A Case of Moral Panic?

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, May 8, 2011 7 comments
In 1987, sociologist Stanley Cohen first used the term moral panic in his work on Folk Devils and Moral Panics. Then, he defined it as a sporadic episode which, as it occurs, subjects society to bouts of moral panic, or in other terms, worry about the values and principles which society upholds which may be in jeopardy.

In Page 9 of that book, he describes its characteristics as "a condition, episode, person or group of persons [who] become defined as a threat to societal values and interests." Interestingly, Cohen discusses the way in which:
  • the mass media fashions these episodes or
  • stylises them and how they can be
  • amplifying the nature of the facts and 
  • consequently turning them into a national issue
  • when the matter could have been contained on a local level.
Cohen's study originated from his interest in the youth culture and its perceived potential threat to social order. Throughout the decades since Cohen first discussed moral panics, different groups that could fit the criteria emerged and these include the Teddy Boys, Mods and Rockers, Skinheads and Hells Angels. They all become associated with certain types of violence, which in turn also provoke public reaction and emotion, as topics in their own right. Such issues as football hooliganism, drug abuse, vandalism and political demonstrations, all struck a chord in public opinion, but the impact might not have been on such a large scale, were it not for the part the mass media play in the exposition of the facts.

Now that is exactly what happened with regards to the recent brouhaha as reported in this Malaysian Insider article on Interfaith chief says Utusan report fans religious divide.

What was the agenda of that Utusan report and who did they deem as the perceived potential threat to the delicate balance of social order in our country? The answer is obvious. But WHY? And in that manner too!!

To understand the effect of that Utusan report, let's take a look at Cohen's study.

Basically, Cohen looked at the Mods and Rockers of the 1960's and the treatment they received in the public eye.That group was perceived as a threat to law and order mostly because of the manner in which they were portrayed in the  mass media.

Cohen argued that the mass media sensationalised an event and then called for a punishment to be set to persecute the offenders. 

Doesn't this sound EERIELY FAMILIAR????

In page 61 of this book The Mass Media and Power in Modern Britain (Oxford: University Press) by John Elridge, he said:  "In the process and as part of the dramatic element, scapegoats and folk devils are located and are woven into the narrative." In other words, it  society cannot accept responsibility for its own failures and so they look to find someone who can be incriminated!!!

Then the next process in the 'amplification' of deviance via media reports to persuade the public to concur with artificially generated opinions about the course of action to be taken. Wikipedia defines deviancy amplification spiral as  a media hype phenomenon defined by media critics as a cycle of increasing numbers of reports on a category of antisocial behavior or some other "undesirable" event.

Here's a summary of the process and what we may expect to see in the days to come!

1. The spiral starts with some "deviant" act. Usually the deviance is criminal but it can also involve lawful acts considered morally repugnant by most of society.

2. The mass media reports what they consider to be newsworthy, but the new focus on the issue uncovers hidden or borderline examples which themselves would not have been newsworthy except as they confirm the "pattern".

3. Reported cases of such "deviance" are often presented as just "the ones we know about" or "the tip of the iceberg," an assertion that is nearly impossible to disprove immediately.

4. For a variety of reasons, what is not frightening and would help the public keep a rational perspective (such as statistics showing that the behavior or event is actually less common or harmful than generally believed) tends to be ignored by the press.

5. Consequently, minor problems begin to look serious and rare events begin to seem common.

6. Members of the public are motivated to keep informed on these events.

7. The resulting publicity has potential to increase deviant behavior by glamorizing it or making it seem common or acceptable.

8. Public concern about crime typically forces the police and the law enforcement system to focus more resources on dealing with the specific deviancy than it warrants.

9. Judges and magistrates then come under public pressure to deal out harsher sentences and politicians pass new laws to increase their popularity by giving the impression that they are dealing with the perceived threat.

Cohen refers to this as the 'moral barricade', i.e. bishops, politicians and editors. Together with expert opinions, they reach an agreement about how to cope with the situation in hand, and the problem either disappears or at least deteriorates.

10. All this tends to convince the public that their fear was justified while the media continue to profit by reporting police and other law enforcement activity, which further perpetuates the spiral.

11. Wikipedia concedes that in modern times, however, media involvement is usual in any moral panic, making the spiral fairly common!!!

How Do We Deal With Moral Panics?

