O Ye Folks of Little Faith

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 14, 2011 24 comments
Frankly, I was oblivious to what happened last night with regards to RPK's interview with TV3 because I was at a dinner. Imagine my shock when I returned at about 11.30 p.m. and saw a barrage of news items on the topic.

If that was not enough, there was a flurry of articles analyzing various versions of what is/could be truth.

To exacerbate matters, responses to the many articles in cyberspace have been very heated and emotional.

If you have time, do read the following articles:

Kim Quek's The Unending Haunt of Altantuya

Now that the shit has hit the fan  

Spot the Spin Contest

PM thankful truth revealed over Altantuya murder allegations

Original Transcript of RPK - Alang Bendahara Interview

Honestly, I do not have the time to follow all of RPK's writings and I am not even a MCLM member but I know he comes forth as an earnest man - he says what he means and means what he says.

Reading the angry and negative comments of some who expressed their disappointment, doubt and disgust at what happened really disheartened me. I wonder what RPK is thinking. Readers who have been following his writings should know the man by now.

Yes, the reports/interview appear damaging, especially the timing ( THIS POST explains the interview was filmed)  but I asked myself, "What is happening here? There has to be something more to this even if a broadcast media seems to paint a different picture."

I believe we all need to keep a clear mind, not to overreact but to adopt a very objective view and remember what is important, what is real and what were the weaknesses.

Here's my two cents' worth of the scenario written without prejudice.

1. It does not pay to trust people even if the motive is honorable.

On hindsight, any action taken must ALWAYS be based on documented evidence.

Perception faulted RPK based on this TV3 interview. We do not know 100% why he did it but the transcript HERE explains why and even then, we may not know the real reason as he is a master strategist with an unwritten plan unknown to us.

On his part, at least he now knows who are the doubting Thomases.

Kim Quek has discussed this very eloquently and I would encourage you to read his article HERE.

You can study RPK's reactions HERE and HERE.

2.  I would say RPK is a man who walks the talk. I am sure all of us know that all this while. So how can that evaporate overnight just over an interview?

Some even speculated that he had been bought.

How can it be that a man who has been writing/talking/doing so much, given up so much, gone through so much betray the trust of people who have supported him?

Take a deep breath,  read his articles and ask yourself if he has changed.

I will not say anything to influence you. Everyone has the right to his/her own opinion.

3. Who is the best judge of whether RPK is telling the truth or not?

Let us look at the situation very clearly. Many things have happened with regards to the SD/SDs and the events before and after those declarations as outlined in RPK's post HERE. Has he been consistent?

To me, it is the police who can truly get to the bottom of the case.

A friend,X, wrote in a google group discussion:
  • If what RPK now says is true, then what he said in that SD is not true. 
  • And if what RPK said in an SD is not true, then the police should charge him for making false statements and prove in court that he lied. 
  • And if they don't charge him and prove in court, then they are telling RPK that it is alright to come up with false declarations. 
  • And if they allow RPK to do so, does it mean others can do so as well?
  • The onus is on the police to act on this. Why don't they?

4. The Impact of the Interview

Many lament that the interview may impact the Sarawak elections negatively. I beg to differ as the state elections there is a different ball game altogether. Voters have already made up their minds and BN is so confident of winning so what's the big deal?  Besides, people are concerned about localised issues and not on RPK.

5. The PM

We all understand that the PM and his wife have to be innocent because he is the Prime Minister of our country but why hasn't the PM sued all who made allegations against him? Read what he said HERE. Even Deepak is suing RPK as reported HERE. 

Ironically, many from the other side accused RPK of being a liar but today, they have confidence in his words as uttered in the interview. So does this mean RPK has been exonerated in this area?

At the end of the day, each of us need to ask ourselves - in whom do we trust? How much faith do we have left? I certainly hope a lot.

We cannot afford to falter or to give up. Not at this stage when the going is getting tougher.

