The truth is, I am truly disheartened. I am sad that despite all that many have been doing, little seems to have been achieved. Whilst many put in time, effort, money and resources to lobby for change, the recent results of the Sarawak elections have shown that PR are barking up the wrong tree and not really speaking the language of change that can touch the hearts of those who have the power to vote for change. Needless to say, I do not have to list out the circumstances that are beyond control but still, some contingency measures could have been taken like what some did.
Secondly, recent developments have left me with mouth agape including:
* the dvd issue
* the TV3 interview and the way some jumped to conclusions without reading or listening to everything from both sides
* the many statements made by Perkasa
* the decision in 2009 to stop teaching Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) and revert to Malay
* the death of the thinking mind in our country
* the Lynas issue
* racial posturing/slurs
* the Interlok issue
* corruption issues
* many other issues that are too painful to list here.
Thirdly, I have had a spate of visitors including relatives from overseas and those from other parts of the country. Today, I had another chance to meet up with Vijay Kumar Murugavell and another old friend, Philip and VKM told me - WE MUST NEVER GIVE UP. He said many still have to be told the message of change. Sighs. Very true but what about those who do not have internet connection? What about the elderly, those living in rural areas, those who are illiterate and uninformed? What will our political leaders do to effect change and realize our dreams for change? Will these just fizzle out in tears or fears?
Honestly, it has not been easy to sit in front of the laptop and be unable to write anything because my heart is breaking.
Filling in the gaps with inspirational stuff and jokes is not a game for me. I put up those posts to inspire myself and readers, to bring a smile to my face even though my heart is breaking.
After all this, quo vadis, Malaysia?
I really have no answers.
Reading the news is truly too heartbreaking and I have reached a stage when I wonder why MPs are silent whilst some are busy lashing out at one another so freely as though there is nothing else to do.
Even my younger son can tell me, "The price of 'everything has gone up', Mom. Don't you know that?" when I gasped when the lady selling a tiny cup of herbal tea told me that I had to pay RM3.50. Of course, I did not pay. I am not a rich person.
At my age, I wonder how long my retirement savings can last me. And I wonder what will happen to this land I call my own.
I have only a few friends left in Penang. The rest have all migrated. :-(
Although the political landscape looks quite depressing, I hope that I can find my voice again to write.
As for now, I have only tears of despair, disappointment and sadness.
But I will remain hopeful even though I am helpless.
Thank you for your patience with me. This is one of those times when I am at a complete loss as to what to do. But write again, I will....soon, too I hope.
Take care and have a pleasant evening.
And smile...I am trying to...
Here's one of my favorite songs...
1. justme Well, cheer up.When I am down, Que Sera Sera by Connie Francis always helps.There should be times, when we should be able to say to hell with everything. Well you recharge and be back soon.
Me hope come GE13,PR or DAP should not announce in advance who should be CM. Some people are turn off by that.
Anyway, you take care, let your hair down and prance like a teenager!