In a recent statement HERE, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the Barisan Nasional (BN) will definitely wrest back the state from its rival Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the next general election. The BN chairman and Umno president told reporters he sensed a shift in voter sentiment during his walkabout earlier in the day. I doubt a mere walkabout in selected areas can offer an accurate snapshot of voter sentiments in Penang.
The 12th GE was a very timely wake-up call for all political parties. Losers have to reinvent themselves for the next GE while winners have to deliver their promises and present an impeccable report card of their performance for voters to decide whether they should retain the status quo or vote for change.
So far, the Penang government (which is NOT perfect and has its share of flaws like any other government) has given Penangites many benefits via the thirty policies implemented (as announced in their pamphlet called 30 People-Centric policies which you can download HERE).
Perhaps the PM is not aware of the pamphlet for he said in The Malaysian Insider that many of the locals he spoke with had complained of neglect and having a tough time making a living under Lim Guan Eng’s state administration compared to when BN held power.
I believe that the next GE will be the most critical one in Malaysian history in that there will be very close fights, including in my home state of Penang. Whilst I may hope that voters will maintain the status quo in Penang, I foresee that they will lose some seats in Penang to BN but am unable to tell how many and which one.
It is critical that the state government wins the support of civil servants and maintains good rapport with the Federal government to facilitate the execution of state plans and day-to-day routine.
On a positive note, it is heartening to read HERE:
The Greater Penang Transformation Programme reflects the stable and mature Federal-state relations, said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
He said this major effort proved that – political differences aside – the state and Federal governments were able to work together for the greater good of the people.
“For example, Penang topped the investment charts in Malaysia last year, with the highest ever inflow of investments totalling RM12.2bil.
“This achievement would not have been possible without the close cooperation of Mida (Malaysian Industrial Development Authority) as well as the support of International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamad,” said Lim in a press statement here yesterday. CLICK HERE for more.
I am glad CM LGE realizes that to develop Penang as a viable and competitive international city, major infrastructural enhancements such as improvements to public transportation, roads, airports, port services, Internet penetration and communications are needed - all of which require $$$. A good rapport with the Federal government can hopefully facilitate the provision of resources to develop Penang.
Civil servants and all voters must have the confidence to vote without fear or favor and that their votes will not be traced back to them. Each of us should vote based on our conscience and conviction for the collective good of the state and ultimately, the country.
If one gleans through the headlines of many news portals, it is obvious recent focal points of reports have been on:
- the sex video
- the Alkitab issue
- the Sarawak elections
- statements by many BN leaders claiming that they have the upper hand in the next elections for the dose of feel good ecstasy
- sexist/controversial remarks about women drivers
- etc etc
Have we reached a stage where we can see maturity in the leadership? To me, the central focus of leaders seems to be on who will win the next elections.
Shouldn't the rakyat be the central focus/priority in all their deliberations? What is wrong?
Most of the time, we see the same ritual whereby political leaders wax lyrical about their pipe dreams for the state/constituency just before an election. Next on the menu would be reports on ineffective/inefficient implementation of development visions and programmes. Worse still, leaders could somersault on policies or even abandon them.
To demonstrate maturity of thought/leadership and governance, the time has come for our political leaders who act in such a way that they show us in no uncertain terms that they are putting society interest first and that they are fully committed to development visions and programmes.
As citizens, we have to hold political leaders accountable to their election campaign promises to ensure that we are not getting a raw deal. Gone are the days when voters vote blindly. The power of the net/social networking media combined with an empowered and enlightened civil society mean that voters, especially those in cities/bigger towns, are more likely to scrutinize lawmakers very closely.
The bottom line is cut the talk about who is going to win the next election. Stop all that public relations balderdash about who is gaining more ground. Keep that to your own department.
Tell the rakyat EXACTLY what are the plans, hopes, projects you have for US. SHOW us your record of achievement. Do not give us general statements about who is unhappy BUT show statistics to increase credibility of such claims.
We do not want to see chicken-hearted leaders who stumble in the implementation of plans. We do not want to see leaders implementing projects solely to enrich their cronies/stooges.
Those who make a habit of acting like royal choristers or sycophants can pursue more worthwhile activities.
If the elections are imminent, we do not want to hear any speculation about who is making progress but tell us how visions have been realized with excellent results and no regrets. Show us reviews of projects and the direction that will be taken FOR THE RAKYAT!
For far too many decades, we have seen how some non-performing leaders can continue in office even after it is obvious that he has lived beyond his 'shelf life'.
In this new technological era, information is power and the people are not the feeble lot that used to cower to threats. A more informed electorate is a tougher electorate to crack. As such, a sensitized and sensible politician MUST not only tell us his pipe dreams BUT ALSO SHOW how his coalition's development visions will see serious and efficient implementation. Remember - a sensitized populace will hold the political party accountable to whatever statements/promises made publicly.
We do not want a situation where a leader leaves and then his/her successor does a copycat act of the visions of the previous leader and repeats the circle of chanting vision slogans that only leads to inaction or hopeless actions!