Take care and do leave a comment to share your views. Thanks! Enjoy the rest of the evening.

*This post was written by Masterwordsmith and Angela Ooi.

24 comments to O Ye Folks of Little Faith

  1. says:

    ahoo Heb 11:1
    Faith in Action

    1. Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance
    about what we do not see.

    Whether RPK's SD is falsed or not is not my concern. There are just too many questions that needed answers but non came. The evidences to date demands and answer ?

    Why would two UTK bodyguards committed murder on someone not known nor had no interest for ?

    Why would the judge concerned disallows the lawyers from questioning the two men " who ordered you guy to killed " ?

    Why was the immigration record of the victim erased ?

    Why did Baginda's wife uttered in court that her husband is innocent and he is not the one aiming for the PM post ? Note here that she was a former magistrate before and knows the law well.

    There are just too many unsolved issues and we still have some active grey matter in our head to know right from wrong and also truth and untruth. So, whatever RPK had said before and now trying to rewrite the script, we know there is hidden agenda somehow. For we want justice for an innocent victim blown to pieces with direct link to the sub purchased and it is now a french connection.

  1. says:

    Johnny Yong The Impact of the Interview:
    I beg to defer. There many fence sitting voters who have yet to decide on their preferred candidate or party, until the last minute before casting their vote into the ballot box. RPK TV3 interview on Bulletin Utama will help push the undecided voters over the fence and to stand on BN's side. Personally, I doubt after watching the said interview, those fence sitters will vote for PKR candidates.

    Prior to the said TV3 interview, I have great faith in RPK and the MCLM. My friends and I from Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur have financially supported and even campaigned on the streets for the released of RPK during his ISA detention for his SD. Now, I am a soon to be deregistered MCLM member. Regrettably, I am kicking my ass for having faith in RPK, a turncoat and a spineless coward.

    As for impact, I am hurt and bruised.

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    Disheartened? Me too, err... I think that is a bit of an understatement, to be exact, it's frightening!!!

    Preconceptions on the rampage, critical thinking under captivity, and Cabinet Minister Rais's Mode-Changing-Clones are on the rise. And I thought some of the commentators always boast about them not believing in MSM????? Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk unbelievable.....


  1. says:

    Anthony Joseph I fully agree with what you have written. The only thing is I did not put my views in print.
    If we can answer why RPK agreed to a TV3 interview is a 60million ringgit question knowing fully well our media spins and transform a horse into a zebra.

  1. says:

    Unknown I think Kim Quek's insight and understanding of the whole issue is spot on. The fact remains that certain people are not even questioned in relation to the murder. Now RPK has resurrected the interest in this case. And cleverly he had enlisted the MSM to do his project. Now not only urbanites talk about it but others whom only the MSM can reach will do too. When the shit hits the fan it can only splatter everywhere and I think that is RPK's deception at work.

  1. says:

    elizabeth I am puzzled by this development but I would not believe that RPK is a turncoat or sold his soul for the millions... RPK is a briliant stategist with a stunning mind, but yeah, it may not be so easy to set a trap, considering RPK is not battling against the likes of Nazri but APCO and all the briliant minds that are available for sale. Nothing we can do but to wait to see how it all pans out... To Eliza Yong, please keep your eyes set on the big picture and wait and see..

  1. says:

    candlenut At any cost, RPK has knocked Najib off the front pages of the MSM with this sensational much edited interview. Strategy yes, but as he says himself, at the time of the interview, 2 months ago, the S'wak election date had not even been announced.

  1. says:

    VulcanSpock So, masterwordsmith: what are you really trying to say? That RPK was right? That Najib and Rosmah was innocent? Forgive my stupidity, but I really do not know what you really try to say.

  1. says:

    Penguin C'mon, all you doubters of RPK's commitment to the cause...