In Malaysia, moral panics happened in the past and your can read more at:

The Black Metal Subculture Among Malaysian Youth: Its Effects and the Role of Media

On moral panic, civility and the public square (Remember the Valentine's Day incident?)

Culture and Young People

If you have the time, please read this excellent article on Moral panic versus the risk society: the implications of the changing sites of social anxiety by Sheldon Ungar.

Elridge argues that even if they pass as quickly as they came and are long forgotten, there are occasions when the consequences and repercussions are so long lasting and so much in the public eye that they can affect legal and social policy or even the way society perceives itself.

The question that remains is how far are the authorities ready to go to stop the amplification of moral panics by the mass media?

As discussed in THIS POST, all writers must be committed to writing the truth with no evil agenda to spin. Words are powerful and must be spoken/written TO BUILD, TO UNITE and NOT TO DIVIDE!

Social order must be maintained and deviants who go out of their way to create disharmony of any sort MUST be punished as a deterrent to other would-be offenders. Failure to do so can exacerbate the problem.

We will have to wait and see what the authorities will do. In the mean time, let's keep calm. Let's hope that those embroiled in this controversy will close their eyes, put their hands on their hearts to be in touch with their moral conscience and do what needs to be done to maintain peace, unity and harmony in this land.

7 comments to A Case of Moral Panic?

  1. says:

    Starmandala The authorities? They are not real, only phantasms hallucinated by society. The moment we unsubscribe from our sheeplike belief in External Authority - whether in the form of God or Government - we begin our journey to authentic freedom and sovereignty.

  1. says:

    Tiger BN is only interested in screwing up the non-Muslims, especially the Christians.
    Look how they're targetting them after the Bible issue.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Antares

    Wise words of liberation that you have shared! Thanks so much for illuminating my mind! Take care and catch up soon!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tiger

    How true! Turning the other cheek may not be the best solution.

    Time for all to stand together.

    Take care and have a great week ahead.


  1. says:

    Unknown Comments from The Malaysian Insider readers taken from



    Ah Too
    It seems the govt is doing its best to drive the country into a civil war with the majority muslims against all other brothers and sister of another religion. Why would anyone want to come back to a backrolling Malaysia? Leave Malaysia those of you who can, and leave it to the Indonesians, Iranians and Bangladeshis to take over and turn it into the backward, war-torn and ruinious country they know. If you won't leave, find a party and fight these unjust people. Stand up or run.


    This moral panic is now translated into a strategy to unsettle the voters by spreading outright lies and fear mongering. Definitely indicating that the GE is coming soon..perhaps next change.

    It is the height of irresponsibility when journalists abandon truth to serve its political masters with a deviant objective. Certainly they have forsaken God. Remember His retribution is severe and its never too late to redeem yourself. He is most forgiving. Come back to the right track.

    LeeiZ 99p
    The problem is that we have a national obsession with morality (or the lack thereof), when we should really be focusing on larger national issues like the economy and social justice. This hypocrisy is amplified tenfold by the federal-controlled media which spins out lies as sensational stories.

    Our PM should be given a short period of time to deal with Utusan before the opposition stages a vote of no-confidence as a show of protest, even if it a doomed motion, because if he does not defend the rights of ALL Malaysians, he has indeed lost the mandate of the people to be our leader.

    Article is good, but it does not address the "...BUT WHY?" This in my mind is of utmost importance. The writer is alluding to journalistic integrity gone wrong, but that assumption could be a fallacy. The end game may give us an idea. For Malaysia, the end game is control of the oil. If we accept that, then it all makes sense. As long as the wealth keeps coming out of the ground, the politicians really do not care what happens to the country or its people. All manner of false reports, propaganda, slander and what have you is fair game as long as the end result is achieved. This is not a a journalistic issue, it is an economic one. Win the election and you have control of the oil, and for the next five years you can plunder to your hearts content. At this stage that is all that matters...sigh

  1. says:

    ahoo These deperados are fighting imaginative enemies in their minds and are desperately clinging on to straws to escape from drowning in the new politics of Malaysia.

    Let their writings be like the empty gongs which make loud sound but is insignificant to distract sane people from believing their lies. We just have to keep ourselves sane by knowing that the govt of the day has lost its ball to even rein in these liars. Thus, we will show them our stand at the next ballot box day.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Yup - these fellas are like drowning men clutching at the last straw for a breath of life. The more they spin their nonsensical tales, the more they drive the rakyat away from them. How brainless!

    Take care and have a blessed day!


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