
Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 26, 2011 6 comments
Hurt can be a very painful emotion. It can drive people apart or even tear one apart from within. The following story by C. Valles illustrates how hurt can disappear when we concentrate the good in others. May you be inspired like I have after reading this story.

Healing A Thousand Wounds

A married couple came to a counselor for advice. No sooner were they seated, than they began speaking at the same time in a duel of criticisms. When they finally stopped for lack of breath, the counselor suggested that now they tell each other all the good they see in one another.

There was total silence. 

Then each was given a ball-point pen and a sheet of paper and told to write down something praiseworthy about the other. Neither of them wrote. They both sat and stared at the paper. After what seemed like a long time, the husband started to write something. At once the wife also began to write--fast and furiously. Finally, the writing stopped. 

There was silence again. 

The wife pushed her paper over to the watching counselor. He pushed it back signaling that she was to give it directly to her husband. She reluctantly shoved the paper halfway across the table. He took it and in turn, slid his paper towards his wife. Each began to read. 

The counselor watched...

Soon a tear slid down the cheek of his wife. She crumpled the paper in her fist and held it tight. That proved that she treasured the sudden revelation of good things her husband had expressed about her. The whole atmosphere of the room changed. There was no need for anything to be said. Praise had healed a thousand wounds. 

The husband and wife left arm in arm.

6 comments to Hurt

  1. says:

    1. A Single Vote Maam,

    "There's not one good in those pendatangs"

    That 1Bumi group says so much for itself.

    They sit on their fat well-fed bums without a need to raise a finger to do a day's work then pour scorn on all other hardworking Malaysians. Who gets up in the wee hours of the night to prepare to slog for hours in the dark on the rubber trees so the parasites can be fed. And the hunched over old folks in the tin mines of old. That immigrant attitude in them lives on still, in most of us till today where we break our backs to make enough to send our children away to school so they can have keep their quotas in the local u's.

    The nation's economy run by the pendatangs that has never dipped even during hard times was then gradually 'rampas' and continue to be bled to death. Someone's got to do the work to feed those parasites, so guess who that someone's gonna be.

    "Those pendatangs to my 1bumi, forever asking for more even when this land is my land. They must constantly be reminded that they owe us for the rest of their lives for our allowing them to be here".

    They seem to forget, send that someone away and you'll starve to death, you who's never known work before.

    Are we hurt? Each time they open their mouths, don't they see us shake our heads?

    Mr 1Parasite, try guess why we do that for.

  1. says:

    2. ahoo Relying on the love of mankind is conditional unlike that of the ever loving God and His amazing love which is unconditional !!!

    Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul,
    Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole,
    Sometimes, He sends us pain so we can be stronger,
    Sometimes, He sends us failure so we can be humble,
    Sometimes, He sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves with that must deserved rest,
    Sometimes, He takes the thing we love most away from us so we can learn the value of knowing that He is in control of everything.

    Humility is almost easy to practice when life is difficult. Our circumstances remind us of our need to rely on God. However, when life is going well we have a tendency to pridefully take credit for our success.

    May we find the grace daily to be obedience to Him in every little thing that will lead us to the secret of a successfull living. God's plan will not take us where His grace will not keep us. As the saying goes : If God brings you to it, He will brings you through it. Thus, continue to be productive in your blogging and the task ahead may be daunting but nonetheless the spirit that is in you is greater than that of the world. Cheers !

  1. says:

    3. Unknown Dear A Single Vote

    Wow! That is one fantastic response! Thank you so much for sharing. If you ever feel inspired/moved to write a full post, just send it to me and it will be my pleasure to put it in my humble blog. My email is

    I feel your anguish, pain, frustration and indignation because I also have the very same sentiments.


    They choose to see what they want to see and to deride what they do not like.

    As for the rest of us, it is clockwork movement to work work work - earn $$$ for the family, pay taxes and suffer suffer suffer. :-(


    I hope the light at the end of the tunnel will shine brighter.

    Take care and thanks for sharing!

    Do keep in touch and please write when you can!

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    4. walla 'They choose to see what they want to see and to deride what they do not like.

    As for the rest of us, it is clockwork movement to work work work - earn $$$ for the family, pay taxes and suffer suffer suffer.'


  1. says:

    5. Unknown Dear ahoo

    Wow! Your faith and spiritual maturity can be seen in this wonderful response that you have shared here. Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to share such a beautiful and inspiring message.

    I totally agree with what you have written and am deeply touched by the moving words and sharp contrasts.

    Honestly, I am sure you make a very good preacher/teacher and encourager. Awesome testimony of your faith.

    Take care and thanks again for sharing. May the Lord continue to bless and use you and yours mightily!

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    6. Unknown Dear Walla

    Gee...thanks for that encouraging response. Actually, it is true. We have to put our noses to the grindstone and sometimes, it can be painful like what A Single Vote has eloquently shared.

    Take care, Walla. It is always such a pleasure to hear from you.

    Have a restful evening and do keep in touch.

    Warmest regards

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