A Helpless Yet Hopeful Me

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, April 24, 2011 20 comments
Frankly, I just want to say 'Thank you' to all my readers, subscribers and followers who still visit my blog even though it has been two weeks since I wrote anything meaningful. I truly appreciate your support, visits, comments, emails and following. The fact that you still swing by my blog despite my silence is truly a gift from your heart that has touched mine. I am sure many of you are wondering about the reasons for my silence.

The truth is, I am truly disheartened. I am sad that despite all that many have been doing, little seems to have been achieved. Whilst many put in time, effort, money and resources to lobby for change, the recent results of the Sarawak elections have shown that PR are barking up the wrong tree and not really speaking the language of change that can touch the hearts of those who have the power to vote for change. Needless to say, I do not have to list out the circumstances that are beyond control but still, some contingency measures could have been taken like what some did.

Secondly, recent developments have left me with mouth agape including:

* the dvd issue
* the TV3 interview and the way some jumped to conclusions without reading or listening to everything from both sides
* the many statements made by Perkasa
* the decision in 2009 to stop teaching Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) and revert to Malay
* the death of the thinking mind in our country
* the Lynas issue
* racial posturing/slurs
* the Interlok issue
* corruption issues
* many other issues that are too painful to list here.

Thirdly, I have had a spate of visitors including relatives from overseas and those from other parts of the country. Today, I had another chance to meet up with Vijay Kumar Murugavell and another old friend, Philip and VKM told me - WE MUST NEVER GIVE UP. He said many still have to be told the message of change. Sighs. Very true but what about those who do not have internet connection? What about the elderly, those living in rural areas, those who are illiterate and uninformed? What will our political leaders do to effect change and realize our dreams for change? Will these just fizzle out in tears or fears?

Honestly, it has not been easy to sit in front of the laptop and be unable to write anything because my heart is breaking.

Filling in the gaps with inspirational stuff and jokes is not a game for me. I put up those posts to inspire myself and readers, to bring a smile to my face even though my heart is breaking.

After all this, quo vadis, Malaysia?

I really have no answers.

Reading the news is truly too heartbreaking and I have reached a stage when I wonder why MPs are silent whilst some are busy lashing out at one another so freely as though there is nothing else to do.

Even my younger son can tell me, "The price of 'everything has gone up', Mom. Don't you know that?" when I gasped when the lady selling a tiny cup of herbal tea told me that I had to pay RM3.50. Of course, I did not pay. I am not a rich person.

At my age, I wonder how long my retirement savings can last me. And I wonder what will happen to this land I call my own.

I have only a few friends left in Penang. The rest have all migrated. :-(

Although the political landscape looks quite depressing, I hope that I can find my voice again to write.

As for now, I have only tears of despair, disappointment and sadness.

But I will remain hopeful even though I am helpless.

Thank you for your patience with me. This is one of those times when I am at a complete loss as to what to do. But write again, I will....soon, too I hope.

Take care and have a pleasant evening.

And smile...I am trying to...

Here's one of my favorite songs... 

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though its breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, whats the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile.
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, whats the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

20 comments to A Helpless Yet Hopeful Me

  1. says:

    1. justme Well, cheer up.When I am down, Que Sera Sera by Connie Francis always helps.There should be times, when we should be able to say to hell with everything. Well you recharge and be back soon.
    Me hope come GE13,PR or DAP should not announce in advance who should be CM. Some people are turn off by that.
    Anyway, you take care, let your hair down and prance like a teenager!

  1. says:

    2. PJN Wow Carole King!! I think I have not heard her songs for a long time. Don't worry so much lah. Change takes time. Most people do not want to change for the sake of changing.

    Penang is still a great place to live and retire. Enjoy it.

    I will still swing by your blog whether new things or just taken form friends. They are pretty refreshing.

    Be happy and keep similing.

  1. says:

    3. Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    Cats are not into politics, anyway. (((((HUGS))))) purrrr...meow!

