Sensationalising the Same Senseless Spin

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, September 23, 2010 10 comments
I know. The blog title is a mouthful of alliteration - deliberate repetition of 's' so that as much sputum can splatter on our keyboard when we read about how one character who does not know how to retire finds utter ecstasy in sensationalizing the same senseless spin just because there is no other song to sing! Pfffffffffffffffftttt!!

The Malaysian Insider reported HERE that while declaring he was not a racist, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad appeared to play the race card for Umno today by warning Malays that they would lose power if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) came to power. He also implied that a Chinese or an Indian could become prime minister if PR took federal power because there was no constitutional restriction on race for the position.

The former prime minister claimed the political marginalisation of the Malays had already become a reality in PR-controlled states even though those administrations were led by Malays.

The most shocking part of the report is this:

The Malaysian Insider understands that Dr Mahathir has offered his expertise to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to deliver a big win for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next general elections which could be held as early as next year.

His remarks to Umno Online today suggests he will play a big role in Umno’s campaign to consolidate support among conservative Malays and win over fence-sitters uneasy with PR administrations.
I take my hats off to our PM for tolerating such unnecessary and unsolicited overtures most gracefully. We have to acknowledge that PM Najib has exercised much restraint when responding elegantly to many challenging circumstances. I am quite sure that PM Najib has NOT made any racist or mean statements about any one or any group.

I wonder how TDM would have reacted if the late Tun Hussein Onn had said the same words to him before the elections!!!

How would TDM have reacted? What would he have said and how would he have treated the late Tun Hussein Onn? Food for thought!!!

The rest of the article in The Malaysian Insider smacks of fallacious reasoning by TDM. I doubt any of his hypothetical scenario can ever come to pass.

Pay careful attention to his arguments about Nizar and how he alluded to DSAI. Classy elegance in retirement?

Finally, this is the tour de force of the article: The former PM claimed that his remarks were not racial in nature but were being made for the sake of restoring stability.

Stability? Saying such statements after ruling a country for 26 years can restore stability?

Now, who is the one who has lost stability of the mind????

We are not stupid morons. We have minds to think and the ability to rationalize even if SOME DO NOT. We do not need rocket science or simple mathematics to prove that what he said will not come true and I am sure many, if not all of you, feel the same way.

So what is his true agenda? Restoring Stability or otherwise?

Only God knows the true answer!

10 comments to Sensationalising the Same Senseless Spin

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    Now, this is an amazing way of dealing with democracy… shocking!!!

    Is ignorance the answer to ignorance? Why doesn’t he save his tiny little brain the burden of thought? I can't believe just how ignorant some people are. And you certainly don't do anything to dispel the ‘Dumb Mamak Loudmouth’ stereotype! However, please, please don't assume I’m being racist, and I do apologise to anyone reading this who has more than one brain cell, it's just the level of sheer ignorance from him is overwhelming.


  1. says:

    ismi haha i ve bn busy hari raya ing. so far i always feel he anyhow say. where i live..he also always attack. always blame us. my ppl always kp cool, dnt entertain..

  1. says:

    Anonymous Ma-Ra-Na-Ta !!

  1. says:

    JustTruth What is TRUTH?

    Dr Mad's truth may not be my truth. So which it the real truth?

    My common sense tells me that to identify which is the real truth, answers to these questions will help.

    Q1. Does it help ALL Malaysians or only 1 group?
    Q2. Does it unite ALL Malaysians or only 1 group?
    Q3. Does it generate +ve feelings or -ve feelings?
    Q4. Does it generate hatred?
    Q5. Does it promote respect, equality and humaness

    If all the answers to the six Qs are NO. Then your Truth is NOT THE TRUTH!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    People who cannot let go of the past should take a good look at themselves in the mirror and come to the realization that time has passed them by. The wrinkles, frown lines tell a different tale that no botox injection can hide. Such characters had better savor what they have rather than dream of making extensions to their castles in the air. He just thrives on deliberate ignorance, selective exposure and selective perception. Most irritating. A thorn in our flesh indeed!

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ismi

    Lovely to hear from you again. I hope you had a wonderful raya with your family and friends. Hope you had a chance to read my special raya post for Muslim readers. Thank you for being a very tolerant, understanding and sincere Malaysian. May God bless you and your family always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 3

    Amen!! I believe it will be soon!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Just Truth

    Thank you for such a fantastic input. To some, truth is a relative concept whereas for many, it is a black and white situation. Your checklist certainly helps us to put things into the right perspective. Thanks for sharing!! Lovely to have your input in my blog. God bless you and your always.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Ah this fellow is either truly nyanyuk and also at most times he just spew out words in a state of being nyanyu too. He had over two decades to helped all those he wanted and cried to say that they were too quick to forgotten his deeds for them.

    We should not give him too much space nor lines as that would be giving him prime time, ya.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    When he should speak up, he did not. When he should keep silent, he did not. Seems that he is not satisfied until he gets what he wants....but does he not have enough already?

    Yup, I agree with your observations, ahoo. Thanks for sharing! Take care and have a great week!


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