Our nation is rich in human and vast mineral, natural and agricultural resources and yet, we are not developing as quickly as other neighbouring nations which are smaller and who have fewer resources!
Corruption has crippled our economy, ruined our roads, health and educational institutions. It has put so much money in the pockets of a few privileged people and rendered the vast majority of the people poor. The level of impoverishment is getting more acute and the pains of the ever growing legion of the poor has become very unbearable.
Corruption seems to be a serious cancer that seem to have penetrated many visions, policies, plans, principles. Just look at the Auditor-General's Report HERE. When conscience and accountability are absent, corruption will abound. We may have institutions that are watchdogs but they appear more like toothless bulldogs barking only when it sees fit and some even watching porno movies on the job!
We need more hard evidence to show how the corrupt has been brought to task, how the money siphoned has been returned to the rakyat, how the government has tightened the ropes to prevent corruption. Statements such as THIS ONE is too general to be convincing. What were the initiatives? What has been the impact in specific terms?
Work to convince us that the authorities are serious about establishing a clean and efficient government. Until and unless this is done transparently, please put to an end all the rhetoric about who will win the next elections.
Do what is right and important FOR THE RAKYAT for we are the ones to elect you to office.
Leaders can start by addressing common problems that have held our nation back - the key one being CORRUPTION!
Eliminate corruption and remove inept leaders. All the deadwood in public office should be thrown out and competent leaders be selected to lead the country to the development of practical dreams, achievable visions, just and fair policies and workable plans - all of which MUST PUT THE RAKYAT first.
As such, to convince us that they are competent enough to be elected to office, corruption must be exterminated together with any public servant who initiates, breeds and perpetuates it!
With a clean fair and just government that serves the rakyat, they can then present their credentials to us for our consideration in the next elections.
If they are unwilling to put THE RAKYAT first, perhaps then they might repent at leisure when they lose their seats of power.
As a Penangite, I am so proud that the CM of Penang made this statement which has been reported by The Malaysian Insider HERE:
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said today public interest and not politics is his Pakatan Rakyat (PR) administration’s motto, tossing out the likelihood that the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition could win back the state in the next polls.
But the first-term CM said the state PR would not rest on its laurels and would work redouble its efforts to improve service and counter the BN’s challenge....
“Putting public interest first ahead of political interest has always been the governing creed of the Penang PR state government,” Lim said in a statement today, refuting allegations of bias.
He said the Penang government treats and enforces the laws equally, and pointed to the state’s booming economy, which he said had lifted investments to a record high of RM12.2 billion topping the national chart and created more jobs.
“The Penang PR state government will not compete with the federal government in improving the lives of the people as long as there is a public benefit,” he added.
Lim repeated his previous stance yesterday that his administration would willingly work with Putrajaya so long as the public benefits.
“That is the principal reason why the Penang state government shelved our completed Penang Blueprint for Industrial Masterplan 2011-2015 in favour of the proposed Greater Penang Masterplan by the federal government,” he stressed.
Way to go, PR in Penang!!! Want to catch up, BN? Show us what you can do for the rakyat too!!!
* If you have the time, please let me know your feelings about whether BN will win back Penang in the poll I have put up in the top right hand corner of the blog page. Take care and do leave a comment to share your input. Thanks! Have a nice day!
* If you have time, please read this excellent book review which discusses the types of leaders. Scroll down to the paragraph that begins with Politics of Disjunction.
voter get voters Who will win the next election? Well that is not a 64,000 dollars question. Only bodoh punya Malaysians don't know that answer
Of course BN will win the next election.
Of course BN will kick out PR.
Not only will BN win the next election in Penang.
BN shall win the next GE 13 and win they shall with a even BIGGER BIG that PR shall be buried alive and never to rises from the ashes ever.
YES BN SHALL WIN PENANG & FORM THE NEXT FEDERAL GOVERMENT TOO WITH MORE THAN 2/3rd majority...most likely with 210 seats out of 222 seats.
YES BN shall win n win BIG.
So what if PR is managing VERY well in Penang,Selangor ,Kedah or even Kelantan ? No Big deal..that you and I know but does those Bodoh punya Malaysians living in rural areas or even those in cities?
YES BN shall win UNLESS we the RAKYATS work much much harder and smarter.
So shall we work harder ?, get more voters to vote for PR ? AND to donate to DAP Sarawak State Election. ?
Come on..lets work harder so that PR will win not only Penang but with an even BIGGER majority and also the Federal Goverment too.
YES together we ALL shall buried BN once and for all.
Every Vote Counts.
Vote for A BETTER Malaysia for ALL Malaysians.
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1. Cash deposit or online transfer into the party’s Public Bank account No. 306 382 8309 (DAP Malaysia)
2. Cheques payable to “DAP MALAYSIA” can be sent to:
Ibu Pejabat Kebangsaan
Jalan Yew (off Jalan Pudu),
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
deposited into the party’s Public Bank account No. 306 382 8309 (DAP Malaysia).