  1. says:

    4. rick I enjoy reading your blog so dont't stop writing. Take a break if need be but don't take too long ya :)

  1. says:

    5. Unknown Dear MWs,

    Its because of your abiding love for this country that got you affected the way you did. Your patient and consistent effort to educate and enlighten anyone who cares to listen clearly reflects that love. Have faith and keep your hopes high that a change for the better will one day prevail!


  1. says:

    6. Unknown Dear JustMe

    Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and wisdom. I really appreciate your input that has certainly warmed my heart. I agree with you wrt the announcement of CM and hope the authorities concerned have learnt from their past mistakes. I will take up your advice and learn to dance in the rain :-). And I do love the music of Connie Francis. :-)

    Take care and have a blessed week. Do keep in touch.

    Warmest regards

    P.S. Thanks also for the reminder of Que Sera Sera. How true!

  1. says:

    7. Unknown Dear PJN

    My grateful thanks to you for your warm, realistic and cool approach to life. I believe that is what energizes you and keeps you young. My close friends often tell me that worrying is the fast-track journey to ageing :-).

    Your perspective of change is so true and I must develop more patience and resilience in the face of disappointments.

    Thanks so much for your support, readership and connection. It is always a joy to hear from you.

    Take care, have a great week and do keep in touch!

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    8. Unknown Dear Angelina

    :-) Yes, I know that haha...A lovely white cat (but not as beautiful as you or Nicki) came up to me yesterday afternoon during my lunch with Vijay and purred at me :-). That was when I thought of you and miss you so.

    Thanks so much for your mega hugs...Here's a BIGGGGG HUG from me to you for all you have been, said and done for me.

    I appreciate our connection and your encouragement/words of wisdom through the passage of time...

    Salam and lots of love

  1. says:

    9. Unknown Dear Rick

    Thank you so much for your warm input which is like a breath of fresh air in a muggy classroom. I really appreciate your sincere encouragement, support and readership. Yes, I will write again and I hope soon too.

    Take care and have a fantastic week ahead. Do keep in touch.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    10. Unknown Dear GR

    To be honest, your comment really moved me to tears and even as I type this, I am still misty-eyed. Thank you very much for that very heartfelt response to my post. I truly appreciate that you can read into my writing and understand how I feel for our country and I am sure you and many others feel the same way too.

    Indeed, I must have faith and keep the flag of hope flying high within my soul.

    Thanks for that dose of inspiration and wisdom.

    Take care and do keep in touch. May God bless you and yours always.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    11. ahoo It takes great courage to trust the present moment and since migration is not in your plan, that itself is testimony to the fact that you have not thrown in the towel.

    Likewise, there are many people in the same boat as you. We too are full of frustrations and helpness BUT never give in and never give up. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to hold on, dig in and with perseverance.

    Anything that is worth having is worth fighting for. We have the common goal of seeing change taking place in Malaysia and for that nothing can stop us from pursuing that dream.

    You'd been a treasury of inspiration with many balanced stories and it is never easy to be a great encourager, and you are one of those that through thick and thin,......still relevant.

    Thus, don't give up and let these wise words encourage you.

    "Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength." - Charles Spurgeon.

    "How simple it is to see that all the worry in the world cannot control the future.How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now. And that there will never be a time when it is not now." - Gerald Jampolscy.

  1. says:

    12. A Single Vote Maam,

    Don't you dare. Give in for a well deserved break yes, but give up? You will never,you must never!

    You've been a great flagbearer and a tower of strength to many. I have always wondered where you get all that stamina from to continue to wave that flag when all seemed so hopeless.

    Take heart that Sarawak was a victory even if it was not a complete one. The heartwarming stories from the locals will truly boost you to bits, where the crowds lured to their food and goodies would walk out immediately after, then move over and pay big bucks to show their support.

    Stay strong, soldier, you're are needed.

  1. says:

    13. walla I can't remember where this came from but thought it could snuggle up to keep you warm a bit (apart from the hot assam laksa you'll be having on my behalf ;P):

    5 Ways to Make Yourself Luckier

    Now some would say I got lucky. But after years of studying the Naturals of Success, I know that there are five ways you can MAKE yourself luckier:

    Being in the Flow - Being in the moment, being spontaneous.

