The report said that Mohamed Ghani Abd Jiman, deputy president of the Komtar Merchants Association, was stopped by police as he tried to send the coffin to the house of Komtar Assemblyman Ng Wei Aik after staging a peaceful demonstration against Ng at Komtar Walk along with representatives of several non-governmental organisations.
He told reporters that he protesting there because he heard that Ng planned to kick him out of Komtar after the current renovation is completed.
I was quite shocked to read how Mohamed Ghani later drove a lorry from Penang Road to Happy Valley near Paya Terubong to deliver the coffin but was stopped by the police following a protest by residents. The article said it was his second attempt to send a coffin after police seized the first one.
Earlier, more than 200 people claiming to be members of Malay-Muslim non-governmental organisations staged a protest at Komtar over issues pertaining to Malay land and the alleged marginalisation of Malays in the state. The leader of the group, Anuar Khan Ali Azqar Khan said that they did not want the Malays in Penang to suffer because of the poor management by the current state government whom he claimed was allegedly marginalizing them.
As many of you know, I am a true blue Penangite and am VERY impressed not just by the report card of DAP but also by the loyal and increasing support of Penangites for the current state government.
Reports of incidents such as discussed earlier are most disconcerting because it should not have arisen in the first place.
1. Note that there is freedom of assembly because there were no arrests at the demonstration.
2, Note:
a) no clarification from the complainant as to why Ng planned to kick the complainant out of Komtar after the current renovation is completed.
b) no statement from Ng Wei Aik (yet) about the issue
3. Is sending coffins to someone who is still alive a pleasant and acceptable practice in ANY culture? How does it reflect on the sender's character?
In any culture, coffins are used to place the departed before their final journey for burial or cremation.
What did the person hope to achieve by sending a coffin? What was the message that he was trying to convey?
In this day and age, I am sure there are BETTER and more congenial methods of mediation rather than having to resort to the sombre and bizarre act of sending coffins. But alas, some have strange habits and perspectives!
On December 8th 2010, The Star carried a report HERE about how Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who turns 50 on Wednesday received three heart-shaped “black” chocolate cakes from several non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
The representatives of the NGOs said the cakes were given to him to express their unhappiness over the state government’s failure to address several issues.
In the last three years, the Penang State government has emphasized good governance which is based on the CAT principle - Competency, Accountability and Transparency - upholding five core principles of justice, freedom, truth, social welfare and piety in God.
Penang has benefited from the thirty policies implemented (as announced in their pamphlet called 30 People-Centric policies which you can download HERE). That pamphlet documents the achievements of the State government for the Penang of Penang, regardless of age, sex and gender.
The state government launched its 3Es Mission of a People Centric Government to Enable, Empower and Enrich the People. Towards that end, they have sought to:
- enable the people with skills, knowledge and education to provide equal opportunity for all to create wealth
- empower them with fundamental rights, basic freedoms and responsibilities according to the rule of law
- enrich the people by sharing wealth and economic benefits to pursue socio-economic justice
On September 24th last year, Global corruption watchdog, Transparency International (TI), has ranked Malaysia as the 47th least corrupt nation in the world and commended the island state of Penang for its anti-corruption efforts. (CLICK HERE for more.)
Obviously, there are some who refuse to acknowledge the many achievements of the Penang State government. On Jan 19th this year, theSun reported HERE that Penang attracted the highest amount of investments in the country last year, recording a total RM12.238 billion, a jump of 465% compared to the total investments in 2009.
No government is perfect. Not even the Penang State government BUT I must acknowledge that they have tried very hard to propel Penang forward. yes, there are still loads of traffic jams and unresolved issues but when we take a step back and look at the bigger picture, we cannot help but clap when we see the MANY ACHIEVEMENTS that Penang has chalked up in the last three years compared to the disappointing record left behind by the previous government.
So what should it be then? Sending coffins, black heart-shaped chocolates of bouquets of accolades for the Penang State government?

The answer is obvious except to those who choose to blind themselves to the truth for reasons known to themselves.
*Update @ 9.48am 13thy March 2011* Please read The Star report HERE. TQ.
Anonymous have you forget about kampung buah pala and lim guan eng arrogant behaviour? ng wei aik racial slur and abusing his powers?jeff threats ? you been quite about the nibong tebal headmaster racial slur,have you not? what about the continue slurs hurls towards kampung buah pala folks even up to this, the racist remarks towards the mamak community and the indian community(they are part of the history of penang and the chinese are trying to erase this) .Seems to me, you being selective and dishonest here.the chinese in penang and malaysia are the most racist of all. the chinese will get what's coming to them.karma!