    With the greatest assistance of TV3 and all other MSM, THEY THEMSELVES have resurrected the matter and brought it, squarely, back into the public domain. We have to credit TV3 for bringing this back. Otherwise, the matter will STILL continue to remain buried, not seeing the light of day. What the internet did not, and could not, achieve - which is to penetrate into the rural masses to publicise the matter - has now been achieved.

    Now the non-urban and rural folks know. How valuable that is! Brilliant.......!!!

  1. says:

    sang kancil I believe this is a ploy by RPK to flush out the 'offender/(s)'.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear VulcanSpock

    Great to hear from you.

    I am trying to say a few things:

    1. I do not want to force anyone to take sides by stating my opinion because each person must make their own opinion based on critical thinking/analysis of the situation, writings etc.

    2. If you read my post again, certain things are obvious if you analyze it slowly. Then it will hit you. The subtlety is deliberate.

    3. I just wish to emphasize that far too many are ready to jump at whom they perceive to be in the wrong but could this be due to the manipulation of media or based on their own analysis?

    4. While many have questioned the credibility of various mass media, why then are they ready to believe this time?

    5. While many in the past have accused RPK of spinning lies, why then are they proclaiming that what he says is true?

    6. Why is there inertia on the part of certain quarters?

    7. The comment left by a friend X as listed in my post deserves another read.

    8. RPK is not infallible. He is human and is prone to errors. My personal question is why he went ahead without documented evidence. He may have the backing of supporters or witnesses then but nothing is definite in life.

    9. It is sad that many may not be aware that the interview was recorded two months ago and not recently. We should question the timing of the broadcast. The fact that TV3 approached him for the interview raises a few pertinent questions. Personally, I wish he had not agreed to do the interview but I respect his decision because he must have had some reasons for that move and like many of other Malaysians, I have no idea why he agreed to it.

    10. As for the PM and his dear wife, I already stated my position in the post.

    11. I believe each of us, including myself, needs to examine the situation carefully and that the authorities concerned need to carry out the investigations. I am in no position to say who is innocent or guilty. Only the authorities have that right.

    I hope this helps.

    Thanks and best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Is it possible that she went hiking at midnight in a dark forest in the middle of nowhere in a strange country ...and she pick up a stone which turn out to be a grenade which Xploded and kill her ? Possible???
    Still some1 gave instruction to murder Altantuya.
    We must sent these murderers of Altantuya to HELL or at least to Mongolia

  1. says:

    VulcanSpock Masterwordsmith:

    To ask this in an accusatory tone: are you a supporter of Najib Razak? And are you an RPK apologist?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear VulcanSpock

    I am a Malaysian who loves my country true and through.

    I believe in unity and abhore any form of partisanship.

    I also believe in using our inherent ability to think, analyze and form our own judgement without being victims of any form of manipulation.

    I believe in truth, justice and many other honorable values that will make each of us better than who we are...and in a government that puts the rakyat above all else.

    I do not know why you are using an accusatory tone on me but it matters not because I believe in freedom of speech.

    And how about you?

    In a gentle, sincere tone,

    Which camp do you belong to?

    Anyway, I hope you read my previous response to you first comment.

    Take care and best wishes to you.

  1. says:

    VulcanSpock I asked in a accusatory tone because that's how I felt after reading your article. No use hiding my feelings about it, better make it clear, eh? :-)

    I take sides, because I believe, in most situation, there's always a better side (in terms of partisan leaning)

    I love Malaysia, but not enough. Like Lisa Cho said, 'However, staying on would be akin to accepting that all is fine and nothing needs to change. Or standing up to challenge all that is wrong. Either situation means death to me. Death to the conscience in the first scenario, and death of freedom in the second.' (http://blog.limkitsiang.com/2011/03/21/why-malaysia/)

    I am at PR's side. Practically, they are the lesser of two evils. The Third Force is just shifty sand, and not a force to be reckon with at this time.

