But please bless my computer too.
But please bless my computer too.
4 comments to A Net Addict's Prayer
2. walla And please bless the memory of Nikolai Tesla who invented alternating current which powers the world including its computers.
Danke, Kameraden.
3. Unknown My dear Angelina
LOL!! Thank you! Yes, this 'scrap of metal' is one that I love and filled with much love because it keeps me connected to my dear friends like you who bring me warm and loving messages!!
I MISS YOU!!! Have a purrrrfeccct weekend, dearie and keep in touch.
4. Unknown Dear Walla
It is lovely to hear from you again! Thanks so much for that precious nugget of information wrt Tesla. I promised a reader, Jimmy Liew, to do a post on him and I will get round to it by next week.
As always, you are a precious storehouse of information and input. Thanks for swinging by! Do stay in touch.
Wishing you and yours a fantastic weekend!
1. Cat-from-Sydney Ehem! I'm not just a scrap of metal. I have feelings too.
Your Computer.