According to the study, BN’s popularity increased by four per cent to 55 per cent from 51 per cent during the 2008 general election, while only 37 per cent of Malaysians are willing to vote for Pakatan Rakyat (PR), a drop of 12 per cent from 49 per cent in the same period. The study which was carried out in August 2009 involving 1,458 respondents from August 1 to 18 nationwide aimed to obtain the views of respondents aged 21 and above, on current issues. nThe 1,367 respondents comprised Malays/Bumiputeras, Chinese, Indians and Malaysians of other races.
What is most alarming is that eight per cent of the 1,367 respondents in the survey said they were unsure which party they would vote for if elections were to be called tomorrow. I am very sure that in reality the figure would be higher!
In a nutshell, the study showed:
a)Malay support for BN has increased by three per cent to 61 per cent in August 2010 from 58 per cent in August 2009
b) Chinese support for BN is still low but has increased by two per cent from 40 per cent previously.
c) Support from the Indian community has dropped from 63 per cent to 59 per cent because 14 per cent of them chose not to support any party.
According to the study, BN’s increased popularity is due to:
a) the effectiveness of the government’s programmes and that the BN component parties have recovered from their internal problems
b) Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s leadership.
Pakatan Rakyat’s popularity, on the other hand, has taken a dip due to the internal squabbles among party members and between its component parties, and its failure to fulfil the promises made in the last general election.
I am normally MOST skeptical of such studies but for once, I opine that there could be more truth in the findings than what we think.
Great. While Pakatan Rakyat, especially PKR, continue to wash their dirty linen in public while complaining about their party members or chiefs or unpleasant issues, they just do not realize that at the rate they are undermining their party's credibility, there will be no more dirty linen to wash in the future when the public lose confidence in them.
I am so fed up to read about this statement and that complaint. Why can't they just zip their mouths and be focused? Why can't they come to terms with their differences, problems and work at consolidating their dented image???
While they are fiddling away, their repute is dipping to an all-time low.
At the same time, the popularity of BN is surely increasing surely but surely for at the back of our minds, many could be asking, is there any real difference between PKR and UMNO?
Even The Malaysian Digest is conducting a poll on this!
So march talk about the march to Putrajaya when many soldiers are heading in the wrong direction.
What PR should be doing is to work for the rakyat's interest and to increase their assault on weaknesses in the system. BUT they are attacking their own soldiers so how can the PR army move forward?
For heaven's sake, GROW UP and ZIP UP. Then when you have solved your internal squabbles, tell us what you want to do for the rakyat, show us in tangible terms and in statistical information what is YOUR RECORD of ACHIEVEMENT.
If you cannot, then ship out or disband and form a new coalition that can truly PUT THE RAKYAT ABOVE ALL ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So please, zip up, shape up or SHIP OUT if you cannot serve the rakyat.
*This post was written in a record time of 8 minutes because I am seething with anger.
Tough as it may be with the pathetic political landscape before us, here's wishing you a lovely weekend!
Do leave a comment to share your views. Thanks!
Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
Jangan cepat marah....nanti lekas tua.... shhhh.....calm down....have a coconut on us. Or dragonfruit juice...yummm....