    Coming From Love - There are only two ways to go through life: coming from fear or coming from Love. Coming from Love means you are coming from "more than enough" - and that's a vibration people can feel.

    Coming From Service - Most people are stuck in a WIIFM mindset: "What's In It For Me?" Service-minded people are tuned to WIIFY: "What's In It For (or What Can I Do For) You?"

    Trusting - Realizing that you don't have to know everything before you start.

    Taking Action - Just doing SOMETHING. Movement is better than stagnation. Even when you make mistakes, you learn something - and do better next time.

  1. says:

    14. Unknown Dear ahoo

    You have been a constant source of inspiration, wisdom and encouragement and I seriously believe you should be called 'James'.

    Thank you for the reminder to never give in or give up.

    Sometimes, it can be a lonely journey, especially for one like me who lives quite reclusively.

    Indeed, we must hold on to our faith, hopes and beliefs unwaveringly.

    Thanks also for your encouraging comments about my blog posts. Honestly, your comments and that of others have been beautiful embellishments for my humble posts. That you can swing by regularly despite your busy schedule is evidence of your wonderful ministry of encouragement - both in your input and your presence via your readership.

    For the beautiful quotations that you shared, I just want to say thanks - cos they are really beautiful and spoke to my heart.

    Take care and once again, may God bless you and yours always.

    Stay in touch and have a great week ahead.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    15. Unknown Dear A Single Vote

    I really appreciate your words of encouragement written so sincerely and with much conviction. You have been such an earnest reader, fellow believer in change and patriotic Malaysian. Truly, your presence and input has always given me the impetus to carry on.

    Thanks for your validating words about my posts. Seriously, I am so tired of all the idiotic developments, especially what has happened today. It is beyond me - how some can just go overboard in their endeavor to accomplish their mission at the expense of others!

    You are a fantastic soldier yourself - thanks for reaching out to a limping soldier who is walking faster now with the balm in the words you shared.

    Thank you over and over again. Take care and may God bless you and yours always. Do stay in touch.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    16. Unknown Dear Walla

    Thanks so much for sharing such beautiful nuggets of wisdom that really spoke to the core of my being. I have to meditate on these principles and ensure that I am able to realize these powerhouse principles.

    Coincidentally, I did have assam laksa for lunch and you can be sure that the next time you are in my neck of the woods, I will take you to the best laksa in town.

    Yes, I have to be in the flow, move in love, serve, trust and do better next time.

    Take care and have a great week ahead. Do keep in touch. I sincerely appreciate the connection.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    17. michael It's bloody frustrating when you see the light at the end of the tunnel just like the stars so bright and yet unreachable. It's so so hopeless. Yes, I know that painful feeling. But what is there for us to do except to keep holding on to that hope for change.

    Life is full of ups and downs. Let's hope all our ups will come next GE13.

  1. says:

    18. UP41 Dear MWS, I read yr post but could not write anything to cheer you up no matter how many time I wrote and deleted as I am more pessimistic though still hang on here and HOPE. My mood could be in the picture I post in my blog this morning.

    Anyway take a break ; smell the roses/flowers and look at the beautiful sea & sky in Penang or have a plate of CKT or H mee.

    Life is short and fragile to be sad & depressed.

  1. says:

    19. Unknown Dear Michael

    Many thanks for your words of encouragement and for resonating with my post. I do feel deeply despondent as the chain of events seem to show how there are those who think only of themselves and are totally indifferent to the feelings/well being of the others.

    We all must stand together and persevere and stir one another to be steadfast. You have done that with your wonderful comment.

    I will stand with you with head held high and the flag of hope flying in the sky come the next GE.

    Take care and have a wonderful week. Do keep in touch.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    20. Unknown Dear UP41

    Thanks so much for your warm, sincere and refreshing comment. I am thankful to know you - one who is so sharp in thinking and yet so deep in feelings.

    Yes, I have been taking a break and will slowly come back, hopefully stronger and more resilient.

    Reading the news can make one go looney LOL...because it always amazes me how much crap some can produce.


    Anyway, do take care and have a great week ahead. Catch up again soon.

    Keep in touch, ya? Always enjoy your posts and photography.

    Warmest regards

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