gerakan. The clash of the old blood with the new blood is evident in a recent report by Susan Loone in Malaysiakini HERE.

The report stated that a group within the party dubbed the "voice of the grassroots", submitted 60 signatures to the state liaison committee calling for an extraordinary general meeting to get Teng to step down. The group is appealing to the 393 state delegates to cast a vote of no-confidence against Teng on Oct 10 and to decide on the future direction of the party which lost its grip on Penang in the last GE.

Gerakan Youth members are unhappy with Teng's statement to the media the party may lose in the next general elections. Teng emphasized that Gerakan should focus on other issues of greater important and urgency.

In sharp contrast, The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that Gerakan has the confidence and resoluteness to regain the seats it lost to the opposition in the last general election.

Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said the party was working very hard and was mobilising its party machinery to achieve this goal.

Earlier, Penang Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi suggested that Gerakan hand over the seats it contested in the last general election to the other Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties if it was not confident of winning.

Interestingly, another report in FMT by Hawkeye reported that Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM) is calling for an infusion of new blood in Barisan Nasional if the coalition wants to recapture Penang in the next general election.

Well, it looks as though there might be a minor earthquake in Penang. One group wants to oust the state Gerakan head Datuk Dr. Teng Hock Nan who believes that "the party may lose in the next general elections". The National Gerakan President Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon thinks otherwise.

Penang Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has in no uncertain terms voiced his opinion of Gerakan's prospects in the next elections while newbie PCM's recent statements has shown us their intention that goes far beyond being a BN-friendly entity.

So with all these contradictory statements and in-fighting, they still expect to capture Penang and dislodge the PR-led government?

Tsk tsk tsk....dream on in your fairy tale make-believe wonderland ....!!!

4 comments to One Party With Contradictory Statements?

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    Dr. Teng : Over here, this way.
    Dr. Koh : No, this way, please.
    Dr. Zahid : NO, my way, PLEASE!
    Penang People : NO WAY!!!

    What is it about? Well, obviously it is trilling! Self-deprecation or not self-deprecation, that is the question hahaha... 8)


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Excellent response! Thanks for such a precise dramatisation of the pathetic scenario. I just hope Penangites will vote wisely and not end up being the losers in this game! Take care and have a lovely week ahead!


  1. says:

    Anonymous For them (bn)to recapture Penang, possible but first need to turn it into a Republic and then rule by the army. No other way possible. It cannot be Ahmad, Teng, Koh nor any other way but the peoples' way for a united Penang.

    May the Pearl of the Orient, forever be with the people who have the govt they desired and the govt of the day will always has the people in mind in whatever policy they lay out.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Very true! Thank you for your prayer for Penang. I stand with you in praying for a miracle to happen in this island. Take care and have a restful evening.


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