  1. says:

    Don Himanix Absolute rubbish. This is the most pathetic attempt to do some damage control for RPK, a sort of an apologist if you like.
    RPK must be a idiot to believe the Military intelligence story, misinformation is their business, feeding wrong information is their speciality, sheesh, how then can RPK believe them? Because Anwar and Tengku Razaleigh were supposed to have said so. That's even worse than believing the Military Intelligence.
    Just because Anwar told him that he can't dictate strategy or policy, from the UK, and Anwar is doing allright without RPK beside him, this is RPK's way of getting back at Anwar.
    I am not a supporter of Pakatan or Anwar, but just because you sabotage a person I don't like, that doesn't mean that you are right. A wrong act is still wrong, irregardless at whom that wrong is done to.
    I do not belong in any camp. That is not wrong.
    It's best to say, "I have made a mistake, my humble apologies" and move on.
    Master strategist indeed, fiddle sticks.

  1. says:

    Eyes Wide Open Here's some perspective.


    Remember, don't buy the lies of the MSM!

  1. says:

    Jonas Lee Frankly, the nation is not interested in the life and times of RPK, Najib or Anwar. The facts of the matter and decision making triggering point are very straightforward:

    Anwar/Pakatan Rakyat will get the votes of all right-thinking, wise Malaysians (regardless of his private failings) because he and PR will remove the socialistic, distributive shackles + corruption of the incumbent UMNO/BN.

    Najib/BN will not get our votes because their policies continue to be economic burdens on our future and children's future, regardless of race or religion.

    Simple as that. RPK's plans or views are irrelevant to this decision making criteria for all Malaysians.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear VulcanSpock

    God bless you for your honesty. I appreciate the connection and the fact that you took the time to swing by to air your views. Since you are in Penang, I would love to meet up with you and exchange more views :-).

    Drop me a line if you would like to meet up for a cup of kopi-o or teh tarik @ mwsmithunplugged@gmail.com

    You are still young and have a vista of opportunities open to you.

    I am old already and am enjoying my twilight years, dreaming of a beautiful Malaysia for my grandchildren.

    Like you, I believe in a two-party system. However, there are also many other factors that come into play and that will be another story for another day.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.

    Do stay in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ssn

    I hear where you are coming from and have also highlighted this in my post in Point #1.

    It was a risky move that he took and even now, many of us do not know the true picture.

    For me, I just hope good will come out of this - and that we will all learn to think deeply and to be sharper in our analysis, wiser in our decision making.

    Take care and thanks for your honest and passionate response. Do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear commenters

    Thank you to every single one of you who has taken the time to read the post and to share your lucid and sincere views. I appreciate your input which has broadened the scope of the topic.

    Many questions have been raised and I do not have the answers to any of them. Most sincerely, I hope the authorities concerned will put to rest all these questions most adroitly and move on to other pressing issues.

    The open debate from both sides of the divide is certainly fertile ground for breeding sharp and critical thinking skills.

    Thanks again for your time and response. I hope others will continue to air their views.

    Take care and have a great weekend!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Eliza Yong

    Don't give up just yet. Let's wait and see what happens. Take care and God bless you always.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Shila Im sorry if i dont see the obvious ... but do you agree with your friend X's pattern of thought or not?
    its a little hard for me to follow it because your friend says...
    " if what RPK says now is true than what he said in his SD is not true"...well RPK said several points now and several things in his SD! which part of what he said does your friend refer to? If I have read correctly RPK now is trying to spell out what he said in his SD because no one seems to get it that in his SD he is reporting information that he received and not information he know as facts himself. He is reporting that someone else has told him that the PM and his wife were present , he did not say those facts were true , he says..go and investigate. He is still saying the same thing today!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Shila

    You understand perfectly!!! :-) Brilliant!! X also meant the same thing altho in deductive reasoning style.

    Take care and thanks so much for clearing the air and saying it so lucidly.

    Please keep in touch. It IS a real pleasure to meet you.


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