Bullying Rears Its Ugly Head Again

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, May 10, 2011 0 comments
I am very sad to read FOUR reports on bullying in The Star today:

1. Underworld groups recruiting members online

2. Bullies get suspension for 14 days

3. Bullying case: Mum wants daughter to soldier on despite dark episode

4. Teen girl tells of months of abuse by caretaker

Bullying is a very real problem that must be viewed seriously by all parties concerned!

The following information is taken from THIS LINK:

What is bullying?
The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) defines bullying as:

“Behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group, either physically or emotionally.”

Bullying can take many forms: from teasing and spreading rumours to pushing someone around and causing physical harm. It often happens in front of other people.

It includes name calling, mocking, kicking, taking belongings, writing or drawing offensive graffiti, messing around with people’s belongings, gossiping, excluding people from groups, and threatening others.

Why are people bullied?
Children and young people are bullied for all sorts of reasons. It can be due to their race, their religion, their appearance, their sexual orientation, because they have a disability or because of their home circumstances. People are bullied for being black, white, fat, clever, gay or red-haired. These are a few examples.

But people are sometimes picked on for no reason.

Cyberbullying is increasingly common both inside and outside school. Cyberbullying is any form of bullying that involves the use of mobile phones or the internet. For example, sending offensive text messages and emails, circulating degrading images on the internet, or impersonating someone on social networking sites such as Bebo and Facebook. For more information on cyberbullying and how to respond to it, see How to deal with cyberbullying.

The effects of bullying
Bullying makes the lives of its victims miserable. It undermines their confidence and destroys their sense of security.

Bullying on can cause sadness, loneliness, low self-esteem, fear, anxiety and poor concentration, and lead to self-harm, depression, suicidal thoughts and, in some cases, suicide.

Bullying can also affect children and young people's attendance and progress at school. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

If you are being bullied or if you know of a victim or if your loved one is a victim, keep silent no more. Make a police report or inform the authorities concerned and take preventive measures.


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